Pennsylvania Trappers Association Inc. October 2013 Report


President — Brian Mohn, 138 Farview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526; 610-562-1790;

Vice President East — Joel Whitehead, 845 Snake Hill Road, Thompson, PA 19526; 570-756-2714;

Vice President West — Ned Weston, 120 Swope Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061; 724-894-2239;

Secretary — Don Klinger, 522 S. Pancoast, Reynoldsville, PA 15851; 814-371-1170;

Treasurer — Donna Spittle, P.O. Box 708, Hummelstown, PA 17036; 717-239-9267;

Editor — Ed Price, 3833 Old Newburg Turnpike, Union Dale, PA 18470; 570-679-2318;

NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150; 724-962-4260;

FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; 570-278-2553;

Public Relations Director — Barry Warner, P.O. Box 223, Dallas, PA 18612; 570-675-7041;

Website Designer — Barbie Breckenridge,


Membership Options:

Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $25

Individual membership without subscription — $10

Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5

Lifetime membership with subscription — $300

Lifetime membership without subscription — $100


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

PTA Treasurer

Donna Spittle

P.O. Box 708

Hummelstown, PA 17036


Fall is upon us, and the days till we start trapping are dropping off the calendar as fast as the leaves from the trees. Trapper training classes are in full swing and the attendance is good. I welcome the opportunity to train these new trappers and emphasize the importance of obeying the regulations and thinking about where we trap. Just because it is legal to set, it may not be right.

I will be hosting a Cable Restraint course on October 12. Class registration filled up quickly as did many of the other classes I see offered on the Pa Game Commission website. We continue to see the need for more classes and there are more people who would benefit all of us by taking the Successful Furtaker course. It only takes one day to complete. For comparison I just came home from the Ontario Fur Managers convention, I picked up one of their trapper education manuals. Every trapper is required to take this comprehensive 40 hour course with a substantial fee before they can purchase a trapping license.

I’m always in the market for new DVD’s to watch and learn from. This past month I enjoyed some great educational videos and their themes were based on ethics, fur handling and public image of trappers. All these topics are reflected by “OUR IMAGE IS OUR FUTURE”. I plan on starting a list of these DVD’s on the PTA webpage.

Our next State Officer meeting is October 5. This is about the same time as many of the District’s meeting where your input is very important on formatting the recommendations of season and bag limits we propose to the PGC in January. October 5th is also the day we draw the winners of the sweepstake tickets. Please return your tickets in time. This is the only way you may receive a call from us that evening. GOOD LUCK.

The PTA is missing a fleshing beam that is auctioned off annually at our rendezvous. The 5’ beam is a cut slab from a log with trapper name tags of all shape and sizes with a heavy polyurethane coating. Reward offered: The buyer was to bring it back to the following year rendezvous and they would receive ½ of the new selling price. The last time we sold it was several years ago and I am thinking it might have been bought by one of our southern trappers. Over the years this was a great fundraiser for our association and I’m sure if we could locate it the reward would be substantial. Please contact me if you have any questions or information. — Brian



Hello Trappers,

I would like to take a moment to thank District 3 for inviting me to the Pig Roast they had in August. I had a great time socializing with everyone and I especially enjoyed the camo cupcakes. It was a great event and I look forward to attending future events throughout our region.

Brian Mohn has asked me to work with each district to gather information from local district events that can be shared on the PTA website. I am excited about this project, because it will help us communicate with each other; increase the usefulness of our website; and allow us the opportunity to see and hear about the events our neighboring districts are having. I kicked off the project by sending an e-mail to each of the districts last month. I would like to thank the two districts that sent information to me. I will be sending a new reminder out soon, which will ask for pictures and stories from each trapping school. I hope to see increased participation in this project, by getting a response from every district this month. Please encourage the folks in your district to send something in to represent the hard work and fun that is happening in your area.

As we get into the fall season, I would like to encourage all members to attend their local fall meeting. Your attendance at the meeting is important and there is always an opportunity to socialize with the other trappers in your area.

I would also like to thank each of you for all that you do to promote trapping and wildlife conservation. Your efforts are appreciated. Keep up the good work!

God Bless. — Charlie Sykes



I was fortunate in being able to attend the NTA’s National in Lima, OH. The Ohio Trappers did a great job, fantastic event, and fantastic location. There were approximately 140 dealers in the buildings and tailgaters everywhere. Pa trappers were well represented.

