A group of hunting organizations filed to intervene in lawsuits submitted by anti-hunting organizations against the FWS for the agency’s denial of two requests to relist Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act. [Read More]
Furbearer News
Residents Warned About “Wolf-Dogs”
State issues “shoot on sight” permission if people are confronted by escapees. [Read More]
Fur Market Report Summer 2021: Muskrat Prices, the First Sign of Market Recovery?
For the first time in a long time we are showing some positive signs in the market. Market recovery will take some time, and as you ponder what to do next season, remember to harvest pelts at maximum maturity. When markets struggle, only the very best skins sell, so time your harvest as best you can. [Read More]
Fur Market Report April-May 2021: Vaccines & Castor Glands, Hot Topics This Spring
The year 2020 is finally over and for many people, it will be a year to forget. The COVID-19 pandemic spread quickly in March of 2020, and we are now basically one year later and still trying to overcome this invisible enemy. Luckily for most of us, trapping was still an option, and it was a fantastic activity when you could hardly do anything indoors anyway. [Read More]
A True Story of Wolf Attacks and a Farmer’s Thoughts
A farmer details his experience with multiple wolf attacks and what happens when their numbers go unchecked. [Read More]
Fur Market Report February 2021: Coyotes, Beavers and Upcoming Auctions
Trapping seasons across North America are coming to an end when we enter into late February. Fur is still prime, but for many southern regions, the turn to spring is arriving fast, and many critters will also start breeding soon. Yes, it is still winter in Canada, but snow is at its deepest point, ice is as thick as it will ever be, and most trappers have by now harvested most of what they will harvest this season. [Read More]
Fur Market Report January 2021: Western Cats and Coyotes Reveal Upcoming Market
The biggest bulk of the fur in North America is harvested in November and December, but most commercial fur seasons usually run into January and February. But, November and December are the biggest months, so by now you can say that most of what will hit the market in 2021 is already in fur sheds on stretchers or in freezers. [Read More]
Fur Market Report December 2020: Results Are In After Season’s First Auction
When Fur Harvesters Auction in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, held the first wild fur sale of the year on August 30-31, 2020, trappers all over North America finally had some real numbers about what was really happening with wild fur. [Read More]
Fur Market Report November 2020: Recent Large Auction Reveals Trends for the Season
There’s no doubt about it, times are tough for everyone in the fur industry, and at this time every trapper is wondering what to expect for this fall. Of course, the cold temperatures that we feel in the mornings tell us that autumn is around the corner, and the next month will be geared toward getting the final details ready for the season. [Read More]
Fur Market Report October 2020: Strange Days Leading Up To Trapping Season
It is extremely hard to believe what is happening worldwide right now, and just as hard to believe how our very own trade is paralyzed. We are now about to enter the trapping season of 2020 and the fur from 2019 is still, for the most part, unsold. [Read More]