Kansas Fur Harvesters June-July 2009

President — W.R. Brecheisen Jr., 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1074; e-mail: wrb43epb@hotmail.com

Vice President — Roger Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-2076

Secretary — Donna Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-6017

Treasurer — Pauline Brecheisen; 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1770; e-mail: e-pauline@live.com

NTA Director — Russell Voelker, 11816 K-16, Hwy., Valley Falls, KS 66088; phone: 785-945-6750

FTA Director — Robert Currie, 926 M St., Belleville, KS 66935; phone: 785-527-2449

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $25
• Junior (14 & under) with subscription — $15

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
KFHA, Treasurer
Pauline Brecheisen
24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720


District 5 met Nov. 1 at the Kickapoo Community Center for a 6 p.m. potluck, hosted by Lee Hinkle.

Ed Find called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Other officers present were the secretary and treasurer. There were 17 present for the meeting.

The Secretary read the September minutes. A motion by Lee Hinkle to accept with corrections to the November date, 2nd and carried.

The treasurer’s report was given by Pat Fink. We sold $809 in raffle tickets, and had postage expense in the amount of $33.15. There is an attached report from the treasurer. A motion by Linda Verschelden to accept, 2nd and carried.

No old business.

In new business, it was reported that a close fur friend of Lee Steinmeyer has Parkinsons. A motion by Bob Bell to send $100 to help with some expenses, 2nd and carried.

Discussion on schedule of 2009 meetings. March 7 – at the Fink’s; May 2 – Hosted by Bob Bell at Banner Creek Lake; July 11 – Hosted by Richard Archer at the Whiting City Park; Sept. 12 – Hosted by Mark Wood at his home; November 7 – open.

District 5 elections were held – All officers remain the same, however the secretary’s position will remain open for election next March.

Ed reported on the KFH meeting at the October Rendezvous. The fur auction dates are Dec. 20, Jan. 17 and Feb. 21.

Three Teddy Bears are being made and raffled off at the Farm Show and at the State Fair in 2009.
Guest Russ Volker spoke about the NTA, and Richard Archer talked about up coming fur prices.
The Rendezvous 2009 will again be in Yates Center.

A motion to adjourn by Lee Hinkle, 2nd and carried.

— L. Houck, Secretary

Thirteen were present at the first meeting of District 5 on March 7, 2009, for a 6 p.m. potluck dinner and meeting hosted by Ed and Pat Fink.

President Ed Fink called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Other officers present were the vice president, secretary and treasurer.

The secretary read the November minutes. Jim Dobbins moved to accept, 2nd and carried.
The treasurer’s report was given. Pat sent $100 on 11/19/08 to Lee Steinmeyer for his friend who has Parkinson’s. Twenty dollars was received at Yates Center toward the raffle, and it was not deposited, but was used for postage. A motion by Linda Houck to accept the report, 2nd and carried.

Old Business:

We had election of the secretary’s position. A motion by Bob Buser to nominate Mark Woods as new secretary, 2nd and carried. District 5 officers are: Ed Fink, President; Kenneth Houck, Vice-President; Mark Woods, Secretary; and Pat Fink, Treasurer.

New Business:

A letter from W. R. concerning a dog caught in an unmarked #220 trap on public ground. Discussion on this problem. District 5 is in favor of not allowing #220s to be used on public ground.

District 5 member Steven Titus talked to our group about a new fur harvester society formed, called Nemokia. It is for anyone interested in trapping, but will be centered in the areas of Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa. The first Nemokia Rendezvous will be at the Indian Cave State Park in Nebraska on May 2 and 3. For more information and details of the society and events, go online to www.nemokia.com.

Next District 5 meeting will be May 2 at Banner Creek Lake at 6 p.m.

A motion by Steven Titus to adjourn, 2nd and carried at 7:30 p.m.

— Linda Houck, Secretary

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