President — Michael R. Perkins 7378 Whitacre Rd. Cygnet, OH 43413;
Vice President — Jim Sugg, 216 S. Wilhelm St. Holgate, OH 43527;
Secretary/Treasurer — Mike L. Perkins, 9839 SR 613 Van Buren, OH 45889;
NTA Director — Craig Spoores 18384 Weston Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $20
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to T&PC — $15
• Over 65 with subscription to T&PC — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NWOFT, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Craig Spoores
18384 Weston Rd.
Grand Rapids, OH 43522
Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Its hard to believe trapping season is right around the corner already! I hope you all had a chance to make it down to the national convention this year to catch a couple demos and stock up on some supplies. Our board members met earlier this month to discuss some important issues about our club. The outcome of this meeting can be found in the secretary’s report. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time… Take Care, God Bless and Happy Trapping! — Michael R. Perkins
NWOFT Members,
On August 7th 2013 the club officers and board members met to discuss the upcoming trapping season and the club activities. After much discussion, it was decided to not hold a sale or auction this year. This was based on low volume of fur, lack of trappers selling, and the increased venues for selling fur. Last year there were 7 lots and 7 buyers at the December sale and the January sale had 6 lots and only 1 buyer. (It is hard to have an auction with just 1 buyer.)
We will be supporting OSTA by attending their clinic in Mount Blanchard, Ohio on October 12th 2013. Information on the clinic will be listed on the OSTA webpage. This was decided due to lack of participation by our members at last years clinic. We had 16 members present and 8 of those were officers or board members.
We the officers and board members would really like input from club members as to the future of our club. Any and all feedback will be evaluated and greatly appreciated. — Mike Perkins