President — Kim Potter, 26424 436th Ave., Bridgewater, SD 57319; phone: 605-729-2691; e-mail:
Vice President — Gary Dale Poppenga, 27961 463rd Ave., Lennox, SD 57039; phone: 605-647-2323; e-mail:
Secretary — Terry Olson, 921 North Harth, Madison, SD 57042; phone: 605-256-6311; e-mail:
Treasurer/Public Relations — John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE, Watertown, SD 57201; phone: 605-886-8501; e-mail:
NTA Director — Jerry Westphal, 17342 297th Ave., Agar, SD 57520; phone: 605-258-2142;
Tanned Fur Coordinator — Steve Peterson, 22251 448th Ave., Ramona, SD 57054; phone: 605-482-8131; e-mail:
Youth Education Coordinator — Aaron Doyscher, P.O. Box 247, Volga, SD 57071; phone: 605-627-6558
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $13
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
SDTA, Treasurer
John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is having a good season. Are you having some success on your traplines? We are in full swing trying to get the rest of my brother’s corn harvested, no time to play yet. Typically we finish around Thanksgiving, but for some reason the push is on and another good week with no major breakdowns should finish us up.
I’m taking my son Cole out today to set a few traps around home for a before-school check. He’s determined to catch a fox that we have seen twice in the last few days. That fox is suspected of eating our pet duck we have had for at least five years. Cole thinks that fox needs to be “put to rest.”
I have been in contact with the state legislator who is working on getting the reciprocity deal on a bill for this year’s session. Sounds like that will happen so we’ll make a trip to Pierre sometime in the near future. Thanks to everyone who submitted articles for the newsletter. Thanks to John for putting out another quality publication. Not a bunch going on right now in the SDTA.
I wish my crystal ball wasn’t broken, but maybe this would be a great year to take some of those nice furs to help build our tanned fur inventory to a new level?? Hope you have a great time enjoying this fall and everything the season brings.
— Kim Potter