President — Bruce Vandervort, 5338 US Hwy 101, Humptulips, WA 98552; phone: 360-288-2466; e-mail:
Vice President West — John Consolini, 17030 Marmount ST SE, Monroe WA 98272; e-mail:
Vice President East — George Brady, P.O. Box 535, Pateros, WA 98846; phone: 509-923-2326; e-mail:
Executive Secretary — Ralph Dobson, 13723 Heatherwood Dr., Mill Creek, WA 98012;
phone: 425-530-2124; e-mail:
Treasurer — BJ Thornily; 63 Redmond Rd., Republic, WA 99166; phone: 509-775-2936;
NTA Director — Bob Maier, 38 Francis Dr., Walla Walla, WA 99362; phone: 509-529-9568; e-mail:
Membership options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 18) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15.50
• Associate (non-trapper) including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller— $15.50
• Senior Citizen (over 70) including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10.50
• Lifetime membership — $250
• Lifetimer subscription to The Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
Dues entitles members to all newsletters, meeting notices, discount entry to workshops and the annual rendezvous. All monies are used to protect your right to trap.
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
(A non-profit organization.)
P.O. Box 12669
Mill Creek, WA 98082
Hello all. I’m going to make it a short report this month. I’ve been at the Puyallup Fair on and off most of the month. Between that and surgery on my foot, I’ve been pretty well tied up so not much to report.
The Puyallup Fair went from the 11th to the 27th and I think it went pretty well. George was unable to handle it this year because of a problem with his knee that really limited his mobility. I changed the booth some as much to accommodate me as anything. I had to get it down to what I could haul in one load. It ended up working out pretty well. It was set up in a way that all the traps and furs were out all the time even when the booth was not manned. I was a bit worried about that, but the only thing bad that happened was that someone cut the tail off the Bobcat and stole it during the first week. I really count myself lucky that that is all that happened.
I had a sign up sheet out for people that would be willing to help us out in the advent that we get a bill before the legislature and collected seven pages of names and contact information. I never had anyone say a negative word about trapping the whole time. Although I can’t speak for the other booth workers, it seems most people are beginning to see what a dumb idea I-713 was. Just as a gauge of the public, it seems things are swinging more favorably towards us.
It is hard to get people to work in the booth and one of the hardest things about it is just getting a hold of people. It seems a lot of you are changing your phone numbers, maybe discontinuing your land line to use a cell phone exclusively. Just a reminder, please remember to let Ralph know of any changes in your contact information.
The NTA is looking for contact information on some people that were charter members of the NTA. The ones from Washington are Charles Mayse and Cecil L. Renshaw. If you know what happened to these fellas, let me know.
I imagine by the time this reaches you, it will be trapping season so good luck.
— Bruce Vandervort