President — Virgil Schroeder, 3471 Earlwyn Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527; phone: 608-764-5218; e-mail:
Vice President — Greg Schroeder, 514 Water St., Cambridge, WI 53523; phone: 608-423-4621; e-mail:
Secretary — Krystle Kasper, 605 W Central St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729; 715-214-5147; e-mail:
Treasurer — Pam Mather, P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575; phone: 608-335-2700; e-mail:
NTA Director — Chris Bezio, 5479 Hawthorne Dr., Pulaski, WI 54162; phone: 920-822-3427; e-mail:
Sergeant at Arms — Doug Gorst, 3941 Cty Rd. E, Pittsville, WI 54466; phone: 715-884-6452
Trapper Ed Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, N4297 Weasel Dam Road, Tigerton, WI 54486; phone: 715-754-2121; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Ken Kasper, P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940; phone: 920-446-3815;e-mail:
Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, P.O. Box 483, Baraboo, WI 53913; phone: 608-356-3621; e-mail:
Historians — Mary Cassidy & Larry Vanderhoef; W 10513 County Road P, Plainfield, WI 54966; phone: 715-366-2453
Web Site Coordinator — Brent Straka, 7936 Cty A, Lancaster, WI 53813: phone: 608-732-3548
Future Trappers of Wisconsin President — Maggie McAuley, 621 13th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494; phone: 715-423-3229;e-mail:
Future Trappers of Wisconsin Coordinator — Jennifer Roever, WI 4399 US HWY 45, Tigerton, WI 54486; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Three-year individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Individual membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Junior (under 17) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Family Membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Lifetime membership (under 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $500
• Lifetime membership (over 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Husband and wife lifetime membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $600
• Future Trappers of Wisconsin membership (under age 19) without Trapper & Predator Caller — FREE
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
WTA Treasurer
Pam Mather
P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305;
Hello Trappers,
I am writing this as I am getting ready to head out to Missouri for the NTA Convention. Looks like there will be some hot weather to contend with.
We attended the FTA Convention in Dunkirk, NY. They had a good turnout despite the fact that it rained every day. I was pleased that the FTA voted to hold the 2013 FTA Convention in Marshfield, Wisconsin. I think this will be the first ever FTA National Convention in Wisconsin.
It won’t be long now until September and the WTA Rendezvous in Marshfield. Chris Bezio is in charge of that. If you have any questions about it, he’s the man to call.
Also, there will be elections this year for Vice President and also Secretary. Scott Zimmerman is again running for Vice President . There is no official candidate for Secretary. That will be a write in vote.
Contact your district director to volunteer to help out in the area your district is responsible for at the rendezvous.
On Saturday afternoon before the awards presentation we will have a round table discussion similar to the one we had two years ago. Hope to see you at the rendezvous supporting the WTA.
It’s been a busy summer. Every weekend there’s something going on. I’m ready for fall and a relief from the heat. See ya later.
— Virgil Schroeder
Board of Directors Meeting
Wisconsin Trappers Association
MacKenzie Center, Poynette, WI
June 4, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 9:32am by President Virgil Schroeder. The Pledge of Allegiance was said and business was started. Secretary announced meeting was being recorded and any proxies should be presented at this time. Mike Schmelling presented a proxy from Russ Warmka for District 7. Roll was taken with all 4 elected officers present and all Districts but 1, 2 & 6 represented.
Secretary’s Report – All minutes from March General and BOD meetings were published in both T&PC and the Wisconsin Trapper and any changes, omissions or addendums would be entertained at this time. None were presented.
Motion was made by Dan Shumaker to accept the Secretary’s report as written. Seconded by Bryce Larsen. Motion Carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Lifetime account pays for the Trapper & Predator Caller subscriptions for Life members as it was originally intended to do. This means the account will vary due to this and it’s currently at -$300 due to paying for the Spring Banquet. We are not overdrawn or anything of that nature, the account is part of the main fund, so from an accounting standpoint everything is fine.
Chris Bezio will be using the Spring Banquet checkbook for the Fall Rendezvous checkbook. It is at around $4000 and that should be enough. Steve Van would want to do it this way – Rename the account and then we’d have to close out the whole account. Then go through the whole process over and over. Would also like to be able to use the checkbook for the raffle next year. It is easier on all involved this way. Possibly rename the account on the checks but keep the account number the same. We do need Board approval to use it for the Fall Rendezvous. We currently use this account in this manner but renaming will allow easier tracking for the bookkeeper.
