President — Gene Callaway, 16100 W. Greasy Bend Road, Mannsville, OK 73447; 580-371-3364;
Vice President — Darrell Woodward, P.O. Box 580416, Tulsa, OK 74158; 918-902-0529; IBTRAPN@
Secretary — John Weygandt, 4720 S. 26th W. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74107; 918-645-5667;
Treasurer — Shannon Sheffert, 1301 Old Bumpy Road, Stillwater, OK 74074; cell 405-742-7884;
FTA Director — Terry Thornton, Rt. 2 Box 71, Hartshorne, OK 74547; 918-297-2073
NTA Director — Darrell Woodward, P.O. Box 580416, Tulsa, OK 74158; 918-902-0529; IBTRAPN@
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to T&PC — $20
• Family membership with subscription to T&PC — $25
• Lifetime (Over 70) with subscription to T&PC — $150
• Lifetime with subscription to T&PC — $300
• Youth membership — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
OFBA, Treasurer
Shannon Sheffert
1301 Old Bumpy Road
Stillwater, OK 74074
Hello from Hot Southern Oklahoma,
Darrell Woodward and I attended the NTA meeting in Lima, Ohio this time and Paul Dobbins and another gentleman from North Carolina made the NTA Hall of Fame. We sat with Jim Curran at the meeting and he talked very highly of Monte and new him well. We found out that they selected the nominees a year in advance and the application is good for three years so Monte has a chance in the coming years.
We will be having our Fall Meeting on Oct 12,2013 at Okemah at the fairgrounds .We will have several venders to help you get your supplies ready for the coming season so bring your lists so you know where to start and then you can view all the new supplies and lures. We will have Mark June Lures and supplies—-Dub Shankles with his supplies– Jeb Hollingshead with Okie Trap and Supplies—Terry Waggoner with his box traps—Clifton Ray with his CDR lures and several other lure makers.
Schedule of Events
8:00 AM——————Open doors
8:15———————–R C Edgar Demo
9:15———————–Matt Yoakum Demo
10:00———————-Business Meeting
11:00———————-Dallas Greenwood Demo
12:00——————–Lunch–Pot Luck–Pulled Pork and sides and desserts furnished by members
12:30————Auction with Wayne Smith’s trapping supplies
2:00———————–Mark June Demo
3:00———————–Darrell Woodward Demo
4:00———————–Clean-up with Questions and Answers
Sterlen Kirschman with NAFA will be doing a skinning and stretching demo all day. Also Jeff Defore will have a table with NAFA supplies.
With the urging of several of the members I have decided to run again for the office of President and if elected to another term as President of OFBA, I will strive to continue the progress we have gained the last couple of years. I look forward to working with the new directors towards common goals of Oklahoma trappers. The new directors will bring new ideas and enthusiastic energy that will help propel us forward. I feel we need the input of the experienced and knowledgeable former directors and seasoned members as they have formed the foundation that we are building on.
I have worked hard in the past and will continue my efforts to better serve our organization. I look forward to working with our members as you the members are the OFBA. Feel free to call me at any time to discuss any topic you want to, I will be glad to help all. 580-371-3364.
President——————–Reginald Murray
Gene Callaway
Vice President————-Noel Carruthers
Treasurer——————-Shannon Sheffert
NTA————————Darrell Woodward
Clifton Ray
Cloyce Callaway
R C Edgar
Lloyd Teeter
Shawn Bell
Joe Caldwell
Monte Dodson
Scott Newby
Charlie McAmis
Terry Waggoner
Keeling Grub
Matt Yoakum
Tracy Anderson
Joe Stanbro
Sam McGill
Be sure to fill out you ballots and seal and mail or seal and bring them to the meeting. There will be room to write in names as several positions are still open. If nominated we will ask at the meeting if they will accept the position and take a vote on the floor.
Be sure and come to the fall meeting at Okemah on Oct 12,2013, and bring a side dish or dessert for the lunch as we will have pulled pork for the meat dish.
Come one and all and bring a friend or youth for the fellowship and good times for all.
There will be a directors meeting on Friday night Oct 11,2013 at the fairgrounds and I ask all directors and all that are running for office to attend to get to know all and get orientated into there job. Thanks to all.
God Bless All. — Gene Callaway