Fence snares placed in the right locations are undoubtedly one of the most effective means of protecting valuable protein that needs protecting — domestic or wild. [Read More]
Tag Archives: Trapping Coyotes
IT’S ALL A MATTER OF DEGREES IN THE FUR GAME. By Cary Rideout Photo by Loraine Rideout We all began trapping as eager tyros with a few sets but once bitten we quickly ran bigger operations each year. Over … [Read More]
New Mexico Trapping Rights Under Attack Again
Trapping is once again the target of animal rights groups in New Mexico. The groups are pushing for a ban on all recreational and commercial trapping on public lands within the state. Last year, a ban on trapping in the … [Read More]
The Great South Predator and Wild Hog Extravaganza Nears
Predator hunters and wild hog enthusiasts will gather in Georgia for the first Great South Predator & Wild Hog Extravaganza from Friday May 20 through Sunday, May 22. The event will be held in the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter … [Read More]
Two-Legged Coyote Shot While Chasing a Deer
Anyone who has trapped or hunted coyotes knows that the canines are some tough animals, but a story out of Nova Scotia, Canada illustrates just how tenacious they can be. The Black Bear Blog on MaineHuntingToday.com has a post on … [Read More]
Maine Looks to Bolster Deer Herd Through Coyote Hunting
Looks like Maine is taking its dwindling deer herd problem to heart, starting with coyotes. From Reuters: Maine hunting organizations have been asking for a stronger herd-management plan for some time. Of the state’s 1.2 million residents, some 146,000 are … [Read More]
Video: Chicago Uses Coyotes to Control Pests
Call it a case of reverse predator hunting. The city of Chicago has a rodent problem. When human measures failed, the city turned to one of the best rodent hunters in the world: the coyote. According to this article, the … [Read More]
Do Ranchers Have a Right to Be Free From Predators?
“No” is the answer from Montana hunting guide George Wuerthner. In his column for New West, he asserts that predator hunting is a subsidy benefiting ranchers only. Instead, ranchers should practice other methods. From the column: Killing predators to appease … [Read More]
Coyotes Move in On Minnesota’s Twin Cities
From WCCO.com Reports of coyotes in the Twin Cities are becoming more and more common. On Monday night, WCCO-TV reported that a coyote attacked a dog in Golden Valley, and now an 11-year-old girl has pictures to prove they are … [Read More]
Wisconsin Angler Reels in Coyote
In a strange story out of Holmen, Wis., a bass fisherman hooked a coyote while reeling in his frog lure. The LaCrosse Tribune has the details: Anglers might have a tendency to stretch the truth sometimes, but it’s tough to … [Read More]