I was able to interact with a number of individuals from other states. I talked to the Wisconsin Trapper Assoc. representative Scott McAuley. Scott is WTA’s NTA Director. Scott informed me of the new DVD on ethics and responsibility recently produced by the WTA. I viewed this DVD at their booth. As always, they have again created an excellent production.

Thanks to Scott’s effort I received several copies of this DVD and am now in the process of attempting to secure a copy for every PA district.

I also met Karl Rice. Karl is Missouri’s public relations director. Karl noticed the T-shirt I was wearing and commented on it. The T-shirt is our “Our Image is Our Future” shirt worn by all PTA officers and directors. We can not promote this enough. Our future depends on public perception!

In closing I would like to congratulate Dave Shuttleworth on his election to the position of general manager for the National Trappers Association. Well-deserved Dave, thank for stepping forward for this responsibility. — Barry L. Warner



It has been awhile since a report was written for the Trapper Predator magazine on KIFE activities. First I would like to say thank you for all those that have contributed taxable donations to KIFE. With out these funds there would not be a KIFE. Our funds are always limited and so we are always in the need for money to operate. We now have T-shirts available the cost is $25.00. They may be purchased at the Convention or you may contact us on our website for information to purchase one. Our last board meeting was held on August 17, 2013. We had two guests present Dave Eckles from District 3 of the PTA and Gary San Julian, Ph, D. Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources at Penn State University. Both were welcomed guests and we valued their input into the meeting and hope to see them in the future. Our board meetings are open to everyone that wishes to attend. We have two primary meeting locations and if we know the attendance will be large we can make arrangements for the larger of the two meeting places. If you wish to attend our next meeting please contact us through our web site or contact any of our board members. Our next meeting will be October 19th where we will be putting together our list of candidates for board positions to be approved by the PTA O&D at their next meeting. The following board members terms are expiring in 2014 Greg Kohl, Jerry Pickel, John Stemmler, Butch Herr, Don Himes and Art Crossman. Board members whose terms are expiring in 2015 are Rod Zullinger, Pete Ellerman, Alan Probst and Tim Himes. We do have one 3 year term that does need to be filled at this time. Some of the board members have been involved for 10 years and we are in need of younger persons stepping up and filling in. So if you have interest and the time we welcome you to be a part either as a board member or a member on one of our committees.

Projects that are going on right now: We are making application to the Mellon Foundation for a grant towards the Trappers Park. We are hoping this will meet favorably with the Foundation and will be able to move forward and purchase the land for the Park. Rod Zullinger is working on a pamphlet for distribution at Fairs and Conventions on why we trap and the benefits of trapping.

We are still working on a video on trapping furbearers and we have a list of notable trappers from Pennsylvania that have agreed to donate their time for this fund raiser. But we have run into the problem of being able to video tape these ourselves. Our first effort turned out to be of poor quality and we want this done right. So if there are any trappers that have a good background in this area and wish to help us please let us know. It was discussed about making video clips on how the different types of traps and restraints work and how to effectively release pets from them. This was tabled for further discussion. We wish to thank District 3 for donating booth space for next years FTA/PTA Convention.

Trapping season is fast approaching and if you are like me there is much to be done as well as trying to keep tamed the urge that rises when each leaf falls from a tree. But do keep a couple of things in mind this year and every year and do not harvest until the fur is prime and always be safe on the line. — Greg Kohl



Hello members,

This past month has been very busy and loads of fun. I was able to make it to the NTA convention in Lima, OH. It was really great to meet trappers from all across the United States and Canada. On August 14th, I represented the district along with Jim Stoops in Seneca, PA., at a sportsmen’s dinner which was held at the Seneca fire hall. On August 21st I worked the trappers’ booth along with Darrell Mook at the Crawford County Fair. On August 28th I worked the trappers’ booth along with Charlie Sykes at the Stonesboro Fair. These are just a few of the events that we as a district have been involved in, and I am sure there are many more that we can do so we can educate the public on trapping as well as promote the district trapping school.

One of the key events that we have coming up is the district fall meeting. It will be held at the Caflisch Park in Union City, PA., on September 28th. It is located at the intersection of Bridge Street and Willow Street on September 28th. The park will be opened at 8:00am. There will be demos throughout the day and the meeting is scheduled for noon. If any members have any questions, I can be contacted at 814-823-5429.