Motion was made by Bryce Larsen to use the Spring Banquet account for the Fall Rendezvous. Seconded by Jim Gordon. Motion Carried.
Discussion on if more names would need to be added for signing purposes of the account – maybe. This account can be funded up to $12,000. Reiterated that this money is not separate in the bank other than District monies which are separate. So, the -300 for LTM does not overdraw us. Cash flow is going very good now as opposed to the highs and lows of years past. History lesson for the day teaches us that at one time we had 11 separate bank accounts at various banks and locations. Scott McAuley, former WTA President, consolidated all the accounts into one. At that time, he also found a “lost” account we didn’t realize we had anymore.
Motion made by Jim Gordon to create an Annual Activities Account from the current Spring Banquet Account. Seconded by Dan Shumaker. Motion Carried.
It was discussed that Stoney Creek has still not been completely paid and could we expedite this. It was asked how that could be, two and a half months later. It was explained that they bill separately for many things, events prior to 4pm, events after 4pm, Friday meetings, noon BOD lunch and last minute A/V needs are all separate billings. We still get a heck of a deal from them. Moving to the water park was mentioned but it has been looked into and it is unfeasible. They are not large enough to host us. It is suggested we ask next year if they can have a complete bill ready to be paid at 11am Sunday morning after the Banquet.
Motion made by Jim Gordon to accept the financial report. Seconded by Mike Bothwell. Motion Carried.
President’s Report – Virgil wanted to thank everyone involved for the excellent job at the spring banquet. He asked for any suggestions for the January BOD meeting location next year. Also, keep in mind any ideas or items for helping the fall fund raising at the auction. Also a reminder that the first $500 of the auction goes to the Mike Abrahamson scholarship. He thought that maybe the traveling board between districts could make an appearance again.
The proposed plan we had from the spring meetings to increase the trapping license fee $2 is dead. Virgil said he got booted out of Madison with that idea. The lawmakers thought it was a wonderful idea and it showed tremendous support of our sport but until the budget battle is over – no, no, no on any increases, of any kind. The WTA is moving along nicely and Virgil feels it is the smoothest running he can remember in a long time. The FTA has looked into fairground dates at Marshfield so they are showing real signs of intent to come here in 2012. Discussion followed spring banquet and timing of promotion. Also being able to tie other things in with it be raffle, etc. The October BOD needs to be the final meeting for spring banquet ideas, needs, and proposals. January is too late with the deadlines for the Wisconsin Trapper. This was especially brought to light with erroneous dates and info published the past year. Question was asked if Stoney Creek is booked for next year. Secretary assured them that it was.
Vice-Presidents Report – There was a furbearer ecology meeting for the furbearer harvest portion of the Conservation Congress. The APHIS reported catch of beaver was way down. The fisher harvest goals for the coming year are tentatively Zone A-300, Zone B-200, Zone C-100, Zone D-175, Zone E-200, and Zone F-200. Otter goals will remain the same even though the WTA wanted the number bumped up to 900. Otter harvest will be divided 40%/30%/30% across the northern, central and southern zones respectively. The bobcat harvest goal will be 380. The success rates form the previous season with its new time structure were 65% for first season and 90% during the second season. Warden John Wilke had stated there were three dog deaths with traps reported this past season. Two of the dogs were from the same barn; the dogs got loose and went into the barn. The barn did not belong to the dogs owner and the traps were all legal sets. It is still under investigation and has not been reported as an incidental yet.
Virgil commented that as the old guys, like him, are going away the ethics portion of the WCTEP is really showing up. He stated that 15-20 dogs a year used to be a normal year of incidental deaths and now its 3, good job. Also we were able to keep the ability to “ditch” trap because of our WCTEP. If possible, Madison has always supported the standard of “educate rather than legislate” for trapping. Scott reported the track studies for otter were not completed again and the scat-sniffing dogs are going south of Highway 64. The fisher population appears to be migrating south in the state. Question was asked if we have bear and fisher harvest privileges all the way south to the Illinois border why not bobcat. Answer is without population data the state is afraid of being sued. You need dead bobcats to study but without harvest, there are few, if any, cats to study. You can’t study without bobcats to study, it’s a Catch-22 situation.
