Idaho Trappers Association June-July 2014 Report


President — Patrick B. Carney; 208-599-5009;

Vice President — Andy Smith;

Secretary — Vacant

Treasurer — Vacant

NTA Representative — Dan Davis; 208-458-4303;

Election Chairman — Billy Dyer; 208-587-6696;

Director — Mark Collinge; 208-376-2963;

Director — Rusty Kramer; 208-870-3217;

Director — Paul Jensen; 208-631-4547;

Director — Tim Conant; 208-544-2766;

Director — Bruce Bartow; 208-521-4235;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.50

• Family membership with subscription — $30.50

• Life Membership — $500



Hello fellow trappers,

The spring birds’ song has marked the season for spring planting here. My nights are spent in a blanket of John Deere Green and my days are spent as the newly appointed Water Master for our district 37B. I cannot help but spend the remainder of my time still plugging away with ITA items. I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone to support the ITA and the many great things that they do.

NAFA pickup was May 3rd, and though the overall price of fur is down NAFA has proven to have the best prices. The ITA organization as a whole has worked extremely hard setting this sale up for trappers. Some ITA officers and members have spoken at IDFG events on the behalf of all trappers and their needs. We have discussed the wolf season; we have pushed the IDFG to open more areas to wolf trapping. We have also worked to keep the trapping open in the Owyhee wilderness and spoke firmly on not shortening the bobcat season. We have also touched base on the conibear issues that have risen after the death of two dogs in the north. We have also been working at various workshops and have more coming up in the near future; such as the Dog Avoidance workshop in June which will be held in Boise. The ITA is fully aware that the proper paperwork has been for the 60-day notice of intent to sue, as they’re required to do under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act, in regards to the Lynx.

As the weather warms quickly, we are getting the preparations made for the summer convention. The date is tentatively set for June 6th – 8th in Fairfield. There will be great demonstrations, a BBQ, vendors as well as other events. We are discussing the location for next year, and would kindly ask for any suggestions from the public. We do ask though that it is held on private property so any attending vendors may sell their items.

This organization is here to fight for trappers’ rights and I hope to keep you all informed on upcoming dates for events, as well as any issues that have crossed our paths.

Thank you. — Rusty Kramer


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