Our Image Is Our Future. — John Chase



Hi All,

Can’t believe how fast time is going by this summer, still raining more days than not, and somehow it’s September. Makes you realize how far behind you are! I’ll keep it short this month to keep you updated.

Our district fairs are over with now, we ended up doing all four of our district’s county fairs with Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland, pretty much a full month of fairs. Thanks to all who helped to set up, tear down and man the booth for any of our fairs, doing pr work, selling gun raffle tickets, signing up for the trapper’s school, etc. Special thanks goes to Ron Shriver and Chuck Cramer for taking on the Greene County Fair, it’s been several years since we were last there. We ended up picking up another Henry Golden Boy .22, when we ran low on tickets and sold them all about half way through the Westmoreland Fair. I’ll list the 3 winner’s in the next issue. We also had much interest in the trapper’s school and signed up about 40 students through the fairs. Looks like a busy year on the trapline.

Our pig roast / picnic was held on August 24, at Cedar Creek Park. We had a good turnout and of course the food was excellent. Thanks to all who came out and brought food for the event. We had an unofficial convention meeting at the picnic and hatched some ideas and thoughts. Next June will be upon us before we know it ! Our next meeting will be held at the Fall Rendezvous on October 6, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. We will be in Hall 5 this year instead of the 4 H building, it’s the next building up the hill. There will be a glass show in the other building on that weekend. It’s always a good time to pick up your last minute supplies and catch up before the season.

If you get this in time, the trapper’s school is September 21, at the Youngwood Sportsmen Club. ‘Till next time. — Dave Eckels



Our Image Is our Future – has anyone thought about what this means to themselves let alone the future of a great historical pastime. Take a look around and see the differences we have from when we were 12 or 13. Many of the changes are for the better and many seem to take a little more away. I ask everyone reading to seriously think about what Our Image, Our Future means to them.

A lot of super Volunteers stepped up and took part in many Youth Field Days and Trapper Training weekends, educating wild eyed children in the fun to be had outside without electronics. Our Trapper Trainer Weekend is to be held Sept. 28 – 29th at the Cameron County Fairgrounds outside Emporium. Good times – hope to see you all there. Got to crash – trying to get caught back up. — Jeff



Fall is fast approaching and with it the hunting and trapping seasons. I hope you are getting ready and making your preparations.

District 5 fall meeting will be held on September 21st at the Indiana County Fox & Coon Hunting Association located at 255 Ramsey Run Road, Indiana, PA 15701. This will be an all day event starting at 8:00 am and lasting until 4:00 PM. This event is being held in conjunction with the Indiana County Fox & Coon Hunting Association and is being publicized as a sportsman’s day. A number of vendors will be present and a guest demo will be presented by Jeff Robinson of JR & Sons. Please feel free to come out and enjoy the outing and support our district and also invite your fellow sportsmen to come along and learn more about trapping.

Our district officers are as follows: Don Sager – Director, Jim Griffith – Assistant Director, Pat Wess – Treasurer, and Deborah Sedlmeyer – Secretary.

Please feel free to contact Pat Wess @ (814) 262-9455, Don Sager @ (814) 443-3185 or me with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. I can be reached at (814) 686-0497 or e-mail me at Thanks for reading. — Brian Stern, Tipton, PA



I would like to thank everyone who helped at the cable restraint class and the trapper training day. We had a great turnout and nice weather. On September 7 we had our mini convention and district meeting. Our next event will be our fur auction on January 12 at Washingtonville. March 8, District 7 is hosting the PTA banquet at Hughesville Fire Hall. If you can help at the banquet, contact me and if you have something to donate contact me. For tickets contact Joe Mast. Our fur sale at Hillsgrove will be April 6 at the fire hall. ­— Pete



