President — Scott McAuley, 621 13th St. S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494-4910; phone: 715-423-3229; e-mail:
Vice President — Lee Sillars; phone: 715-218-5041; e-mail:
Secretary — Dorothy Abrahamson, 508 E. 9th Ave., Stanley, WI 54768; phone: 715-644-0644
Treasurer — Ellen Elia, P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940-0367
NTA Director — Chris Bezio, 5479 Hawthorne Dr., Pulaski, WI 54162; phone: 920-822-3427
Trapper Education Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; phone: 715-754-2121; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Ken Kasper, P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940; phone: 920-446-3815; e-mail:
Trapper Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, P.O. Box 483, Baraboo, WI 53913;
phone: 608-356-3621
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (under 17) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime (under 62) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Lifetime (over 62) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $100
• Husband & wife lifetime — $400
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
WTA Treasurer
Ellen Elia
P.O. Box 367, Fremont, WI 54940-0367
Thank you to those trappers that gave me the vote of confidence to put me in the position to be writing this letter. I also appreciate those of you that voted for Scott. Each of you took your responsibility as a WTA member seriously.
Pam Mather has hit the ground running in her position as WTA Treasurer. Thank you to Ellen Elia for her service as temporary treasurer.
We have had a personnel and finance meeting. I was impressed with the members and their input and concern for the WTA.
I have been very pleased with the amount of communication that has been flowing back and forth among the WTA Board of Directors and officers as well as individual trappers willing to help and express ideas and positions on matters. I am very hopeful the openness and concern will continue. Please feel free to phone me or e-mail. I appreciate and can use your help.
A Board of Director’s meeting is scheduled at The MacKenzie Center, Poynette for June 6. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. All are welcome to attend. There will be a full agenda with much business to discuss.
I represented the WTA at a hearing for the “green fur bill” at the WI State Capitol on April 16, and testified along with Scott Zimmerman, Dan Carroll and Chris Bezio. George Meyer of the WI Wildlife Federation was also present, and was a great help. Scott McAuley joined us as we testified again before the State Assembly. We feel assured that the bill will pass both houses.
You might like to consider taking a trip to Mena, AR on June 1l-13 for the FurTakers Convention and again July 30-Aug. 2 to Lima,OH for the National Trappers Convention. There are also the many district rendezvous to take advantage of inside the state. It will be a busy summer.
There’s not a whole lot more for now. So long.
— Virgil Schroeder
How many Wisconsin Trappers Association raffle tickets have been sold so far since our spring banquet? If you as a WTA member are looking for tickets to sell and don’t have any, please contact your district director for some. A lot of people are out of work or their hours have been cut back and it is hard to scrape up extra cash for raffle tickets. OK if not a book of tickets , buy just one. This will help the WTA run its every day expenses and promote trapping education to the public and you might win the grand prize or one of the many other ones to be drawn this September in Marshfield at the WTAs fall rendezvous.
The National Trappers Association Rendezvous to be held in Wisconsin in 2010 is just around the corner. The Wisconsin Trappers Association will need help in running this week long rendezvous. Can you spare a day or half a day or even a certain time block during one of the days or each day? The Wisconsin Trappers Association wants an outstanding National Rendezvous that every one attending can enjoy. Contact your district director and let him know how you can help or donate to the cause a certain time block during one of the days or each day. Thank You.
The marten project had track surveys done this winter with five marten tracks reported in the Chequamegon area and 21 were reported in the Nicolet area. The tracking days were highly variable between survey days. Jim Woodford reported that 26 martens were live trapped (10 males and 16 females) were translocated and released. Sarah Malick and Scott Roepke DNR ISS presented information on the release pens, survival and movement of the translocated martens. Eight of the 13 translocated martens remain alive and all but one are still within their general release area (within 10 miles of release pens). The one other male traveled 26 miles and was recaptured in the Iron County marten study area in January. The five mortalities included: evidence for fisher predation on three, one was incidentally trapped and one was predated or scavenged by another mammal.
New trapping regulations will be in effect this coming fall for marten restoration areas and new sign are critically needed. A request for possible partial funding from Wisconsin Trappers Association will be forwarded to P & F committee. A marten avoidance document is being considered sending to all fisher harvest tag recipients in fisher zones B, C and D (marten range) this year. This information will also be provided to be included in 2009 trapper regulations and possibly in a WTA newsletter.
