Tennessee Fur Harvester Association November 2008 Report

President — Gene Gagstatter, 565 French Mill Rd., Dandrige, TN 37725; phone: 865-621-8114
Vice President — James Lord; phone: 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; e-mail: jlord2003@aol.com
Secretary — Lora Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike,
Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-575-0986
State Organizer — Tei Gagstattler, 565 French Mill Rd., Dandrige, TN 37725; phone: 865-621-8114
NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike,
Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail: JohnDanielGC@yahoo.com
FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr.,
Sparta, TN 38583; phone: 931-935-5602

All Correspondance should be sent to :
565 French Mill Rd.
Dandridge Tn. 37725

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior lifetime membership (70 or older) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $100

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Gene Gagstatter
565 French Mill Rd., Dandrige, TN 37725


Hello everyone, fall is here and trapping season is almost upon us. I would like to thank everyone who attended our fall meeting at Falls Creek Falls State Park. We had a good turn out and an enjoyable time. A big thank you to Laura Smith and the lady fur harvesters for the terrific job in the kitchen.

As of this meeting, John Curry our Treasurer/Membership Secretary has resigned from his position for family related reasons. At this point in time, I have not made a decision as to who will fill this position but I am considering two possible choices. Any correspondence pertaining to the TFHA should be directed to my address as far as memberships are concerned.

Congratulations goes out to the following people for receiving the following awards this year: Bob Beckwith (Hall of Fame), Becky Peterson (Lady Fur Harvester), Jake Terry (Hall of Fame), Thurman “Bunky” Rector (Director of the Year) and a special congratulations to John Daniel (Director of the Year), who also received the NTA Director of the Year.
There was a vote to not have a fur sale in Lebanon this year. That does not mean there won’t be one next year. Our fur sale dates are Jan. 24 – Crossville, TN, Jan. 31 – Monteagle, TN, and Feb. 21 – Bulls Gap, TN. There will be a flyer coming out soon with more information on these sales.

I would like to say thank you to the membership for a terrific year and with your continued support this organization will continue to grow. — Gene Gagstatter


At the time of this writing, the season is a only a little more than a month away. I hope everyone is having a good time preparing. In the last two issues, there was a mistake made and my report was accidentally left out. I apologize for any inconvenience.

In August, I traveled to Mason City, Iowa, for the National Convention. The meetings went well. Contracts were discussed and approved for convention coordinator, a new editor for the American Trapper, Corola Owen was selected new vice president and Jim Curran was reelected as conservation director. I was asked to sit on the Trapper Defense Fund Committee and I accepted the appointment. Jim Curran will be attending a meeting in the near future to take part in planning a 10-year agenda for the promotion and preservation of hunting, trapping and fishing in America.

While Minnesota had a victory in the courts, some of the language is being taken advantage of for a lawsuit in Maine.. We need to follow these cases closely because we could be next.

On Aug. 5, the N.T.A. Awards Committee decided to award Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska the Conservationist of the Year award. This was done prior to her being chosen as McCain’s running mate.

At the N.T.A. awards banquet, I was given the award for N.T.A. Director of the Year. This is an award that I will cherish the rest of my life. I am equally honored to receive T.F.H.A. Director of the Year. These awards mean a great deal to me because after God and my family, trapping is my greatest love. I am very passionate about preserving our trapping heritage. So, if I seem a little overzealous in my approach, be patient because I’m just trying to make a difference while we still have a chance. I hope everyone has a great fall.
Until next time, keep your boots dry. — John Daniel


Hello TFHA family. I hope that the trapping bug has you really stirred up because this fur season is shaping up to be e-x-c-i-t-i-n-g!!
We ended out ‘Rondy & Training season with a great ‘Rondy’ at FCF. All our demos were great with good info. Thanks goes out to “Fuzzy” Rector, Andy Hayes, “Uncle Mikey”, Mike McMillan and Paul Antczak. And going along with all of these good demos our Lady Fur Harvesters always make sure you have great food. I cannot remember hearing so many wonderful comments about our hard working ladies and all of the delicious new choices they are fixing for your eating pleasure. Please tell them how much we appreciate their dedication. Ms. Laura & the ‘Gals’ are irreplaceable. Ms. Becky was keeping our “Short Liners” busy with face painting, games and candy making. I even saw a few adults painted! Huge thanks to our vendors John Coakley, Jimmy Young & High Noon Deer Scents for bringing their supplies.

The Trapper training hosted by Mark Smith will be reported on in the next issue of T&PC because it is still 10 away at the time of this writing. Thanks Mark & Family for giving us this opportunity to reach more kids.

Just around the corner is our first fur handling day hosted by Joe Hawkins on Nov. 15. Bring your own clean & thawed critter. It is our goal for TFHA to be the best we can be at fur handling. For info on this event call Joe @ 865-660-0279.
Below are the times, dates and directions for our fur sales. Please read CAREFULLY and if there are any questions please call me @ 865-621-8114.

Our first sale begins at Crossville on Jan. 24, 2009, at the Crossville Community Complex. Directions to this sale are: Take Hwy 127S exit I-40. Go right at the fourth red light (Industrial Blvd.) Follow this rd. bearing right into fairgrounds. This sale begins at 9 a.m. CST. Reservations begin at 8 a.m. EST. on Jan. 10, 2009.

For our second sale, we are stepping up the excitement, we are going south! We will hold our sale at the National Guard Armory in Monteagle. This sale begins at 9 a.m. CST. We have also reserved this facility for Feb. 1 if the number of sellers dictate the need. This is a very nice facility with plenty of space and parking. Directions to this sale: From I-24 go 6/10 of a mile toward Tracy City. Take rd on right to Tracy City. Go 3.2 miles. The National Guard Armory will be on your left. The reservations for this auction begin at 8 a.m., EST. on Jan. 17, 2009.

For our third sale, we go east to Bulls Gap. Sale begins at 9 a.m., EST on Feb. 21, 2009. Reservations begins at 8 a.m., EST.on Feb. 7,2009. Directions to the sale are; Take I-81 off of I-40. Take the Bulls Gap exit (Exit 23) The road for the V.F.W. Hall is just before the bridge on the right.

As always, we are needing willing volunteers to help run the fur sales in true T.F.H.A. style.

Anyone wanting to get more info or to make a reservation can contact me @ 865-621-8114.

TFHA members we are so proud of each of you and your dedication to this sport. Please remember to pass along your knowledge to others. There are so many who know nothing of the beauty of trapping and of Gods’ handiwork in the great outdoors. Let’s work together to change this. Each one of you can make a difference. GOD BLESS. — Tei Gagstattler

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