Acting President — Ron Elliot, 7244 W. 500 S.,
LaPort, IN 46350; phone: 219-785-2972;
Vice President — Ron Elliot, 7244 W. 500 S.,
LaPort, IN 46350; phone: 219-785-2972
Secretary — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N.,
Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207;
cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
Treasurer — George Metz, 4365 S 1000 E.,
Batesville, IN 47006; phone: 812-852-0233
NTA Director — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N.,
Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207;
cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
FTA Director — VACANT
Furbearer Biologist — Bruce Plowman, 562 DNR Rd., Mitchell, IN 47446; phone: 812-849-4586
Directors of Membership — Randy Sowder, Bill Crum and Jim McIntyre
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ISTA, Treasurer
George Metz
4365 S 1000 E., Batesville, IN 47006
Summer is over and trapping season is just around the corner. September was a busy month. Sept. 6 and 7 was a Youth Trapper’s Ed at Salamonie Reservoir. Twenty three students participated in the event. Two raccoons and one beaver were caught. The students learned about ethics, laws, traps, and skinning techniques. Thanks to DNR Officer, Todd Lang, and Justin Harrington, Scott Dahms, Tom Morelock, John Allen, Chuck Isner (Beaverfoot).
Sept. 19-21 was the Indiana State Trapper’s Association Convention at Greensburg. This will be George Metz’ last year as Treasurer. He will be deeply missed. The results of this year’s election are as follows: President, Ron Elliott; Vice-President, Frank Lamm; Treasurer, Travis Allen; Director, Bill Crum. Congratulations to the newly elected officers. The State Award winners were: Terry Manley and Hal Sullivan, Hall of Fame; Charlie Masheck, Trapper of the Year; Trapper McCammon, Youth Trapper of the Year; Travis Lowe, Kid’s Trap Setting Contest. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners. Thanks to all of the people who helped with the demos, the vendors and the clean-up crew on Sunday. Special thanks to all of the people who donated to the auction and to Kenny England for running the auction. This is one of our biggest fundraisers every year.
Jan. 17, 2009, is the Fur Sale at Peru. It will start at 9 a.m.
If we want an otter season, we need to contact every time you see or trap an otter. Everyone needs to do this.
The ruling on the coyote issue is that we will no longer be able to keep coyotes after the season. We will be able to keep the parts and hides of coyotes caught out-of-season. Also, the DNR is willing to let us keep fur all year long. This could be to our advantage.
I hope you have a great trapping season. — Ron Elliott
The Board of Directors met on Friday morning Sept. 19 and passed three motions. We agreed to spent $150 to buy two pack baskets and trapping stuff to put in them and give them away to kids at the convention on Saturday. We established a financial committee to audit records and set up a yearly budget. And we rescinded the old rule of two questions per election ballot in favor on a new rule allowing an unlimited amount of questions on the ballot.
Friday evening at 6 p.m. the annual Fall Membership Meeting convened during the State Convention at the Decatur County Fairgrounds in Greensburg. Two motions were passed. One was to buy embroidered shirts for officers that do not yet have them. The other was to donate $1,000 to the Coyote Defense Fund. Reports were made by all of the officers. A big round of applause was given to George Metz for his past six years of service as Treasurer.
There were six questions on the election ballot concerning proposed bylaw changes. All of the proposed changes were ratified by the voters. A couple of highlights are: Beginning in 2009 we will elect the FTA Director for a two year term and beginning in 2010 we will elect the NTA Director for a two year term. And the Board of Directors will be allowed to conduct meetings by conference call. — Stu Grell
The NTA Educational Packets that we purchased are being distributed at Trapper Ed courses and other events attended by some officers. Anyone can get some of the packets to hand out. Contact Ron Elliott. Furbearers Unlimited has done well this year with banquets for raising money. I would like to see one happen in Indiana. We need about fifteen volunteers to get a banquet going so if you want to help out, please let me know. — Stu Grell
Another convention year has come and gone and fur season quickly approaches. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend both the FTA in Columbia, Mo. and the NTA in Mason City, IA as well as the ISTA, Fur Taker 7B and 7F get together. It’s always a good time to visit with old friends and make some new ones. Hopefully everyone has all their gear and permissions lined up by now and has their line planned out.
The ISTA would like to send a big thanks the following for donations to our Fall Convention Auction. These donations help keep our association going. Thank You!
Snare One, Minnesota Trapline Products, Windance Outfitters, Trapper’s Haven, Funke Trap Tags, T-N-T Trapping Supply, PM Furs, Duke Traps, Clint Locklear, Northern Sports, Fur, Fish & Game Magazine, Trapperman.Com, Dobbin’s Lures, Karlene’s Kandles, Schmitt Enterprises, PDK Snares, Marak’s of Iowa, Robert Gates, Call of the Wild, Blue Ridge Supply, Wiebke Trading Company, Blue Valley Trap Supply, Yellow River Enterprise, John Graham, Mackes Hides and Fur, Bob Custer, Teton Trap Company, Tracy Truman, Tim Kressel, Snare Shop, Jim Spencer, Trapper & Predator Caller Magazine, EW Designs, Smokey Reds Supply, Slim Peterson, Tom Olsen, Trap N Snare, Otter Creek, Red O’Hearn, Bill Kasten, Rich Kasper, Jim Blakely, Kyle Kaatz, Coyotes R US, Cumberlands, Mark June, Stanbro Lures, Brian Roberts, F&T Fur Harvesters, Sudden Valley Supply, KB Stabelizers, Steve Craig, Joe Goodman, Jim Bethel, Elm Lures, Northwest Mo Trappers Supply, Buck’s Hunting and Trapping, Miller Fur, Jr & Sons Lure, Potter Fur & Roots, Lowell Jensen, Blackie’s Blend Lures, Leggett’s, Eric Space, Kenny England, Ohio State Trapper’s Assn., North American Trap Assn., Southern Ohio Nuisance Wildlife Control, Dennis Helman, Wildlife Control Co. Inc. and Horse Creek Fur Co.
ISTA will be holding Trappers Ed Class at Racoon Lake State Park on Nov 1. Contact Stu Grell for more info. Phone: (765)-572-2207 or email:
ISTA fur sale will be Jan. 17, 2009, at the Miami County Fairgrounds in Peru, IN.
Hope you all have a good season. — Bill Crum
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