Vermont Trappers Association November 2009 Report

President — Randy Barrows , 88 North Road, Milton, Vermont 05468; phone: 802-893-4258; e-mail:

Co-Vice Presidents— Joe and Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-4511; e-mail:

Secretary — Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-451; e-mail:

Treasurer — Jim Calchera, 233 McCaffrey Rdg., Putney, VT 05346

NTA Director — Dave Perrin, 2600 Vt. Rt. 12A, Randolph, VT 05060; phone: 802-728-5935

Membership Director — Paul Ainsworth, P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652; phone: 802-635-7343

Membership Options:

• Individual adult membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Oldtimer (65 & up) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

VTA, Membership Director
Paul Ainsworth
P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652


BRRRRRRR, its here. As I write this, it’s 43 degrees, and there is snow halfway down Mansfield. Drizzle here with pellets mixed in. To me, it seems too early, but I gotta believe there is still some summer weather to come.

I need to start with a huge apology. In an earlier report, I advised that the VTA had fell short in its promise to help with the conservation camps. It has since been brought to my attention that Doug Jones from Montpelier actually did go and help at the camps. I was unaware that happened and misspoke. To Mr. Jones, my sincere apologies and I salute you for what you do for the VTA and the kids of Vermont. To anyone else that helped, I thank you too!

Rendezvous was a huge success again. I want to thank everyone who helped out and made this event a success. A special thanks to the vendors who brought their wares, and to the folks who gave demos. Attendance was real good even though the economy is still kind of in the trench.

Also, thanks go to the folks who provided the food at the snack bar and to the folks who made sure the annual supper went off without a hitch. Joe and Deb, God Bless you both, you did a bang up job.

The winners of the ten gun raffle were:

1. George Casey, Chittenden, Vt.

2. William Nunn, East Ryegate, Vt.

3. Ken Cillo, Amherst, Nh.

4. Brian Beaty, Bethel, Vt.

5. Sam Jones, Poultney, Vt.

6. R.L. Baker, Bennington, Vt.

7. Brent Chase, Barre Vt.

8. Royce Hutchinson, Lancaster Nh.

9. Robert Heanue, Morrisville, Vt.

10. Edward Bennett, Belvidere, Vt.

Congrats to all!

Three-year-old Goshen Corbett of Ferrisburg Vermont won the Lifetime license. I did not get a chance to talk to him, but I did talk to his dad Jerimiah, who was some impressed. Dad advised Goshen is into hunting and the outdoors in a big way so this was a good fit.

As promised last month, I advised I would get a clarification on whether or not wardens would do house calls this year to tags furs. On Wednesday, I spoke to the local warden as well as headquarters and both advised that business would be as usual. If you need pelts tagged, call your warden and they will respond. At rendezvous I asked what the importance was for still doing this after all these years, and if any startling info is gained from year to year. Kim Royer, our furbearer biologist advised that it is a issue worth looking into as it has happened for many years with no drastic changes being noticed. So stay tuned.

On Sept. 23, I attended the “Science on the Green” in Waterbury. Science on the Green is an event where 700 to 800 school kids are bussed in and you get a chance to explain whatever it is you do outdoors. I got to speak to some real interesting folks full of much misinformation. Most of the kids were under the impression that trapping was a cruel and inhumane sport. I stole fellow hunter ed instructor Dr. Ron Morgan of Milton’s best teaching tools by holding up a mouse trap and asking how many kids have used one and most had.

That helps to make them see that trapping is not all big jaws with teeth as they had been taught. At the end of the day, a few went away still not convinced, but a whole lot more now know the difference. Every teacher received a copy of “Destroying the Myth” video to take back to their schools.

Other new business is being guided by George Gay, our Conservation Director, who is lining up folks running for political office in the near future. George thought it would be a good idea to invite these folks in and get their ideas on trapping and other outdoor issues.

So, for the next few months, we will have guest speakers at our monthly meetings to discuss the issues. It was a sad day recently when Gov. James Douglas announced he would not run for re-election. Whether you liked him or not, he was a strong supporter of all outdoor sports and made it a point to attend our banquet every year. My opinion, he will be sorely missed. Mr. Douglas, thank you for all you have done for the Vermont Trappers Association and do not be a stranger. In retirement, you should be able to stay for dinner at the banquet this year.

Just a few short weeks and we can set out the steel. I cannot wait. Be safe while out there. I hope your traps are full of prime Vermont fur and please remember to bring a kid along.

Catch you on the trapline.

— Randy Barrows


The 2009 Vermont Trapper’s Fall Fur Auction will be held at the Whitcomb High School in Bethel, Vermont on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009.

The doors will open at 6 a.m. and the auction will begin at 9 a.m. There will be a 5 percent commission on all fur sold.

If you are not happy with the price offered, you can withdraw your fur and there will be no charge. Lots will be given out on a first come, first served basis. No green fur, please. However, if you have deer hides to sell, you can bring them and conduct business outside the building and no commission will be charged. Moose and deer antlers are welcomed at this auction and will be sold under the same guidelines as the fur.

We welcome and encourage trappers from other states to attend and sell their fur at our auction. Many do and have said that the prices they receive at the VTA auctions are much better than they could get in their home state. All that we require is that you are a current member of any State or National trapping association. Support those organizations that support you.

For more information on this auction, contact Dan Olmstead at 802-464-6344 or Bruce Baroffio at 802-485-4051. Dan’s e-mail is

After the Fall Fur Auction, at approximately 11 a.m. to noon, the Vermont Ginseng Association will be holding their Annual Ginseng Auction. This will be a live auction. There will be a 3 percent commission charged on all ginseng sold. You must be a member of the Vermont Ginseng Association in order to sell your ginseng at this auction. Memberships will be available at the auction. You should plan on arriving one hour ahead of time to allow for check in and lot assignment.

For more information on this auction, contact Steve Korshak at 802-479-0802.


Hello everyone, hope all is well. I just finished the Vermont State Fair, and would like to thank all my help. Thanks to Chris Hayes of Brandon, Rod Drown of Pittsford, Dick Eitelman of Orwell, George Herrick III of Danby, Don Lewis of Rupert, Allan Glen Brunell of Poultney, David Flanders Jr. of Pittsford, Phil Hayes of Wells, Bob Ebbighausen of Rutland, and a special thanks to Bill Bongavene of Rupert, who gave up four days to help with the fair. With your help, we brought in $4,400. This is the most money brought in since I have been running the fair.

To me, what makes the fairs a success is not the amount of money you bring in, but how many people did you get to talk about trapping? How many people did you inform about the means, methods and techniques utilized in trapping? How many people did you have walk away from the table realizing that trapping is not cruel and barbaric, but rather a necessary wildlife management tool needed to sustain healthy wildlife populations? I can say everyone that helped this year took the time to talk to people who passed by the table. How many people we touched is what made the Vermont State Fair a success.

For those of you that were not able to help, keep in mind, it is not the money, but how many people you talk to. You do not need to be at the fair to talk to people about trapping. If we are to remain a strong organization, we need to promote trapping. Take a child to a trapper education course. Talk to a fisherman. Talk to a hunter. Talk to a farmer. Offer your trapping services to your town highway foreman. With your help, we can build our relationship with the general public, and, in return, we will see trapping prosper within our state.

Again, thank you everyone who helped with the fair. I look forward to working with you again next year. In the meantime, take a kid under your wing, and make them fly.

— John P. Lapre

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