President — Samuel J. Smith Sr, P.O. Box 335, DeQuincy, LA 70633; phone: 337-786-2691; e-mail:
Vice President — Bill Dowers, P.O. Box 55, DeQuincy, LA 70633; phone: 337-786-4936; e-mail:
Secretary/Treasurer — Paul Rhodes, 855 Newt Hodges Rd., Ragley, LA 70657-6309; phone: 337-725-3721.
Youth Education Coordinator — Ronnie Guy, 700 LaMourie Rd., LeCompte, LA 71346; phone: 318-776-5471.
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $17
• Family membership with subscription — $20
• Lifetime memberships with subscription — $300
• Senior (over 65) lifetime membership with subscription — $150
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
LTAHA, Secretary/Treasurer
Paul Rhodes
885 Newt Hodges Rd.
Ragley, LA 70657
Our Convention on April the 4th turned out real good. The weather was very nice and we had a good crowd (92 people signed in). There were about 15 people at the convention site Friday evening helping set up everything. After everything was set up, Ronnie Guy cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for us. After we ate, we sat around the campfire visiting.
I’d like to thank all the ladies who helped out with the Convention first. Minnie Price, Andrea Rowell, Belinda, Kerrie Suire and Corra for taking care of all the kitchen work. Brenda Cruse for mailing out the raffle tickets. Terri Guy for helping out with the kids contest and their certificates. We would not have had such a successful Convention without yawls’ help.
Thanks to all the men who helped out. Steven Hughes (bobcat trapping), Curtis Cruse (beaver trapping), Tony Howard (gray fox trapping). A special thanks to them for sharing their knowledge with us in their demos. Ronnie Guy, Richard Rowell and Justin Rowell for setting up the kids trap setting contest. Eugene Broxson and Curtis Cruse for taking care of the live and silent auctions.
Roy Lenard won the beaver skinning contest. Steven Hughes was a close second. Kirk Hammatt won the raffle ($300 gift certificate to Academy).
Last, I’d like to thank everyone that helped set up, clean up and made donations to the auctions and kids prizes. I’m not going to try to name all of these people because I would forget someone.
At the members meeting, we elected a new president (Curtis Cruse), vice president (Bobby Farris), youth education coordinator (Curtis Cruse), and board of directors: three-year terms (Eugene Broxson, Ronnie Guy, Kirk Hammatt); two-year terms: (Steve Hardy, John Linzay, Clint Perkins); one-year terms: (Wesley Blanchard, James Gallaspy, Tony Howard, Steven Hughes).
The membership drive will end on Sept. 11, 2009. Whichever member signs up the most new members will win $50 worth of trapping equipment. Ronnie Guy is in the lead with seven new members signed up. If you need any new member forms, let me know so I can get them to you.
I would like to commend all of the LTAHA members and everyone who participated in our convention and raffle. Without your support, we would not be able to promote and protect trapping and alligator hunting in Louisiana.
— Paul Rhodes
Thanks to all the youth who attended our annual convention on April 4, 2009. As always, your participation was an important part of the event.
In the trap-setting contest, the 6-10 boys set three traps, 1st place to Tyler Smith at 0:31 and 2nd to Luke Tynes at 1:28. The 11-15 boys set six traps, 1st place to Garret White at 0:53, 2nd to Tyler Cloud at 1:21 and 3rd to Jaxon Rowell at 1:25. The 16 and over boys set eight traps, 1st place tie to Nathan Bridges and Jordan Morris at 1:18, with a rematch of two traps, Nathan Bridges 1st at 0:14 and Jordan Morris 2nd at 0:18 and 3rd to Josh Wallace at 1:46 for the eight traps. The 9-13 girls set two traps, with one contestant, Sammi Howard, at 0:31. The 14 and over girls set four traps, 1st Havyn Parker at 0:26, 2nd to Kerrie Suire at 0:45 and 3rd to Monica Hooper at 0:51. Winners received cash prizes, award ribbons and traps.
As I announced at our meeting held during the convention, I am stepping down from my position as youth education coordinator due to health reasons. It has been a privilege to serve in this capacity. I’ve enjoyed working with kids of all ages, teaching them trapping skills and helping them better understand the need for trapping. Curtis Cruse, who recently led a youth trapping workshop and has made presentations to numerous schools and other groups, will serve as our new youth education coordinator.
I hope we’ll continue to add more young people to our organization each year. Kids, please sign up your friends for membership and invite them to the convention next year. Adults, educate children about trapping and get them involved. They are the future of the LTAHA.
— Ronnie