There are glitches in the colony trap regulations, especially on the size. The folding colonies appear to have the biggest issue where 6” of wire becomes 6 ¼” when the panels are fastened together. It was asked if the DNR had put out a DIT on this. A DIT (not sure of acronym) is a notice to all wardens for procedure to be followed in certain grey areas such as this. It is believed there was and if there is a DIT on this Virgil will try to get a copy of it. The DNR has always been supportive of the WTA in many instances such as this so it is believed this should not be an issue. Virgil stated if any problems arise due to the glitches in the colony trap regulations we will give full support to our members.
He also said he would try to get something out there to point out the current glitches to all. He also said this is a problem anytime a law states a certain size. Some states with jaw spread laws are having problems because trap jaw sizes vary from trap to trap out of the same box. They are mass-produced and not machined so a variance of a 1/16 or 1/8” is acceptable for production but not to a rigid size law.
The biggest thing he would like to see is one season of colony trap usage, so we can find all the glitches with the regulations, then we will amend them all at one time. Scott also reported on trapping questions from the spring hearings – trapping in state parks the state (the state being the total votes cast during the spring hearings) voted yes and the DNR yes, landowner cable restraints the state voted yes and the DNR no, the fall beaver season reduction the state said no and the DNR said we’ll use our plan and finally there was a question on allowing coon hunting during the 9-day gun deer season and the state said no and the DNR yes. The subject of getting the bear cable restraint caused lengthy and spirited discussion. We do intend to move forward with this. There is an almost certainty we can get the tribes to support this. Scott said we may or may not be able to get this on the questions for next year. Other fur harvest proposals were discussed.
Several years ago, the WTA did recommend that all water trapping open on the third Saturday of October might try for that again. Scott also stated that the tribes want a threshold percentage of 15% for furbearers. There will be a by-laws meeting on June 25th at Pumpkin Center at 2pm, contact Scott if you need directions. Discussion on incidental catches ensued. It is felt that a trespassing dog and legal trapper should not be an incidental. Ten years ago most of the incidentals resulted in trapper citations. The three from this year ended up with no trapper citations. Virgil stated that at Madison if you tell them yes we have incidentals but they are not trapper related. Then the politicians say OK it is not a trapping issue. A general leash law discussion in pertinence to incidentals followed. It was ended by the statement that at one time we had up to 47 dogs a year killed in incidentals now at three we can prove that education works.
WCTEP and FTW Report – Nicke reported so far this year 375 have graduated from the classroom and 85 via correspondence. There were six classes last month that are not part of that total yet. FTW camp is in 2 ½ weeks and they are still looking for instructors. They are really looking for those who have the ability to play well with others. Nicke would like an updated computer, her current one is six years old and becoming more and more marginally effective. A majority of her software is no longer available or compatible and it is becoming an issue. Currently her computer usage is around 50% for FTW, 40% WCTEP and 10% WTA.
She would prefer a laptop and is looking in the $600-$800 range plus programs. Discussion on other laptops the WTA has/had. Virgil is using the former Treasurer’s and the former Secretary’s has not been returned yet. So no, we don’t have any just laying around. General discussion on printers, and toner and who used it, who gets billed for it. The original package she has now was $2500 six years ago and was reimbursed by the DNR.
Bryce Larsen made a motion to allow up to $1500 for a new computer for Nicke. Seconded by Scott McAuley. Motion Carried.
Virgil said we will look at getting reimbursement through the trapper ed fund. Nicke also stated there will be instructor training for the new manual at the Fall Rendezvous. This will be a mandatory requirement for instructors. However, you will be able to train other instructors after attending this class. The new manual should go to print next month. The testing and how you address the class procedures have changed. The test will have physical identification of traps, furs, and sets included in it. The regular camp at Sandhill has 8 openings left and unfortunately sponsorship is down this year.
Personnel and Finance Report – Michael Leiser reported that the banquet truly appreciates Kathy Bazile for all her help and guidance this year. The new structure is getting better and better every year. The capturing of dollars and numbers is greatly improved and showing many benefits. People now are starting to realize the number of hours that are required for any one of these events to take place. Mike stated he did not get along with Ken Kasper, but his hat is off to the man for all he did. How he ever was able to find the hours to get it all done by himself is truly miraculous. We do need to transpose a twelve-month calendar with procedures and timelines for all our events.
