President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763
Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681
Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-5434;
Secretary/Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Cortland Country Trappers of New York
Secretary Art Manz
Box 14
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
Meeting Minutes of the February 2014 Cortland County Trappers Association
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by President Howe. The meeting was held at the McGraw Sportsman’s Association clubhouse because the Solon Sportsmans’ clubhouse burned completely in January. They were our host club and they are still unsure of their future.
The 50/50 was won by yours truly. The trap, a 110, donated by Howe Trap Supply, was won by Jim Hickey.
We have a new member, Chris Smith.
The Independent Fur Harvesters fur auction was discussed, prices were relatively high. The next auction was scheduled for February 22.
The Independent Fur Harvesters coyote hunt had 38 teams but only 14 canines entered, mostly fox. The event raised $1000 which was given to Advanced Strategies which provides hunting and fishing trips to the handicapped.
There was a long discussion regarding preparations for our exhibit at the Maple Festival in Marathon, to be held April 5 and 6.
The club got a very nice letter from the Homer School District High School thanking us for the gift subscription to Fur-Fish-Game magazine..
There was a discussion as to whether the club should continue with the scholarship program given the uncertainty of a meeting place. Dick Firsching made the motion to continue, seconded by Jim Hickey. The club voted to continue the program.
Dick Firsching mentioned two bills in the NYS Assembly that would adversely affect trapping:
– A1754 would prohibit the use of body-gripping traps within 500 feet of several facilities, roads, etc, redefines “body-gripping traps” and establishes criminal penalties for use of them too close to certain facilities.
– A0054 provides that on publicly accessible municipally owned property where trapping is allowed signage is required to inform the reader that trapping is allowed.
(Lists of proposed legislation affecting trapping are found at and
Dick also described a violation where someone had moved his trap but was unsuccessful in getting satisfaction from Law Enforcement.
Butch Jenks discussed a trapper certification course held in Newfield coordinated by Al Martek. 17 students attended. Butch also brought a visitor, Toby Eldred, along to the meeting.
Ray Nolan, NYSTA Region 7S director summarized the recent Board of Directors meeting. The 2013 Convention broke all records for attendance and the 2014 exhibitor buildings are already full.
– He reported on the successful Youth Trapper Camps, one each in eastern and western portions of the state for ages 12 through 15. The 2014 camps will be held Oct. 10-13. The cost to attend is $40 with the possibility of a $20 scholarship. For further info and application, see the NYSTA website ( or call Pat Arnold (315-644-4643).
– The NYSTA website is being revamped using in-house talent.
– The legislation to allow the taking of snapping turtles by trapping has been re-introduced.
– The December raffle didn’t occur due to problems in obtaining mailing labels. It will be run in March and new tickets will be issued.
– There is a feeling that many ECOs don’t know anything about trapping as there is little enforcement of trapping violations.
– Trapping license sales for the period of 10/1/13 -1/16/14 were 5573 statewide.
– The current Conservationist magazine has a website for the Humane Society of the US in the youth section.
– The NYSTA spring membership meeting will be someplace near the Hudson River during April.
– DEC is producing a Fisher Management Plan which will guide management for a five year period with the goals of maintaining the population, enhancing opportunities to harvest them and to monitor the population.. Trappers are encouraged to submit suggestions to Andy MacDuff or Paul Jensen at .
There was no demo this month. Food (venison chili) was provided by yours truly.
No demo next month. Food will be provided by John Slocum.
The next meeting will be held at McGraw again on March 16, 5 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted. — Les Wedge