President — Russ Carter, 287 David Road, Baxley, GA 31513; (912) 367-4887; cell (912) 256-1721;
Vice President — Mike Gibson, 291 Kersey Road, Elko, GA 30125; (478) 952-2105
Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; 229-449-9533;
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Randy Zerwig, 35978 GA Hwy 23 N, Metter, GA 30439; (912) 685-6222; cell (912) 682-7256;
Legislative Director — Lee Riley, 331 Lake Drive, Pine Mtn, GA 31822; (706) 977-8108
NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Route 1, Chula, GA 31733; (229) 382-2499; cell (229) 445-1388;
Executive Director — Travis LeMay, P.O. Box 1564; McDonough, GA 30253; (678) 395-1708;
General Organizer — Kelvin Mosley, 515 Cleon Moseley Lane, Reidsville, Ga 30453; (912) 237-7696; cell (912) 585-6769;
Membership Options:
• Regular membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Holly Zerwig
P.O. Box 613
Metter, GA 30439
With the trapping season over and the water in the local rivers and creeks way too high for wading, I needed something else to occupy my time. Our house is sided with cypress and every spring the carpenter bees show up and start drilling holes in the wood. Swatting them with a tennis racquet can provide hours of sport, but you can’t always be around and the bees take advantage of your absence to drill, and drill, and drill.
Last year I saw where someone had hung bee traps and was successful at catching the aggravating little critters. Being a trapper that appealed to my predatory instincts, so this year I bought a couple. I hung one on the front and one on the back of the house, in front of windows so I could keep an eye on them (i.e. run my trap line). The traps hung inactive for awhile, and like any good trapper I started wondering if I needed to make some changes. Turned out it just took the weather warming up to get the bees active. The catch started piling up. Now each day I can’t wait to run my traps!
If we could come up with a way to market the fuzzy little devils we’d be in business! Take some steady hands to skin them and some wee little stretchers, but they’re cheap (no bait, no lures, etc.), and easy to catch. Be just our luck some ADC folks’d mess around and educate them, and an educated carpenter bee would be dang nigh impossible to catch!
I bought my carpenter bee traps online, but they’re simple to replicate. After (of course) I bought mine, I looked online and there are plans for building your own. Anyway, good way to while away the summer while you wait for (the REAL) trapping season to roll around! You might even get some nuisance control work.
Till next time, buzzing bee traps to everyone. — Steve Rainey
Hey y’all I hope everyone had a great trapping season. I know I sure did.
I have been busy with Adc work and got a few days turkey hunting,
I wasn’t able to make the spring fling due to work obligations but heard it was a good time and a lot of fur got put up. This years 33rd annual convention will be in Barnesville Ga. It’s gearing up to be a good one make plans to attend
Looking forward to attending the Nta 55th annual convention in Michigan this year.
Won a African Safari last year. Leaving for it next month. Super stoked bout getting to go and hunt. Other than that just gonna be a fantastic summer with the family!! I wish you and yours a awesome and safe summer and cya at the convention. — Dan Eaton