North Carolina Trappers Association January 2010 Report

President — Rodney Stancil, 8706 Flower Hill Road, Middlesex, NC 27557; phone: 919-284-3924; e-mail:

Vice President — Prune Windspear, 156 Hannah Lori Drive, Cameron, NC 28326; e-mail:

Secretary — Sharon Underwood, Rt. 1 Box 416, Peachland, NC 28133; phone: 704-272-7876

Membership Secretary — Karen Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191

Assistant Membership Secretary — Krista Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191

Treasurer/NTA Director — Wayne Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191

General Organizer — John Gerber, 192 Forest Walk Way, Mooresville, NC 28115; phone: 336-885-1012; e-mail:

Education Coordinator — Todd Menke, 2663 Tar River Rd., Creedmoor, NC 27522; phone: 919-528-9063; e-mail:

Newsletter Editor — Vacant

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Youth membership (under age 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior citizens 70 years or older with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NCTA, Membership Secretary
Karen Rose
1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970


Correction to last month’s report — We had to change the dates for the three-day advanced on-the-line trapping workshop after we realized it was originally scheduled for Easter weekend. We have changed the dates to March 12, 13 and 14, 2010. There is still room available so sign up! Cost will be $300, which will include all the materials, training, meals and lodging.

You will enjoy the mountains, the facility and meals are always fantastic! The location is at the NC Division of Forest Resources Mountain Training Facility at 6065 Linville Falls Highway near Crossnore, NC 28616. Reservations require a $100 deposit. Full payment will be due no later than Feb. 15, 2010. Refunds will be given if your plans change.

Learn professional techniques to catch 40+ coyotes in two weeks or 20+ fox in one day! The raccoon meat market is up. How about catching 100 per day or 1,000 in two weeks? Beaver continue to cause damage. Do you want to learn how to be a better damage control trapper? Can you catch that educated beaver? Do you want to learn how to? Otter prices are going back up.

Have you caught over 100 in a season? Let the pros show you how. Everything from bait/lure placement to new trap types and techniques to avoiding non-targets to fur skinning, fleshing and the final product to water and dry land methods to trap modification to wildlife biology to furbearer management to public relations to wildlife diseases to record keeping, planning and time management plus much more!

Come join us at the advanced trapping workshop and you are guaranteed to learn something new! I will let the comments from last year’s attendees give you a glimpse into what it is all about:

“It was money very well spent”
“Couldn’t have been made to feel more welcome”
“Hats off to the volunteers for making this happen”
“The workshop was a great success”
“Great job guys, this class was awesome”
“The people that missed out on this one missed a goodin”
“The food and place was 5 star”
“Got to see Prune skin a carolina silver sable”
“Jimmy almost went swimming, but Ole Chiseltooth saved him from going into the drink”
“Facility was top notch, food was great and a great bunch of folks to fellowship with”
“Very organized and very informative”
“Thanks to all instructors for giving up their time to put this on”

I also posted the draft agenda to the NCTA’s Web site. If you have Internet access take a look at: Click on the NCTA Talk Forum and click on General Discussion. You will see the link to the Advanced Trapping Workshop. If you don’t have a computer or Internet access, give me a call and I will mail you a copy…..see you in the woods!

— Todd Menke

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