How to Hunt Lynx

This is a portion of Lance Homman’s story “Ghost Hunting,” which appeared in the October 2014 Trapper & Predator Caller issue. By Lance Homman The biggest difference between hunting bobcats and hunting lynx is the difference in the size of the territories they … [Read More]

Anti-Trapping Groups Sue to Halt Trapping in 15 Montana Counties

Anti-trapping organizations filed a lawsuit last week that aims to stop trapping in areas of Montana that are known to be inhabited by Canada lynx. The groups claim Montana wildlife officials have violated the U.S. Endangered Species Act by allowing … [Read More]

Anti-Trapping Groups File Lawsuit to Ban Trapping in Montana

Anti-trapping groups are pursuing a lawsuit in Montana that would ban or severely restrict trapping in Big Sky Country. The groups claim that the state’s trapping regulations do not provide enough protection for Canada Lynx, which are listed as threatened … [Read More]

An Update on Maine’s Lynx Laws

Lynx remain a hot-button issue for Maine trappers. That much is clear from Norm Trask’s Maine Trappers Association Legislative Liaison report in the November 2011 issue of Trapper & Predator Caller. Trask’s report details the latest on the possibility of … [Read More]