President — Ricky Williams, 278 The Oaks Ln., Blenheim, SC 29516; phone: 843-528-3195; e-mail:
Vice President — Richard Whitfield, 325 Hanks Gin Road, Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-296-0076; e-mail:
Secretary/Treasurer — Freddie L. Moore, 5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-261-6139
Fur Bearer Biologist — Jay Butfiloski, P.O. Box 167, Columbia, SC 29108; phone: 803-734-3609
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Sponsor with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SCTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Freddie L. Moore
5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621
A big thank you to everyone that came to Little Mountain for the annual convention. It was a very good turn out. I’d like to thank Ferrell McJunkin, Kent Ware and Richard Whitfield for the excellent demos, Jim Griffis, Patrica Griffis, Teresa Culver, Woody McJunkin, Dan Covar for the great food, Ray and Randy Hawthorne for the fine auctioning job and Miss Velma for keeping all the money straight. Miss South Carolina Anna Perry really made a beautiful day even better.
We voted to start a fundraiser for the SCTA by raffling off a rifle and as soon as possible we will send out raffle tickets for you to sell or buy. We should get them out in the next newsletter.
I hope you are all getting ready for the season. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope the fur prices will stay decent for us. It was good to see some younger faces in the crowd this year, and let me say to you young guys please don’t hesitate to call if we can be of any help to you.
We will keep everyone informed about the progress of the legislative package as it moves along. There are some really good things in it that will make it easier for us to trap and easier for youngsters to start. On that note take a young one with you on the line this year. I’m sure that the sight of a coyote or fox dancing in the trap will get them hooked for life.
Until next time.
— Ricky Williams
Hello SCTA Trappers,
I enjoyed spending the day with those of you that made it to our meet. The auction was a big success. We passed the bucket and raised nearly half the money needed to build the next fur coat for Miss, SC. Thank you to all who donated items for the auction or money to the association.
Miss SC was there to visit with us and modeled her coat. Her visit was enjoyed by all.
We covered the current legislative package, which will be introduced this year. Chip has done a great job on this package. Once we get a number assigned to it we will need you to contact your local representative and senator to help send it straight through. Thank you Chip for your work!!
The season is now just around the corner. I hope you all are getting ready to trap. I’ve enjoyed sitting in the deer stand watching the coyotes work the areas I trap. Watching them shows that they are NOTHING like a fox and different methods are needed to really be successful with them.
We need to ensure we keep the price high on the yotes when selling to the pens. Undercutting the price is bad for all of us. Also be vigilant of any illegal activity in our sport. One bad apple hurts us all.
By the time you get this it will nearly be Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday with friends and family. Enjoy our outdoors sports and share them with someone new.
— Richard Whitfield