President — Ricky Williams, 278 The Oaks Ln.,
Blenheim, SC 29516; phone: 843-528-3195;
Vice President — Richard Whitfield, 325 Hanks Gin Road, Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-296-0076; e-mail:
Secretary/Treasurer — Freddie L. Moore, 5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-261-6139
Fur Bearer Biologist — Jay Butfiloski, P.O. Box 167, Columbia, SC 29108; phone: 803-734-3609
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Sponsor with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SCTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Freddie L. Moore
5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621
Hello everyone,
I hope you are reading this before our convention on Oct. 25th at Little Mountain. If you are, please don’t forget the auction and bring something we can auction off to help raise funds for the SCTA. This is the only fundraiser we usually have. I want to thank Kent Ware for writing the story for our last newsletter and encourage everybody else to consider doing the same. I’ll be running the rest of it in the next newsletter you will receive in December. I love to read about others experiences on the line or in the fur shed and I’m sure many others do also. I still get comments about the size of Jack Caldwell’s tomatoes that he wrote about earlier. We’ll be updating everyone about our bill we’ll be introducing at the meeting. Miss South Carolina is scheduled to be there, so come see the fur coat you helped present her with. It won’t be long before we can start planting some traps and I am really looking forward to it this year. I hope the prices will hold up and we can put some money in our pockets this year. Wouldn’t it be great if the prices got so high that the pen operators had to raise their prices to get the live animals? Please come to the convention and bring your ideas about how we can make our association stronger. The stronger we are the more opportunities we will have to get things done like a longer season and being able to trap where we are prohibited now. Don’t forget to take a youngster with you and introduce them to this great sport we enjoy. Aren’t you glad someone introduced you to it?
See you in Little Mountain. — Ricky Williams
Hello, SCTA Trappers. The cool air and fall rain is here at last. It is my favorite time of the year to be outside short of trapping season. I hope you all have been able to spend some time outside enjoying the beginning of the new season.
I’m not sure of the timing of this publication, but I hope it’s just prior to our fall meet. Please remember to bring items for our auction. The SCTA convention auction is our only fundraiser.
That brings up a couple of points I’d like to touch on. Our trapping association is held together by a small group of folks that do the majority of the work. The association needs members to step up and help out. We need fresh ideas and fresh faces helping. Your help is needed raising money. We need a couple of fundraisers going besides the annual auction. We need help working public events to endorse legal trapping. These events are pretty cool the first four hours then it’s kind of downhill. We have a newsletter that we rarely fill with our members input or information. If you would like to write about the outdoors, shoot Ricky an e-mail or US mail the info to him. He’ll get it to the correct folks. The SCTA has got a heck of a lot done for the states trappers on the law standpoint over the last 8-10 years. To be truthful, the same folks that held the association together when I joined in 1996 are still keeping it going today. My hat is off to Ricky Williams for what he has done for the SCTA. We need more Rickys but they are hard to come by. I do not mean any disrespect to you other fingers on the hands, but only a very few of us know how much Ricky does. The association has tanned fur and mounts that can be set up at an event in your area. There is a set of fur in Anderson and at least one with Ricky, perhaps Jim Cooper has one as well. These items are for promoting trapping and the SCTA.
There is a Presidential election just ahead in early November. It looks like the Republicans have the first “common” person running for a high powered political office since I started voting in 1988. She will have my vote.
Trapping season is not far out so start getting ready. To save on gas, start scouting as much as possible while hunting. The price of gas will no doubt slow a lot of us down by shortening our lines. Make your trap checks count by being ready ahead of time. I have found dry dirt and quality gear go further than I would have ever imagined.
Remember to be safe in the field and I’ll see ya at the convention. — Richard Whitfield
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