President — Virgil Schroeder, 3471 Earlwyn Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527; phone: 608-764-5218; e-mail:
Vice President — Greg Schroeder, 514 Water St., Cambridge, WI 53523; phone: 608-423-4621; e-mail:
Secretary — Krystle Kasper, 605 W Central St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729; 715-214-5147; e-mail:
Treasurer — Pam Mather, P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575; phone: 608-335-2700; e-mail:
NTA Director — Chris Bezio, 5479 Hawthorne Dr., Pulaski, WI 54162; phone: 920-822-3427; e-mail:
Sergeant at Arms — Doug Gorst, 3941 Cty Rd. E, Pittsville, WI 54466; phone: 715-884-6452
Trapper Ed Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, N4297 Weasel Dam Road, Tigerton, WI 54486; phone: 715-754-2121; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Ken Kasper, P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940; phone: 920-446-3815;e-mail:
Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, P.O. Box 483, Baraboo, WI 53913; phone: 608-356-3621; e-mail:
Historians — Mary Cassidy & Larry Vanderhoef; W 10513 County Road P, Plainfield, WI 54966; phone: 715-366-2453
Web Site Coordinator — Brent Straka, 7936 Cty A, Lancaster, WI 53813: phone: 608-732-3548
Future Trappers of Wisconsin President — Maggie McAuley, 621 13th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494; phone: 715-423-3229;e-mail:
Future Trappers of Wisconsin Coordinator — Jennifer Roever, WI 4399 US HWY 45, Tigerton, WI 54486; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Three-year individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Individual membership with The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Junior (under 17) with The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Family Membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Lifetime membership (under 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $500
• Lifetime membership (over 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Husband and wife lifetime membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $600
• Future Trappers of Wisconsin membership (under age 19) without Trapper & Predator Caller — FREE
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
WTA Treasurer
Pam Mather
P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305;
Hello Wisconsin Trappers,
Another year is past and another trapping season is winding down. It’s been a good year for most of the trappers I have talked to. Don’t forget that the colony trap is legal beginning February 1. I haven’t seen the regulations yet. You can call your local warden or check the WDNR website.
There’s not much going on at the present time, but some of the district meetings will be scheduled for this month. You should be able to check for time and place on the WTA website or by contacting your district director.
There was a mistake on the date of the Spring Banquet in the WTA Magazine. The date is March 19,2011. It was incorrectly listed as March 20. Put it on your calendar and purchase your tickets early.
Short letter. Short news. Have a great New Year.
— Virgil Schroeder
Short note to start the new year this is the time of year the business end of the association picks up speed. In each District there will be a spring meeting. Try to take time to attend these meetings they are very important. One thing we need to be a strong association this is thru communication and this starts at the top then goes down to the district the more the information we have about the association the stronger we make it. Mark your calendar March 20 at Stony Creek Inn Wausau the state spring meeting.
One more thing about two years ago at the spring hearing We voted to split the bobcat season this is first year of the two years sunset as to dates 12-23-10 we harvested 98 cats out of 173 for first time period respectfully.
— Scott Zimmermann
Greetings, hope the trapline has been good for one and all this season. I know the weather this last week of 2010 has been making the under ice beaver line somewhat hazardous in my area. The upcoming events for the WTA will be the Board of Directors meeting on January 15th at the Stevens Point Public Library in Stevens Point starting at 9:30 am and also the districts will be having their individual spring meetings. After these events, it will be the Spring General Membership meeting at Stoney Creek Inn in Wausau on March 19 with the Spring Banquet to follow. The last Wisconsin Trapper ran an ad submitted by an unknown source for our Spring Banquet, which had significant errors in it.
The banquet is March 19, which is a Saturday not the 20th and the tickets are available from Steve Van at – WTA, PO Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575 not Kathy Bazile as printed. Kathy has been forwarding all banquet mail received by her to Steve Van. After 16 years of banquets, Ken Kasper has stepped down from the banquet coordinator position so volunteers are needed to help pull off this years banquet. If you are interested in helping with the banquet, you can contact Kathy Bazile at 1-715-881-0708. Kathy acts as the Personnel and Finance liaison to the Spring Banquet. Not much else to report now, hope to see you at the spring meeting.
— Shawn Bazile
It’s slow and cold out today. I just stay inside where it’s warm. It rained and was warm last week (before new years) and the roads are mostly clear now. Not a lot of news, just some things to look forward to. The March banquet will be at Stony Creek Inn in Wausau again on March 19th, 2011. The NTA Convention will be in Columbia Missouri in August.
The convention goes from the 4th -7th.
If anyone can help out at a show booth, please call me. More people need to step up and help for a day or two. I will not be able to do every show.
One thing we need help at is merchandise. Ordering and storage, possibly going to district events to have it available there as well. The WTA person that can show up to one or more district rendezvous to take memberships, and sell merchandise is needed.
— Scott McAuley
Sorry I have missed getting reports in T&PC as of late. I became a life member a year ago and it has taken 10 months to get my membership mailings back on track.
As I write this report it is the last day of 2010. This year has been one of many variations with ups and downs. By far for me was the week that I spent in Marshfield working to put on the Wisconsin hosted National Trappers Convention. I want to thank all the district 8, district 10 and district 6 people that worked long and hard in our demo area to do our part to make the 2010 national a success.
Our winter meeting and sale is only 9 days away so I won’t spend time on this as it will be long past before you read this report. Total lots to date are not higher but total pelts coming appears to be up a couple hundred.
The day before that Chris Bezio and me will staff the WTA District 8 booth at the 15th annual Chilton Sportsmen’s Day.
