Fur Market Report February 2025: Selling Season on the Horizon

February has arrived and by now, most of the wild fur that will hit the market in early 2025 has already been harvested. Trappers down South can still operate in snow-free environments, but in the North, deep snow and cold … [Read More]

Fur Market Report January 2025: New Year, New Outlooks

Most trappers know the value of the fur they caught only after trapping season is over, and selling season really starts in January when auction houses go into action with their fur-collecting routes, and private buyers start purchasing skins. [Read More]

Fur Market Report November 2024: Take Advantage of Prime-Time Fur

In the fur world, November is when fur is starting to become prime, and trappers are in the action mode. Most of the planning has long been done, leaving room for execution of the plans. Here is what to expect from the market for the harvest. [Read More]

Fur Market Report October 2024: Planning the Season with Wary Anticipation

October is a good month for planning your trapping season, so make plans to have fun and catch some prime fur. With cautious optimism, we should continue to see our markets slowly recover, and with a bit of luck, some fur animals will advance in price. [Read More]

Fur Market Report September 2024: What to Expect for the 2024-25 Season

We have been seeing movement upward in our industry overall, and although we are far from record-high prices, the prediction is good that prices will once again advance in early 2025, so make plans to get out there and catch your share of prime fur this coming fall! [Read More]

Fur Market Report Summer 2024: Cautious Optimism As We Plan for Fall 2024

Probably the most important wild fur sale of 2024 happened just a few months ago in North Bay, Canada, on March 22 to 24. Considered “extremely successful” by Fur Harvesters Auction Inc., the major points were increases in prices for most wild fur species except coyote and red fox. [Read More]

Fur Market Report February 2024: Auction Season on the Horizon

The first international fur auction of 2024 will be held soon — March 22-24, 2024, in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, by Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. The first international auction sale of the year usually sets the tone for fur prices, and many country buyers use this as their barometer to establish their own prices in the areas they cover. [Read More]