The raffle is going excellent with the sales up so far. There have been a few hiccups with it this year but next year will be smoother. There are over $22,000 in tickets sold at this time and our expense into it is $18,000. So at least we are running in the black already unlike most years. Did the committee structure work for the Spring Banquet? Answer provided was yes. The District treasurers are getting better at working with Steve Van. Communication does need to improve with some districts however. Any business for the WTA has to use the PO Box at the Oregon address.
Districts are required to submit annual inventory of WTA/District assets. We have physical property insurance for items so let’s list them. Inventories need to be sent to Deb Koltis along with the accounts by January 1 of each year. All trapper ed kits (furs and traps) are property to be listed. There is a master list of the trap collection and fur kit to see what should be there. Lengthy discussion ensued pertaining to new and old directors unsure of what should be there, what isn’t, where is it, etc. We will have to come up with a form/master list of what each district has. In addition, a master list for budget, procedures, and inventories needs to be developed for the liaisons, especially the Banquet and Rendezvous liaisons. The 2012 budget meeting will be coming up so a budget is able to be presented for approval at the Fall General Membership meeting.
Events/Promotions Coordinator Report – Scott wants it to be known that Jack Taushek has donated all or most the furs for the Miss WI and Miss Teen WI jackets for many years. So kudos and many thanks to Jack for this. The girls received their jackets 6 weeks ago in Appleton and pictures were distributed. Once again, the girls really loved their jackets (Scott was smiling awfully large in the photos also). Wisconsin has a new/replacement Miss Wisconsin and the jacket offer has been presented to her. The jackets are a good and positive promotion of our sport.
Publications Report – Bryce reports we are now getting solid numbers on what it costs to publish our magazine. Bryce was taking mug shots of officers and directors to be published so the membership would have a better idea of who is who and who to take their concerns to.
He was only partially successful due to our Secretary breaking the camera although Bryce claims it was a dead battery. Bryce stated he was the last director serving on P&F, anyone wishing to replace him as the Publications Liaison for P&F please contact Virgil. Deadline for the Rendezvous edition will be July 25th to ensure it gets to our members in time for the rendezvous. Dave Hastings has reported it has been getting slower getting advertisers for “another” trapping magazine. It is costing us more than Virgil had originally stated. The printing is more than was expected. We also had an extra 1000 copies printed last issue for distribution at New York (FTA) and for Missouri(NTA). One positive note is the cost per issue is down. The last issue cost us $1.33 per issue. Less than ten issues were returned with the last issue, which is another positive note. Discussion on how extra issues are not a bad thing. We are gaining through the volunteer program.
Once again, Dave is open to any Wisconsin publisher who can do the same job and quality. Any suggestions for a Wisconsin publisher contact Dave or Bryce. Dave is need of photos for the cover and the magazine. Virgil asked if we would entertain the idea of a reciprocal agreement with the NTA and FTA for ads in our respective magazines for our respective conventions.
Jim Gordon moves to allow the FTA and NTA free ads in the Wisconsin Trapper for their conventions, if we allowed the same privilege by them. Seconded by Dan Shumaker. Motion Carried.
Discussion on placing coupons for area businesses (Fall/Marshfield and Spring/Wausau) would be an encouragement for selling ads. Virgil announced that the Horicon refuge will be allowed an ad for the trapping auction in the Wisconsin Trapper. Both the Federal and State departments are going to offered space for an article to explain what is going on. The Federal side is experiencing “chew outs” and is going to select trappers to stop this.
Subject of proxies was brought up, directors should have had copies in their binders, but if missing or depleted, there is a downloadable proxy form at the website. Discussion on how a raffle prize over $500 may require a W-9 form to be presented with it. By- laws need to address two co-directors showing up at the same meeting. The FTW making the buttons is a great thing as a moneymaker for them. It also creates a new trapping “collectible”. Let Nicke know if you would like some made for an event, etc., the cost will be 10 cents apiece. Discussion moving the 4-wheeler around the state for various events etc.
Virgil called a break for lunch at 12:01pm. Lunch was provided by District 10 and whoever did the grilling was truly a grill master. Virgil called the meeting back to order at 12:34pm.
NTA Report – Scott reported that the media training in Bloomington went good. A subject that was discussed there was – How do you keep trappers, trappers? Personal contact is felt to be key to keeping members. Members need to feel a value of being a member. The District rendezvous’ help keep that personal contact going. We should make it a point to invite all Trapper Ed graduates to our respective District rendezvous’. Nicke has the list available so let us strive to use it. Up to 80% of the students take the class just to have the experience and exposure. Scott gave his new e-mail address to those in attendance. His old one was hacked and if you are need of a good giggle ask him to tell you the story of how he was stranded in London, England.
