President — Tony White, 1318 Soundneck Rd. Elizabeth City, NC 27909; 252-330-2327
Vice President — Neal Jennings, 3037 Shady Grove Ch. Rd. East Bend, NC 27018; 336-699-3947
Secretary — Sharon Underwood, 4488 NC 218, Peachland, NC 28133; 704-272-7876
Membership Secretary — Dan Hunt, 901 Tamaras Cir, Wake Forest, NC 27587; 919-244-9295
Treasurer — Joey Smith, 262 Mewborn Church Road, Snow Hill, NC 28580; 919-738-4683
NTA Director — Nelson Pearce, 5612 Hopkins Chapel Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597; (H)919 269 6710; (C) 919 868 5592; nelsonpearce@att.net
General Organizer — David Underwood, 4488 NC 218, Peachland, NC 28133; 704-272-7876
Education Coordinator — Todd Menke, 2663 Tar River Rd., Creedmoor, NC 27522; 919-528-9063;
Newsletter Editor — Josh Biesecker, 307 Bridget Way, Creedmoor, NC 27522; 919-880-4046
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Youth membership (under age 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $350
• Senior citizens 70 years or older with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Youth supporter without subscription — $10
• Adult supporter without subscription — $15
• Lifetime supporter without subscription — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NCTA, Membership Secretary
Dan Hunt
901 Tamaras Cir
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Hello fellow NC trappers. I hope this report finds you doing well. As I write this, I am sitting in a motel in Raleigh while attending the Dixie Deer Classic. Our season has now ended now and we will all go about our other pursuits as we wait out the seasons until once again, it is time to trap.
The mail that I have received up to this point strongly suggests that most of you would prefer to keep Trapper & Predator Caller as our membership magazine. I will carry these letters to our next BOD meeting and make your wishes known to the board. I thank you all for participating in this polling. Remember, this is your association and we need your input to make this work.
NAFA Has just completed their first sale for this season and, as expected, the results were a 20 to 30 percent drop from last years record prices. I really feel that this correction was needed and that the market will make moderate gains in future sales. Some species will take a substantial hit while others will keep a more steady course. Such is the nature of the beast. I know that last years high prices brought about a surge in trapper numbers this season. A lot of these folks had little real knowledge of how to trap correctly and or legally. It falls to all of us to try and educate these people on proper trapping techniques and trapper ethics. I hope that I can count on all of you reading this to help steer these new trappers in the right direction.
As I have stated in previous reports, our annual advanced trappers course will be coming up in May and I hope to have as good or better attendance as we did last year. The fact that we have had several repeat customers says a lot about the value in this seminar. This course will be held May 16-18,2014 at the Millstone 4-H camp in Ellerbee ,NC. Details will be made available on our website (nctrapper.org) and on the North Carolina Wildlife Resources commission website. This basis for this course is setting and operating a real working trapline . The cost of the course is $300 per person and this includes all meals and lodging.
We also offer a one day beginners course that covers the basics and is free. Again, the details will be made available on our website as well as the NCWRC website.
That’s about all that I have for now so I will close. Please remember to take a youngster along with you as you venture outside this spring. You will both find that it is time well spent. — Tony W. White