Virginia Trappers Association November 2008 Report

President — Bob Newberry, 5595 Waddletown Rd.,
Bland, VA 24315; phone: 276-688-3670;
Vice President — Mike Perdue, 9150 Poor Mountain Rd.,
Bent Mountain, VA 24059; phone: 540-929-4412;
cell phone: 540-589-4508;
Membership Secretary — Norm Mullins, P.O. Box 802, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609; phone: 276-963-0642;
cell phone: 276-971-1856; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — James G. Covais, 10401 Moore Ct., Spotsylvania, VA 22553; phone: 540-760-9694;
Treasurer — Thomas Teague, 2920 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801; phone: 540-564-1930; e-mail:
General Organizer — Bud Jenkins, 33423 Seacock Chapel Rd., Ivor, VA 23866; phone: 757-859-6868
Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd.,
Gordonsville, VA 22942; phone: 540-832-2708;
NTA Director — John Coakley, 1188 Turkey Knob Rd.,
Quicksburg, VA 22847; phone: 540-477-3440;
cell phone: 540-335-6088

Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 2-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $38
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Secretary
Norm Mullins
Box 802, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0802


Hello to all from the great Commonwealth of Virginia. Just six more weeks until trapping season arrives! I hope everyone has, for the most part, their supplies purchased and permission slips signed. Make sure your trapping vehicle is checked over to be sure everything is in good working order. I am beginning to get anxious myself!

The nights are feeling like fall is upon us and the maples are beginning to show their fall colors. I know for a fact that we are going to have to make every lick count due to fuel prices if you are going to be running a longer line. It looks as if the fur prices are going to be very promising for the upcoming season. I know everyone is anxious to know about the 2009 VTA Convention. We are working hard on getting it set as far as location and date. I’m sure I will have an answer by my next writing.

Hey guys! Our Web site and newsletter need our support. Directors take a minute and let everyone know what is going on in your district. Until next time, take someone with you on the trapline. I wish each and everyone a very safe and successful season. Please let me know if I can be of assistance to anyone. — Bob Newberry


On September 14th District 8 met at Ladysmith, VA. As usual, the meeting opened with a couple hours of eating the potluck spread then delved into official business. The bulk of the discussion revolved around two issues; mandatory trapper education and snare height limitation. District members discussed the pros and cons of trapper education and agreed that while trapper education is important it should not be mandatory requirement. An association-sponsored education program is a vital service for new trappers and helps promote the profession/hobby. All new trappers should be encouraged to attend one of the training sessions by their district directors/members. However, District 8 believes requiring all trappers to complete the course would have a negative impact on the community. We discussed how this requirement is different from the Hunter Education requirement. The Hunter Education course doesn’t propose to teach people how to hunt rather the safety aspects of hunting, conservation, and sportsmanship. To mandate a trapper with years of experience to complete a how-to trapping course may generate resentment and possibly reduce VTA membership. Additionally, we feel the VTA should not seek to impose a blanket, mandatory requirement on all Virginia trappers without compelling reason. Trapper education is important but the education method should be a trapper’s option; mentorship, seminars/demonstrations, formal courses, etc. District 8 voted unanimously not to support a mandatory trapper education program.

The discussion moved to the 12-inch snare height limitation and the initiative to raise the height to 18-inches or 24-inches. We reviewed the various emails from other districts regarding the subject. District 8 members agreed that an 18-inch snare height would help in our areas but saw little need for a 24-inch height. However, we recognized that other parts of the State might need the additional height to improve their effectiveness. District 8 voted unanimously to support raising the snare height to 18-inches. Additionally, we offer an option for consideration for other areas that may desire a 24-inch snare height; consider allowing 24-inch snare heights west of particular line, i.e. I-81, Route 29.

After the official business discussions, district members provided demonstrations of land and water trap sets, ways to increase your trapline efficiency and effectiveness, and various trapping techniques. We intend to continue providing trade demonstrations of techniques, tips, and tricks at our meetings for continuing education for the new and experienced trapper.

Our last of the year district meeting is scheduled for October 26th at 1:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Lake Land’Or, near Ladysmith, VA. We welcome anyone who wants to attend our outing and share in the camaraderie and discuss trapper issues. If you would like to attend our upcoming or future meetings, please call me at (540) 630-1756 or email me at so I can provide directions to the site and add you to the mailing list.

To comply with the VTA By-Laws, we’ll take an official vote for the District Director position during the October 26th meeting. A notice has been mailed to all District 8 members providing a 30-day advance notice of the vote. A quorum must be established for a simple majority vote to elect a director; 10% of the membership or at least six members. If any District 8 member is interested in assuming the director position but unable to attend the meeting, please let me know so I can add your name to the ballot. At the meeting I’ll make a call for those present to indicate their desire to be considered for the position and announce the names of those not present that wish to be considered. A majority vote will rule the decision.

I hope you all have a safe and successful season. – Art Foltz


Greetings all. I hope everyone faired okay with Tropical Storm Hanna & Hurricane Ike’s residual weather which made it’s presence known in our area as it transited through. We really did need the rain here. Temps are cooling off and it’s finally trapping season again. Our final meeting for 2008 is scheduled for Oct. 19, 2 p.m. at Hampton Bass Pro Shops Conference Room. By the time you read this, the meeting will have already happened. I will “back-brief” you all in next month’s column. I will also advertise our first 2009 meeting location. The district voted to keep fur season free of meetings. D10 would like to say welcome aboard to Art Foltz. Art has taken Bill Coffee’s place as the new D8 director. Art, you call or write if you need anything.

Aside from that, there’s no real news to report. You all need to get moving on trap preparation and land owner permissions (in writing) if you have not already completed all that. I ask any D10 members out there who read this, but do not attend meetings to send me an e-mail with “VTA” in the subject line. What I could do is send you questions or issues I need your opinion on. I could also send you minutes of the meeting afterwards.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to better our district, I want to hear from you. You can e-mail me at or Please be sure to put VTA in the subject line, so I don’t delete it as spam. For those who’d rather pick up the phone, my cellular is (757) 869-9822. ‘Til next time. — Rob Brewer

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