He attended the chamber dinner in Marshfield and received $500 from them to promote our Fall Rendezvous. Once again, Marshfield still loves the NTA convention. Kids days are the most fun to attend. Scott did note that they would no longer be giving away muskrat tails or otter feet during skinning demos. Kid’s backpacks, sun/ high temperatures and secret treasures do not add up to pleasant things. The DVD’s are selling very fast and another run of 500 has just been ordered. The e-store on the website has really taken off. Any volunteers for helping with merchandise please see Scott. Painful discussion about the remaining marten prints and Scott will bring the remainder to the Fall Rendezvous for districts to have. Scott addressed the possibility of hosting another NTA convention in 2014.
Jim Gordon made the motion to allow preliminaries for and a bid for the 2014 NTA convention to be held in Wisconsin. Seconded by Mike Bothwell. Motion Carried.
FTW Presidents Report – Maegan Loka reported that the WWF and the Conservation Congress have both spoken positively about the FTW. She has met the Governor and the DNR Secretary. Currently she is getting ready for the FTW camp. She would like to propose a special fee for youth trapping comparable to youth fishing and hunting license fees. She sees this as an economical need for families with multiple trappers or young trappers individually. The license is free the first year but after that, it is full price no matter the age. She would propose it to be $9 and for ages 17 and under which is in line with other licenses.
Motion made by Mark Loka that the WTA pursue and support a Youth Trapping license at a comparable youth fee. Seconded by Scott McAuley. Motion Carried.
Scott McAuley recommended to Maegan she write a letter of her proposal to Kathy Seth, DNR Secretary. Scott Zimmerman stated the Conservation Congress will start the resolution immediately. Maegan was asked to attend the Fur Harvest meeting of the Conservation Congress to promote this. She also informed us there were 30 cases of, FTW labeled, bottled water left over and asked the directors to take them and then sell them at their rendezvous’. She informed us the advanced water camp was full and there were a few spots left open at the Sandhill camp. She talked about skinning otter for the state for funds for the FTW trailer.
They were required to skin 60 otters for $1500 for the trailer fund. They skinned additional otter to receive another $1000. She thanked everyone who helped and donated time for the skinning party. They had went to the organization Shadows on the Wolf for a trailer donation/ sponsorship and in turn the Shadows on the Wolf bought them a 14’ trailer along with the $1500 from the state. They would be expected to help at their banquet in return for this. The extra $1000 from the state will go for shelving in the new trailer. The head of the organization did refer to Nicke as the Sarah Palin of the WI Outdoors after all of this.
FTA Report – Sharon Kurn from the Marshfield Chamber will be flying to New York on Friday of the FTA convention to present a package and promote Wisconsin for the 2013 FTA convention. Once again, all but the auction proceeds will go to the WTA for hosting this. Question was asked if beer was served at FTA conventions. Several statements of Wisconsin beer pride were expressed and Virgil stated he was not sure. It was determined that it can be resolved. The convention will be held in June and we will still have a full-blown Fall Rendezvous that year.
Fall Rendezvous Report – Chris Bezio gave a report as to where we are currently. The districts are still responsible for the same areas they were previously. A quick recap was given for new directors and those unsure. There is a $25 hook-up fee for the show for vendors. Outside vendors will pay if they hook-up. Camping was free the whole length of the show for the vendor. Camping has been changed over the years – some years members only were free, some years free to all, some years we charge per night or per event. We get charged from the fairgrounds $13 per night for every camper hooked up. We do not get charged for campers that are not hooked up to power.
Scott McAuley moves to charge all campers $5 per camper per night. Seconded by Jim Gordon. By hand, vote 2 in favor and 8 against. Motion Fails
Discussion of member benefits, late changes and camping in general ensued. Point being that we are losing money on campers that are hooked up. Point stressed that it shouldn’t cost us but we shouldn’t profit on it either. Chris said the normal rate is $15 but we get a discount of $13. Restated the camping is free, the fairgrounds gets reimbursed for the electric use. We could let the fairgrounds collect it, not very feasible. It was decided that we will need a plan to present to the general membership at our Spring Meeting.