The Personnel and Finance committee is meeting and discussing an outline of job descriptions that Mike Abrahamson has draw up and conclusions will be brought up to the Board of Directors at the next BOD meeting.
Bylaws committee is also meeting and discussing the ballot issue for elections so as to provide members easier access to ballots if not attending elections, but yet making it a secure procedure accountable as to WTA members only getting ballots.
Take time this summer to attend and support your districts rendezvous and bring family and friends along to enjoy the days festivities. Until next time, start getting your traps and trapping permission ready for next falls season… while last season is still fresh in your mind as to things you wanted to change for this upcoming trapping season.
— Lee Sillars
I attended the Mid-West Regional Leadership Conference in Bloomington, IL on March 28.
I felt the meeting was very productive and there was a large amount of quality information given to the affiliates and those that attended.
The NTA has been involved with other organizations in the discussion and agenda of both the 111th Congress and the Obama administration and how they will affect all outdoors men and women. These ties with other groups are more important now then ever.
I also received a copy of a National Wildlife Refuge Monitoring Program that the NTA has developed.
This is very important information on monitoring and making sure that these properties include trapping in their management programs. The definition of hunting has been determined NOT TO INCLUDE TRAPPING. It is up to each individual Refuge manager to prepare a management program and implement them. They are only subject to review and change once every 15 years. That is why it is important that trappers make their comments known officially when there is a public comment period.
Jim Curran our Conservation Director has been very active keeping the NTA involved in the political arena along with our conservation partners, state wildlife agencies and the sporting industry. Just the other day USSA notified us that an animal rights caucus in Congress is being formed. The new caucus indicated that they will try to get animal protection legislation passed. HSUS is strongly behind this.
The NTA has also commented in opposition to the listing of Canada Lynx in New Mexico and also to expand the critical habitat areas. We are also supporting the USFWS plan to try to delist the Gray Wolf in the west. The NTA is a member of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and we sit on several committees.
Tom Krause and Jim Curran are always working on the BMPs for traps and that is a continuing process.
The E.U. members have engaged in trap research and have now a greater understanding and appreciation of the US BMPs and received them as credible documents.
Gary Leistico gave a very extensive report on the legal implications of the legal battle and decisions made in Minnesota on the lynx case and also who is on the anti’s side and how the case and the case in Maine were filed. The Maine case is scheduled for trial in mid April. Gary will be appearing on behalf on the NTA and all trappers USSA and FTA will be there also, but I would like to stress that only the NTA and Maine Trappers are there to represent trappers and only trappers’ interests.
What I find most disturbing in all this is the power of the Federal Government to gut the States constitution and have power over the States in their decisions to manage their lands.
Here is another case where if you make public comment on these issues, down the road, you would have a documented stake in the outcome, especially on Federal Refuges.
The State Associations are the primarily responsible in these legal actions and the NTA is there to assist and help.
The NTA spent over $48,000 in the Minnesota legal actions.
On a lighter note, F.B.U. has distributed over 54,000 coloring books in 2008 and 19,000 educational packets. Wisconsin had a good share in this.
Duke traps has also stepped up with a $5,000 donation and some product.
Currently FBU still has coloring books at a cost of $0.20 per copy or $200 per thousand.
FBU is offering a limited amount of their 2009 engraved rifles.
The FBU gun of the 2009 year is a Ruger “Predator Hawkeye” HKM 77RZ, 3204 Caliber. Stainless w/ green mountain laminated stock. Just released from the factory
Check out the FBU Web site at
If this report does not give you enough reason to become or maintain your membership in the National Trappers Association, I don’t know what will.
We can hang together or hang alone.
— Chris Bezio
And they’re off! The 2009 Trapper Ed Classes are well underway. Good news for 2009, Shawn Rossler, our new Furbearer Assistant is in place in Madison and is doing a fine job. We will make it a priority this year to get the turnaround on Graduate Cards issued much faster than in the past. As for classes, there are many posted on the DNR Web site so far, but we can always use more.
Thank you to those who got your class dates in early. I have people calling in November and December already asking for classes being offered for the following year. If you are planning a class, you must notify the Statewide Coordinator so that your class is covered by insurance. For those of you who have a class already on the schedule, give me a call or send me an e-mail when you would like me to send your class materials to you and how many you need.
If you need help with setting up a class, getting the fur kit, trap kit, display board, videos, etc., or aren’t sure who to ask to help with a class, give me or your district trapper ed coordinator a call. The program has many apprentices out there who need to complete their class requirements before being certified.