The next WTA BOD meeting will be held on January 15th at Stevens Point.
Here are a couple more events for February that district 8 will staff and manage.
February 19, 2011- The Kewaunee County 4-H seminar day. We typically do 3-4 wildlife and fur bearer management seminars at this event.
February 25-27 is the Green Bay Deer Classic. Our district has been asked to pickup the state WTA booth, set it up, man and staff the booth, take it down and deliver it back to Scott. We can use considerable help with this task. We also will sponsor the taxidermy plaques and do the judging as well.
The WTA spring banquet and spring annual meeting will be Saturday March 19, 2011. Contact Steve Van at 1-800-381-5053 for reservation information the use of credit card payment etc. You can mail your reservations which are $30 for adults and $15 for children 15 and under directly to WTA P.O. Box 305 Oregon, WI 53575-0305.
Mother’s Day is Sunday May 8, 2011 this coming year. District 11 holds their rendezvous the Saturday after Mother’s Day which means we will be holding our “summer” rendezvous on Sunday May 15th this year to piggy back with district 11.
We will be discussing plans and agenda at our winter meeting.
As your director I continue to work for you our district 8 members and the WTA in general. I am also one of the representatives on the Personnel and Finance Committee. My main assignment for that committee is to be the liaison for the publications coordinator. At our October BOD meeting the BOD approved working to find a new editor for our WTA magazine. Dave Hastings who publishes the FTA monthly magazine was chosen to publish the WTA magazine. Dave will attend our spring annual meeting and be present so that he can meet with the BOD, members and the P &F Committee to review how the first two issues have gone and what our plans will be for the future.
As always if you have issues or concerns regarding WTA issues, concerns within our district or changes in our publication policies and practices contact me at the contact numbers listed below.
I am going to try and work into my schedule an opportunity to take the training schedule to become a trapper ed instructor. Our district could use some new trapper ed instructors. Over the last 2 years we have only had 3-4 active instructors and many on the current list are on an inactive status. We need to have more certified instructors to service our district and also offer more flexible options that can help our current active instructors. As soon as I find out when the next training sessions will be held I will contact any and all interested district 8 members as to date, times and locations.
My 2010 fall trapping season found me out of the state for almost two weeks and a major change in workload up to a couple months full time and an extended period of 4 full days a week. My “retirement” has morphed in many ways. Fur numbers are down but quality looks good and prices seem to be holding. I will bring some fur to our Maribel sale and talk trapping, with trappers and that is always an enjoyable time.
Phone #s 920-693-8734, cell 920-286-1890 or e-mail
— Bryce Larson
Greetings to all District 9 members;
This March 5th, 2011 will be our Spring Meeting starting at 10am and this will be a potluck meal so bring your best dish to pass. All drinks will be on your own. This will be at Walt & Deb’s Sand Bar in Arena. They are letting us have a room at no cost so we will be honoring them by buying drinks and refreshments from them. We will also ask you to bring a door prize to this great event.
We would like to have this meeting be the biggest ever! We are asking that you donate a fur to the District for a fund raiser. Rumor has it that we may have at least one person wanting to take over District 9 as a Director. Also we will be voting on Secretary and Treasurer. Wayne is the Sergeant at Arms and Lloyd is Senior Advisor and there’s no getting out of these positions.
So at this March 5th meeting we would like to have a large group to say goodbye to Dan Carroll as a Director and to thank him for all his generosity with his time. We all probably received our issue of the new Wisconsin Trapper, it looks like it’s going to be quite a nice magazine. I have talked with the editor and now that I have everything under control I will be getting more information in the future magazines. I finally got 3 days off of work in November so my wife and I went fisher trapping in Zone C.
This was my fourth try at this dang animal, hear details at the meeting. There is a new raccoon trapping book out by Bruce Porter from Middleton and he mentions our District, Rollie Peetz and his live traps. So hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you all March 5th.
— Denny
The WTA District 10 Winter meeting will on March 5, 2011 at NAFA, 205 Industrial Park Dr., Stoughton, WI 53589. The meeting will begin at 10 AM.
As in the past, we will hold a business meeting, have a raffle, and enjoy a great fish fry at a reasonable cost AND of course get a chance to tell tales and talk with old and new friends. After the business meeting and raffle, Greg Schroeder will show us grading on several species of fur-bearers.
Included in this mailing are six raffle tickets. If you would like extra tickets, contact me, Greg Schroeder at NAFA, or purchase at the meeting.
We would like to especially thank the following people for their generous donations to our raffle this year:
• Tom Florin, owner of Florin Trapping Supplies and Fur- one dozen Duke DP traps
• NAFA-one dozen Duke DP traps
• Pat Culligan-one dozen 1.5 Duke Coil Spring traps
• Gary Mather-one dozen 160 Duke body grip traps
If anyone would like to make donations for the raffle please contact me, , Greg Schroeder, or just bring it with to the meeting.
District 10 will once again hold a 50:50 coon raffle this year. Entries may be made until the last receiving date for the May sale at NAFA. You may bring the pelt with you to the meeting or bring it to NAFA and tell Greg Schroeder that it is for the District 10 50:50 coon raffle. This is a major fund-raiser for District 10 so please consider donating a pelt or two.
New this year, Tom Florin of Florin Trapping Supplies and Fur will have an assortment of trapping supplies available for sale on the day of the meeting.
Please return tickets to me:
Mark Peters
353 Pagelow Rd
Brooklyn, WI 53521
Ph: 608-455-2417
— Mark Peters