President — Larry Torr, 75 Polly Ann MHC Gerrish Rd Dover, NH 03820 603-742-7554
Vice President — Dwight Pennell, P.O. Box 136, Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816; phone: 603-539-7954
Membership Director — Roger Burnham, 159 North Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241; phone: 603-744-3561; e-mail: nhtrapper@metrocast.net
Clerk – Bill Anderson, Box 114, South Springfield, NH 03284; phone: 603-763-5548
Treasurer — Mike Kazak, 72 Riverview Dr., Charlestown, NH 03603; phone: 603-826-3959
Education Director — Mike Morrison, 737 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446; phone: 603-352-8468
NTA Director — Steve Bennett 16 Spruce Cove Rd Northwood, NH 03234 (603) 496-4353
Legislative Director — Scott Borthwick, P.O. Box 81, Canaan, NH 03741; phone: 603-523-9284
NH Fish & Game Liasion — Fred Shepard, P.O. Box 23, Deerfield, NH 03037; phone: 603-463-7473
The New Hampshire Trappers Association’s two-day fall meeting is scheduled for September 18th and 19th this year. The event will be held again this year at the Owl Brook Hunter/Trapper Education Center in Holderness, NH. We are looking for volunteers to conduct demonstrations for attendees to pick up trapping tips old or new, contact Roger Burnham, Fall Meeting organizer, at: 603-744-3561 if you are interested. Gates will open for the public at 7 am on Saturday morning. A vendor will be on hand for coffee and doughnuts. A pig roast has been planned for Saturday’s noon dinner. Meal tickets will be available in the Owl Brook building. Sunday, there will be hot dogs and hamburgers for sale at noon time.
The auction to be held at the fall meeting is in need of donations from trappers and friends of trappers. Please contact a director to relay any item: furs, traps, supplies, household goods, sporting goods, canned goods, garden produce; any item of interest to be used at this fund-raiser.
The ten-gun raffle tickets have been distributed to directors so ask around for one, two or several and try to get these tickets sold. Steve Schlangen is in charge of this fundraiser, if you need to contact him directly: 603-895-0686.
The recently crowned Miss NH, Krystal Muccioli, attended the July monthly meeting. It was nice to see her. She made a short presentation in which she thanked the NH Trapper’s Association for our long standing support of the Miss NH Pageant program.
Best to all.
— Paul DeBow