All students are required to have a DNR Customer Number prior to the start of class. If they do not have a number, they can call the DNR Customer Hotline at 1-888-936-7463 between the hours of 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Registration cards that are received without a Customer ID Number will not be processed and will be returned to the instructor for completion.
Class Expenses
The following information is orders from DNR Finance and will be watched closely and enforced this year. Class expenses are the most confusing part for all instructors. You are only allowed to charge $12 for your classes — NO MORE. When holding a class, you are allowed to keep up to 50 percent of the fees collected to cover class expenses. No receipts are needed to send in and no questions asked.
When sending in your roster and remittance, you must send the minimum 50 percent of your total class fees collected or more if your expenses weren’t that much or you didn’t have any expenses. If your expenses are more than 50 percent of the fees collected, you still must send in the 50 percent requirement and submit a request asking for reimbursement of the amount you went over and include all of your receipts. If you go over the 50 percent on expenses, you are not allowed to pay yourself out of the fees collected for these expenses. If you do this, then you will be sent a W-9 from the DNR and will have to claim taxes.
If a request is submitted correctly with at least 50 percent of the fees sent in along with receipts, then you will be reimbursed tax free. It is also not a requirement to provide meals for the students. They can bring a sack lunch or maybe someone or some business or organization is going to donate the meal or you can provide something for the students as long as it is reasonable.
Unnecessary expenses for fast food restaurants, deli foods, full-course meals, etc. will not be allowed and will not be reimbursed. You are also not allowed to use the fees collected to buy trapping equipment to give out to the students. The allowable expenses are to include only materials needed to hold the class.
Some expenses include postage, envelopes, folders, mileage for the lead instructor, facility rental, but try and find a place that is free to hold your classes. Our classes are educational and a public service and most town, municipal or school buildings will allow the classes to be held there for free. If you have any questions regarding expenses, let me know and we will try and work through them together.
New Instructor Orientation
Two instructor orientations were recently held. One was in March at the Stoney Creek where we picked up five new instructors and one in Ladysmith in April where we picked up another six instructors. There are over 50 apprentices out there waiting to take the orientation to meet their requirement. If you are one of them or know one of these individuals, find a location, a local warden and an ecologist or wildlife biologist for me and we will try and set one up. I would like to have one in District 7 sometime this year since there are many people from that area waiting. There will not be one at the Fall Rendezvous due to so many other things going on for me as well as others throughout the weekend.
That’s it for now. Enjoy your Spring!
— Nicke Shumaker
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Roever, and I just took over the position of FTW Coordinator (Future Trappers of Wisconsin). Right now, I’m putting together trap loan buckets and trying to get this program going again. It allows kids who are in need of trapping supplies to get a hold of me or a director to get a bucket to use for the year. At the end of the season, they have to give the buckets back or buy them at a discounted price. I’m presently looking for donations of basic trapping equipment to put in these buckets. Any help would be great. Also looking to buy used equipment for this program.
The other thing I’m working on is updating the FTW members list. I’m also in the process of updating the FTW handbook to be more out of state member friendly. We are always looking for new members to join the program. If interested please contact me, and I will get you the information as soon as I can.
— Jennifer Roever
Spring is coming, even though it might not appear like it at the time I am writing this.
The spring banquet and general membership meeting are history and if you did not attend, you missed a good time. We have a new president and he has a tough job in front of him and will welcome help from any members who are willing to step up.
The big task at hand is to get out and sell the state raffle tickets and generate some revenue for the association. It would be a great help if members would get out and sell as many tickets as you can and get the money turned in ASAP. I have tickets available and will get them to you if you are willing to sell/buy them.
District 2 will have tickets available shortly for the summer rendezvous which will be June 13 at Hawkins again this year. John Lee will be putting on a fish fry again on Friday night and if anyone is able to help, it would be appreciated. The grounds will be available on Friday night if anyone wants to come early and help get things ready for the event. This is your event and will only be as good as you make it.
There were discussions and concerns this year about the way absentee ballots are distributed by the WTA. The Bylaws Committee has been tasked with looking into the possibility of making such ballots available other ways. If you have ideas for this, please bring them to me and I will get them passed along or you can contact any member of the P&F Committee directly. This is your chance to bring any ideas you have concerning this and help with the process of changing the bylaws. Any ideas will be considered and looked into for this change at hand.
