Fur Market Report February 2025: Selling Season on the Horizon

February has arrived and by now, most of the wild fur that will hit the market in early 2025 has already been harvested. Trappers down South can still operate in snow-free environments, but in the North, deep snow and cold … [Read More]

Don’t Rule Out Cage Traps

There is a cage trap for just about everything from chipmunks to coyotes. They are easy to set and bait, and they help trappers be selective with what they keep. In today’s crazy fur market, it doesn’t hurt to be able to keep only the best fur, and release the rest. [Read More]

The Management Trapper: Save Your Corn Crops

It’s no secret that growing corn in bear country or near a huge raccoon population can be downright tough. At the same time, almost all serious habitat managers understand that corn can be a powerful draw for whitetails, and be good for the deer to fatten them up for the rigors of the rut and then survive winter. [Read More]

Trappers Saving the World, One Endangered Species at a Time

Trappers have their own reasons for doing what they do. Many do it for the love of the sport, some do it to help control furbearer populations and maybe even some do it for the money they receive from it. How many can say that they do it to help endangered species? [Read More]

Trapping Raccoons With Randy Smith

By T.R. Hendrick The clock was ticking by the time I caught up with Randy Smith at his home in western Pennsylvania. It was late February, and there were only a few days left in the Pennsylvania trapping season. Randy … [Read More]

Trapline Preparation: How to Make Your Own Raccoon Bait

It’s an Offseason Obligation By Charlie Harder About a half hour before the sun made its daily appearance, I had already finished my second mug of coffee and was heading to the barn to grab a couple of fishing poles … [Read More]