Motion made by Mark Peters to have free camping with a charge of $13 per night for electrical hook up. Seconded by Bryce Larsen. Bryce made an amendment to the motion to make it $15, to make it easier for those at the gate collecting fees. Mark agreed to allow the amendment. Hand vote for the amendment was 7 for and 2 against. Amendment Passed. Hand vote was taken on the original amended motion of 9 for and 0 against. Motion Passed.
We need to let the members know this is a new change and they can expect it at the Rendezvous this year. The possibility of putting the gate admission and camping on the e-store so a member can have it all taken care of when they get there was discussed. This could be a real benefit to our members and the people working the front gate and will be looked into. General discussion of next year’s vendor prices, cost of tables and suppliers, cost of bands and promotion, ideas of moving the Rendezvous forward. The fairground is getting booked for 2012 on Monday.
Motion made by Scott McAuley to leave the rates for the outside vendors the same next year as this year. Seconded by Mark Peters. Hand vote of 5 for and 6 against. Motion Failed.
Motion made by Jim Gordon to raise all vendors prices $5 per space inside and outside for 2012. Seconded by Bryce Larsen. Hand vote of 9 for to 2 against. Motion Passed.
Chris informed us that we will be honoring our contracts from 2009 that are signed already and that the beer permit needs to be obtained. District 6 will get the permit and the operator’s permits (bartenders) will be distributed and completed. Tom Baggs will need to be contacted for the fencing, bar and the paperwork. Idea was discussed that the cover of the Rendezvous edition of the Wisconsin Trapper will read important rendezvous news inside. This edition will also act as the Rendezvous pamphlet for schedule of events, etc. District 5 will be in charge of the auction and Dan Shumaker will be the Chairman of the Gate.
Future BOD meetings – October 2011 (Date TBD) will be held at Crex Meadows, June 2012 (Date TBD) will be held at Horicon Marsh. There will be a lunch and a partial tour of the marsh provided and the managers of the Federal and State sides of the marsh will give a presentation of the Federal side of the marsh. Virgil asked for ideas for the January 2012 meeting. Scott offered Amherst Junction as a location. After assuring Virgil that it was indeed in Wisconsin and a few ya-der heys from the Secretary it was agreed on for the January 2012 BOD site, date TBD.
Other Business – Discussion on members-only demos during the NTA. Should we look at doing this for our Fall Rendezvous, pros and cons presented. It was a large crowd draw at the NTA due to it usually being the big name presenters. It is felt that this really doesn’t lend itself to the state level at this time.
The FTW will make the Fall Rendezvous buttons. They will need a 2” machine to do this. Discussion on what to reimburse them at. Point made that charity is not free.
Subject of a Sergeant-at Arms was brought up. Current one is unable to fulfill the duties but has no desire to relinquish it either. It was agreed Virgil will appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms.
Topic of e-mail lists for members in districts was discussed
Jim Gordon invited everyone to the District 5 rendezvous at Galesville on the 25th. He said there was road construction happening so if you wanted alternate routes contact him.
The FBU was having a gun raffle we could participate in. The tickets were $20@ with a total of 100 tickets sold. Proceeds would be split with the FBU.
The Spring Banquet needs a schedule of events printed as to what is going on where and when. Many people arrived this year and didn’t know what was going on or where it was happening.
Motion made by Bruce Larsen to buy a 2” button machine at a cost not to exceed $500. Seconded by Jim Gordon. Motion Carried.
Discussion on buttons and artwork desired. They will be setup and ready by Wednesday of the Rendezvous.
Dan Shumaker said the Nuisance Book deadline would be extended for a few weeks due to the delivery time of the last Wisconsin Trapper.
Virgil appointed Dan Sabish as the Sergeant at Arms.
Motion to Adjourn made by Scott Zimmerman. Seconded by Mike Bothwell. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:03pm.
Respectfully submitted.
— Shawn Bazile
By-Laws Meeting for the WI Trappers Association
Pumpkin Center Sportsmans Club, Pumpkin Center, WI
June 25, 2011
Meeting called to order at 2:08pm by Vice-President Scott Zimmerman. General notice having been published members in attendance were :Dan Carrol, Russ Warmka, Scott Zimmerman and Shawn Bazile.
Scott stated the purpose of this meeting is to amend the fall voting procedure/ absentee voting. The procedure needs clarification as to time, process and procedure. Article IV, Section L, Point 3 further referenced as A4-L-3 in particular needs to be clarified for this. The voting procedures of the NTA, detailed in their by-laws, were provided for reference and possible adoption with or without modification. After referencing the NTA material it was decided the national aspect of their absentee voting procedure did not lend itself to our needs.
