President — Patrick B. Carney; 208-599-5009;
Vice President — Andy Smith;
Secretary — Michelle Gutierrez; 208-587-5931;
Treasurer — Vacant
NTA Representative — Dan Davis; 208-458-4303;
Election Chairman — Billy Dyer; 208-587-6696;
Director — Mark Collinge; 208-376-2963;
Director — Rusty Kramer; 208-870-3217;
Director — Paul Jensen; 208-631-4547;
Director — Tim Conant; 208-544-2766;
Director — Bruce Bartow; 208-521-4235;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $25.50
• Family membership with subscription — $30.50
• Life Membership — $500
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Michelle Gutierrez
PO Box 405
Mountain Home, ID 83647
I receive five different trapping magazines, and it occurs to me that two of them might be of interest to you and are not well known.
First is the W.C.T. Magazine (Wildlife Control Technology). Those of us in the A.D.C. business started out as fur trappers but today make our living on woodpeckers, pigeons, starlings, bats and, of course, raccoons, skunks and squirrels. This magazine has lots of how-to articles and then how to run a business. A must have publication for those considering or already in the A.D.C. business, especially part timers.
Second is a magazine called T.R.A.P.S. This is a magazine that is for collectors of traps and trapping related paper. There are lots of interesting articles on traps and companies that made traps in the early days. It also has a buy and sell section. Surprisingly, many traps made in the 1920s and ’30s are inexpensive — $10 to $20 — because millions of them were made.
The addresses are:
W.C.T. Magazine, P.O. Box 357, Sharon Center, Ohio 44274
(330) 350-2161
N.A.T.C.A., P.O. Box 94, Galloway, Ohio 43119
(614) 878-6011
— Bruce Bartow
New to hutting sport, Any hunting event in ID. in the near future? Would like to start as team member where I can have guidance through the process. I am a USPSA member