Western South Dakota Fur Harvesters October 2013 Report



President — Larry Bowden; 605-745-5888; bowdens@gwtc.net

Vice-President — Jeremiah Heath; 605-892-5153;

Secretary/Treasurer — Tuffy Halls; 605-890-2009;

WSDFHA Houndsman Coordinator — Brad Tisdall; 605-786-6101; sdmuleskinner@aol.com

Youth Education Coordinator — Bill Morrow; 605-890-1860; bptmorrow@yahoo.com

Youth Education Coordinator — Joe Bowden; 605-209-7377; bowden.jiw@gmail.com

Website Coordinator — Jim Halls; 605-484-0487; jimhalls@goldenwest.com


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without subscription — $10

• Family membership without subscription to T&PC — $15

• Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $22

• Family membership with subscription to T&PC — $27


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Tuffy Halls

P.O. Box 25

Hot Springs, SD 57747



It’s hard to believe that fall convention time is already here and another fur harvesting season is upon us. We have another great convention scheduled for Sunday September the 8th at the New Underwood community center.

John Grahams “Fur Country Lures” and “Grizzly Rose Trapline Supply” will both be back again as venders. All venders and tailgaters are welcome and there is no fee for vending.

North American Fur Auction will be on hand with plenty of info about fur handling and marketing.

We have been receiving donations for our famous grubstake raffle. No doubt there will be plenty of items to raffle off. We will announce and publish a list of businesses who have donated items to us. Please remember these businesses when you are purchasing your supplies. We need to support the ones who support us.

We will draw for the Henry Golden Boy 22 rifle after the grubstake drawing. This is a beautiful rifle with a mountain lion and WSDFHA engraved on the walnut stock. We still have a few tickets and they can be purchased at the convention. Tickets are $5 each.

We will do the Scheenes Boot raffle again too. As usual we have a great line up of demo’s scheduled. We will have youth and beginner trapper education also. Steve’s Super Store will be our food vender again. Steve does a great job and puts out some fantastic chow! We will have a full day of activities including a business meeting and election of officers.

Hope to see you there. — Larry Bowden


Membership keeps climbing as we pick up a few new members every so often. If you are from another state and would like join our organization you are sure welcome to do so. We do do have members from the surrounding states. Visit our Web site or see us on Facebook.

What a debacle the conversation on our Cat season became. It was the goal of GF&P and Keith Fisk to shorten our season regardless of what it took to do so. From skewed statistics and the inability of those trying to present the case to explain it, to out right lying to the public and the news media about the price of finished Cats, Fisk along with one other key Commissioner were able to sway a few others to vote to shorten our season. The Big lie was that our cat were bringing $1000.00 plus and this was going to bring more harvesting pressure on the cats. Fisk failed to consult his own department heads to get the accurate averages for Cats sold in South Dakota. All he would have had to do was to contact the Dept that receives the Fur Buyer Reports and get the accurate averages off these reports. I new what my average price paid was so I called some other buyers to get their averages. As it turned out my figures reflected theirs at around $450.00 average. South Dakota does not produce that great of cat to consistently demand a $1000.00 average.

The vote was close as two of the commissioners saw through Keith’s smoke and voted in favor of no change, Kudos go out to them.

I hope we can re-visit this issue next year, keep the media hype out of it and approch this issue with a sense of honesty & integrity. — Tuffy Halls

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