After lengthy discussion, debate and a pan of warm brownies from the lovely and talented Mrs. Warmka it was agreed to amend A4-L-3 as follows. The last two sentences would read – It is the responsibility of the member to request an absentee ballot in writing from the Secretary of the corporation. All absentee ballots must be delivered to the designation of the Elections committee chair two weeks prior to the start of any business meeting that absentee ballots have been sent out for. Reasons for “in writing” are mumbled voice messages, and poor communications/translations of verbal messages. The other change is due to the Secretary no longer having the membership list, the Secretary possibly being on the ballot and the time limit should allow for mailing delays, people traveling to the meeting days prior to and to just plain provide a time “cushion”.
Another clarification that Scott was asked to look into was the use of co-directors and how this affects voting at board meetings. General discussion on one district-one vote and how do you determine “head co-director” if it comes to a cast vote. Other positives and changes worked through. The proposed change to A16-B would be these sentences added to the end of the current Section B – The District will be limited to a single director but can and is encouraged to name any number of assistant directors as needed. For voting purposes an assistant director will require a signed proxy.
Another discussion was held on making it possible to change the annual meeting date during special years. The past NTA hosted convention having brought this to the forefront. To hold our annual meeting during a NTA convention for example would allow convenient accessibility to a larger number of members and to not allow this would be a disservice to our membership. This change would not mandate moving the WTA Fall Convention to align its date with another gathering just allow it happen if it was felt needed. The change proposed to A4-I would be to strike the words “during the month of September” from A4-I.
The final proposed change would create a Point 3 to Article 4, Section K. It is felt that the term personally needs to be defined to allow for current methods of communication to be used. Thus the proposed A4-K-3 would read – Personally defined as physical contact, person-to-person phone contact or electronic message with confirmation.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:12pm by WTA Vice-President Scott Zimmerman.
— Shawn Bazile
I would like to thank all the volunteers and trappers that came to the rendezvous in June we had nice weather and good demos. We did a little better this year as compared to the past, will have the rendezvous report at our spring meeting. We have the trap ed. trailer and will be getting it all set in the next couple of weeks like to thank Dean Gullickson and Larry Boettcher for all there help with this. As always if you are having a class or are in need to use the trap ed. equipment for anything please get a hold of our coordinator Larry Lapp at (715) 235-6954 and remember give him a couple of weeks notice if possible. I want to encourage everyone in our district to use this equipment at your local events we have a lot of fairs and kids events though out the year all that’s needed is pick up the trailer and go.
We will also be needing help at the state rendezvous in September if you are able to attend and help for a bit please let me know. Also we started using the phone reminders to inform you of up coming events in our district this is a much more economical way to get info out so please make sure any new phone numbers are up dated to the state membership list. I would like to thank Bill Fern for all his years of service to our district as treasure he has done a great job Thanks Bill!
Some may not know yet Bill stepped aside as treasure this summer and LynAnne Warner has graciously volunteered to fill in the position tell next summers election’s. I have the good fortune of being able to attend the NTA hope to see some old friends and meet new ones. Also this is a good time of year to be out scouting and getting permission for new areas to trap.
May everyone’s summer be full of fun and enjoyment remember take someone new to a t trap event this year.
— Dave
The WTA Fall Convention in Marshfield is just around the corner and we’re all looking forward to another great event. District 9 will be preparing and serving lunches to vendors on Saturday, September 10 during the convention. If you can help out with that effort, contact Denny Knuth at 608-524-2255 or
Meanwhile, I will be organizing the Trapperman feed that will take place on Friday, September 9th. I will be posting details on the Trapper Talk forum on so watch for my updates on there. For those of you great folks who help out or bring food or supplies and are not on Trapperman, you can also reach me through the WTA phone system at (888) 601-8727 Ext 209 (that number transfers to my home phone) or We’ll try to make it another great one this year!
Our August 20th Fall Meeting and Highway Cleanup will have taken place by the time this is published, so thanks to all who showed up for those events. I will get details from that meeting in the next round of publications. If you or anyone you know would like to be added or updated on our District 9 email list, please send those email addresses to me and I will update my email list. I sure hope to see you in Marshfield!
— Patrice Rhodes