Hello all. As you read this, the trapping season will be fast approaching. Hopefully everyone has their traps ready to go, though it seems every year there is something I always miss. With the fur prices forecasted to be up again this year, there will be more trappers. We need to police ourselves and educate our fellow trappers of any mistakes they make so we do not lose our sport we all love. We held our trapper training school at Blain Picnic Grounds on August 17, 2013. I would like to thank everyone who helped out at school. We had 25 students come and it sure seemed liked they all left with a lot of knowledge. The next day we held our meeting at Kreamer Sportsmen’s Club. We had about 35 members show up. Tereasa Houtz has been working hard to get help to run our booth and people to do demos at the Carlisle Sports and Outdoor Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds, September 6-8. It will be the first year that this is being held and we are really excited to be attending. Everything is finalized for the D-8 annual show that is being held at East Waterford, September 13-14. We only have one table left inside the building but plenty of space outside to set up. Hope to see everyone there. Joe Mast came down to our meeting to discuss the PTA Banquet hosted by D-7. It’s March 8, 2014, at Hughesville Volunteer Fire Company Social Hall. I have never been to a banquet but have heard it’s a great time, so if you want to go get a hold of Joe or Pete Rake for tickets. To close out the report, we will be holding our last meeting at Blain Picnic Grounds on October 20. It will be the third year that we will be having our shrimp/chicken feed there. Hope everyone has a safe and successful season! — Andrew “Pete” Hartenstine; Email:; Phone: 717-369-3223



Happy October! Where did the summer go? It’s been a while since I have written. We’ve all had a busy summer.

By the time of this writing our trapper training school and mini-convention are all history. As of right now we only have 22 registered for the school. The small class size will ensure that the attendees will get top notch attention.

The Troy and Harford Fairs went well. We sold a good number of tickets for the State Sweepstakes. The Polaris 4-wheeler is a real beauty and I’d love to see that sitting in my yard on October 6. Good luck to all who purchased tickets.

Thanks have to go out to all those who help at the fairs, trapper school and mini-convention. We have some great loyal members who always step up and give their time so we can have good PR at these events. Special thanks has to go out to Terry Lutz who donated tanned fur to sell at the fairs. It was well received by the public.

Our next event will be the October meeting to be held in Wayne County. You will receive a meeting notice in the mail as to time and location. This is the last meeting of the year, and we always poll the attendees for their thoughts on seasons and bag limits for next year. Make sure you attend and have your opinion heard.

I guess it’s not too early to start talking about the Northeast Regional Coyote Hunt which will be held on January 31, February 1 & 2, 2014. This annual event is our major fundraiser and has been good to us in past years. I think this will be our 13th year with the hunt. Last year we had a record turnout of hunters, and also recorded the heaviest coyote of any year at 51+ pounds. We’ll see if this year can top it.

That’s it for now. Hope you all have your dry dirt put up and your traps prepped and ready. Remember not to set traps until the fur in your area is prime. And always remember our motto: “Our Image is Our Future”. — Ed Price



Hello to all. Hope everyone is gearing up for the upcoming season. It looks like fur prices should be very favorable once again this season.

Kempton Sports Show, Monroe County and Lehigh County Youth Field Days were all held recently. Thanks to everyone who helped out at these events to make them a success.

Fall convention and sports show will be September 27 & 28 at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert. District 10 will be teaming up with Deer Dave Hunting Supplies once again and we should have 3 buildings full of dealers plus tailgaters. There will be plenty of vendors to get your last minute supplies. Show runs from Friday at 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

I know it is a little early, but mark your calendars for January 18 which is District 10’s fur auction.

That’s all for now. Hope to see you at the convention. — Scot – 610-863-9759



We had a nice day and good attendance at our all-day event at Millcreek in August. We had 2 good demo’s by Eric Berkert and Andy Spittle. Dave Rodgers was there with trapping supplies and several tailgaters. Our consignment auction was definitely a buyer’s auction because most everything that was offered brought less than what it was really worth. If you were looking for bargains and you weren’t there, you missed out. Thanks to Neil Geisel for being our auctioneer and thanks to everyone else that helped out with this event. Special thanks to Millcreek Sportsmen’s Assoc. for hosting us.

There wasn’t really anything earth shattering that was discussed at our business meeting that I need to pass along. We did vote to re-elect our present D-11 officers for another 2 year term. We also talked about some ideas for the 2015 Rendezvous that we will be hosting at the Schuylkill County fairgrounds.

Two of our trapper training schools have already taken place. Lancaster County had 30 students attend. Brock and Terry want to say Thanks to all who helped them with the school. I haven’t talked to anyone from York County but I’m sure Brett and his crew had a good school as usual.

Our next business meeting will be at Middlecreek on Oct. 6th at 2PM in the parking area past the sunfish pond. Hope to see you there. — Mike Spittle, (717)367-2637,

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