Can three trap sizes really do it all? [Read More]
Tag Archives: conibear
Setting Strategy
Effective trapline strategy is all about details and repetition. Even the most modest of lines will need a plan and close attention paid to the developing situations — both good and not so good. [Read More]
Spring Beaver Trapping Tactics
The challenging conditions of trapping beavers as winter turns to spring keep the author heading back out to the creeks, sloughs and ponds every year. Learn the sets that collect the castor despite the weather. [Read More]
All About Trap Setters
Over the past few years, rather than not trapping, the author has started to rely on trap setters to get sets in the ground. It’s hell to get old, but supposedly we should get wiser, so setting tools are now a vital part of his set bucket. [Read More]
Sizing Up Trap Size
Is there a perfect size trap that is the optimum tool for the species you are pursuing? Questions — as they say — always lead to more questions. [Read More]
Is Round the New Square?
There are traps for every situation, and lately the author finds that round body grips fit the job more and more. [Read More]