President — Gary Schinske, 10781 Baker Rd., Greenville, MI 48838; phone: 616-225-8680
Vice President — John Caretti, 30803 Iroquois, Warren, MI 48088; phone: 586-573-8553; e-mail:
Secretary — Becky Widrig, 10819 Oak Ln., Belleville, MI 48111; phone: 734-699-1625
Treasurer — Bill Lyons, 12988 State Rd., Nunica, MI 49448; phone: 616-848-3826.
Membership —Diana Harris, 19245 Frost Rd., Merrill, MI 48637; phone: 989-643-7454; e-mail:
NTA Director — Kevin Syperda, 17504 Briggs Rd., Pierson, MI 49339; phone: 616-636-5594; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $40.50
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
MTA Membership Secretary
Diana Harris
19245 Frost Rd., Merrill, MI 48637
Thanks to all the trappers, dealers, businesses and organizations that made our fourth annual Trapper’s Workshop a resounding success!
District 3 of the U.P. Trappers Association has a lot of people to thank for their most successful Mid-Winter Trappers Workshop ever. Almost 500 trappers and potential trappers attended the event and nearly a hundred of the attendees were kids wanting to learn about trapping. Attendance like this would have been impossible without the news releases published by U.P. newspapers, the free radio spots on various radio stations and a free listing on Charter channel 8. Thanks also to those businesses that let trappers put up hundreds of posters on their windows and bulletin boards.
Many businesses and individuals also reached out to the kids by donating items for the event. Mountain Man Furs of Channing donated a fur hat, which was won (in a special raffle) by Dave Fornetti of Norway. Dunham’s Sports donated discount coupons for everyone attending. The Delona Restaurant (located between Escanaba and Gladstone) and Advance Auto Parts of Escanaba each donated two $10 gift certificates for use as door prizes. North Star Log Homes of Powers/Spaulding donated enough cedar boards to make 55 weasel boxes and Dan Absolon, a trapper from Crystal Falls, donated both labor and materials for an additional 15 boxes.
Lenon’s Lures of Gulliver donated 12 bottles of weasel lure. Burton Trapping Supplies of Manistique donated 100 weasel boards and Fur Harvesters Auction of Canada donated an additional 20 boards. High Country Lures of L’Anse donated two full boxes of trapping lure to be used as door prizes. The Fur Taker and Trapper magazines donated back issues to be given out to kids and adults. Trappers (too numerous to mention) donated traps, stretchers, lure and magazines. And Rich Clark from Willow Tree Fur in Coleman Wisconsin donated some weasel magazines and a great deal of his time and energy showing kids and adults how to properly prepare furs for market.
Eugene Arduin and Mike Lewis deserve special thanks for cutting out and assembling 55 weasel boxes and Bob Whitens did a terrific job as MC of the event and he also helped Rick Arduin put on a great weasel trapping demo for the youngsters. Dozens of trappers helped out at the front desk, with the distribution of “goodies” for the kids, and helped with the cleanup at the end of the day. Last but not least, thanks to the Hermansville Rescue Squad for providing food and beverages at very reasonable prices.
— Bob Steinmetz