Vice President — Roger Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-2076
Secretary — Donna Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-6017
Treasurer — Pauline Brecheisen; 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1770; e-mail:
NTA Director — Russell Voelker, 11816 K-16, Hwy., Valley Falls, KS 66088; phone: 785-945-6750
FTA Director — Robert Currie, 926 M St., Belleville, KS 66935; phone: 785-527-2449
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $25
• Junior (14 & under) with subscription — $15
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
KFHA, Treasurer
Pauline Brecheisen
24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720
Just received the new T&PC (7-27-11) today, and see the next news deadline is Aug. 1, so better get a small column wrote. Will read the publication at a later time. Hope everyone has survived the heat thus far this summer.
By the time you get the next issue of the T&PC, the NTA convention will be history. Hope the ones that can make it, has a safe and enjoyable trip. Don’t forget your state convention coming up in Osborne on Oct. 7-8-9. Bring a friend or two along so they can enjoy the fun and friendship with the rest of us.
They may even join the association and be a part of our outdoor family. There will sure to be something for all to enjoy. Bring your campers, tents, or you can get a motel room. The motel in Osborne is Camelot Inn at 785-346-5413. The motel in Downs (12 mi.) is Westlake Inn at 785-454-3345. Remember also that this is election year. Come and place your vote for the one that you feel will be the best for the positions open in your association. It has also been discussed and want to try something new and that will be a world game feed on Friday evening. Everyone who wants to attend can bring a favorite dish. Any questions on the world game feed, contact Cleo at 785-346-4541. Sounds good.
As being a part of District 3, have had some great outings this summer. Some of us members made 3 trips to Camp Hansen, Boy Scout camp, and presented a short program on the furbearers of our great state and ways of harvesting them. Had great attendance at each program not only for boy scouts, but also with their leaders.
On the weekend of June 11-12, several members and guests attended our annual work weekend at the Jewell State Fishing Lake. Had a great time, got a lot of work done, and enjoyed an evening of visiting with several Wildlife and Parks employees, and even had time to do a little fishing. Thanks to all who helped with the work projects and attended that weekend.
Our next big event for our district will be our sponsored North Central Kansas Outdoor Your Fair in Osborne. It will be on Sept. 10 and are expecting a large turnout. Last year we registered 170 youth (17 and under) with two lucky youth who received lifetime licenses. It is open to the public, so anyone that wants to see what is going on, is more than welcome. You do not have to be from District 3 to attend. If we the members of District 3 can help another district in the state get a similar program going, give us a call.
As I am setting here writing this about our upcoming events, the thermometer reads 105°, fall will not be here to soon. Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable time.
— Roger D. Macy
District 5 met July 2, 2011 in the City Park of Whiting, KS. We enjoyed a 6 p.m. potluck supper with a fish fry by our host, Richard Archer.
The business meeting followed at 7 p.m. There were 12 members present, including all of our officers.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Ed Fink. The minutes of May were read. A motion by Bob Buser to accept, 2nd and carried.
The Treasurer’s report was given. A motion by Jim Buser to accept, 2nd and carried.
A thank you card was received from the Oliver’s, thank us for the contribution to help with their fire loss.
Any members of District 5 planning to attend the NTA Convention in Columbia, MO will be reimbursed up to $200 on lodging.
Jim Buser discussed the matter of getting more members involved, and attending our meetings. We have approximately 66 members listed, with only 10-12 attending our meetings! Everyone is welcome, and bring your family.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 3rd at Mark Woods, 19335R Road, Holton, KS 1-785-364-4248 at 6 p.m. The November meeting will be with Lee Hinkle at the Kickapoo United Methodist Church, 3rd Drive East of Goldfinch Road, on Hwy. 20, Horton, KS.
A motion to adjourn by Pat, 2nd and carried.
— Linda Houck, Acting Sec.