Trapper Education Instructors, if you are going to hold a class, get the date listed and contact Nicke so all information and booklets can be sent to you on time. There seems to be a lot of interest this year for classes by the number of phone calls that people have been getting. Don’t be afraid to move the classes around and make them available to other areas around you. There are areas that have never had or have not had a class for quite a few years and people would like to have them a bit closer if at all possible. Plus you get to meet new people and a lot of times can pick up some new territory as a bonus.
Gas prices are down for now and according to the TV and the new president all things will be getting better, so there should be money and time for everyone to get out and enjoy the summer and go to a few conventions, rendezvous and such and just have a good time.
— Mike Abrahamson
Rendezvous Season is once again upon us. The way the weather has been, it seems like trapping season should be starting again instead of the summer rendezvous season starting. Our district has had great success with our gun raffle and being able to sell the tickets in advance, so by the time you get this, hopefully your tickets to sell will follow shortly after. This year the raffle will include a Weatherby 12 Gauge Upland Pump, Savage 22 Mag Bolt Action with scope and a Marlin 17 HMR. Also on the raffle will be a Hand Carved Drake Wood Duck, Downy Woodpecker and a Kingfisher Jig Stick donated by George Porter. Billy Porter will also be donating a hand-tied and framed Salmon Fly to be put where needed. A CVA 50 cal. Muzzleloader Wolf Rifle Break Action will be the walk around gun.
We are looking for helpers throughout the day for the raffle tables and food stand and any donations you could get and/or bring for the various raffle tables would be greatly appreciated. The date for our Summer Rendezvous is Saturday, July 12 at the Mountain Community Center. There will be numerous vendors. Brats and burgers will be on the menu. There will be the Gun Raffle and also an Adult Raffle, Kids Raffle, Ladies Table and Walk-around gun raffle along with the Kids Games, Trap-Setting Contest and many demos. We have so many who volunteered for demos this year that we will have to have two areas set up to hold them simultaneously. So come on out and enjoy the day or stay for the weekend.
Campgrounds are located nearby, but reservations fill up fast. So, if you need any information on camping or are able to help for the day, give me a call. We can always use extra hands. The district trailer is also here for anyone in the district who would like to use it to advertise or take to educational events. Call ahead for availability because it is being used for some upcoming Trapper Ed Classes.
On a sad note, Stan Majewski the former Florence County Director recently passed away. He had been battling leukemia. Our sympathies go out to his family. I would like to say thanks to the members of District 4 for all of your ongoing hard and we’ll see ya in July.
— Dan
Well, here it is the end of April already and it looks like spring. Summer chores are beginning. Traps are cleaned and put away until fall.
We are currently in the process of planning our summer rendezvous for Saturday, June 27, at Arctic Springs Park in Galesville, WI. We will have five vendors available if you need supplies.
Support these fellows so it is worthwhile for them to attend our rendezvous. Demos, beginning at 9 a.m., will take place most of the day and our feature event will again be the kids fishing contest at 10 a.m. Fish poles and bait will be available. As always, there will be plenty of food and beverages all day. If you have something you would like to donate for our Chinese raffle, bring it along. We need prizes. Our district meeting will take place at approximately 12:30 p.m. and the drawing for raffle prizes will be at 3:30 p.m. If you are able to help in any way, please contact me at 608-323-7422 or e-mail me at
Return ticket sales have been coming in slower than other years. I know the economy makes it tougher to sell tickets, but we really need to work a little harder at it. A big thank you to all the members who have already returned the money and stubs. We sent state raffle tickets along with our rendezvous tickets this year to help the state raffle. You can send all the money and ticket stubs back to us in the return envelope. Please do so before the last two weeks of June or bring them to the rendezvous.
The moratorium on pre-rendezvous selling and mailing of raffle tickets by the districts was overturned by the board of directors at the Spring Banquet meeting in March. This is our only means for districts to meet expenses. If someone has another idea on what could be done to raise money, please e-mail me or bring it to the rendezvous meeting. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Also at the spring board meeting, Virgil Schroeder was elected president of the W.T.A, replacing Scott McAuley and Chris Bezio was elected as our N.T.A. Director. Pam Mather was appointed our new treasurer, replacing Ellen Elia. The W.T.A. raffle will again be drawn at our fall rendezvous in Marshfield, WI. The state money accounts are dwindling, so your help is also needed by selling state raffle tickets and helping out wherever you can at functions. A couple hours here and there mean a lot. This is a time when we have to work together.
Just a reminder, in August of 2010, the National Trappers Assn. Rendezvous will be held at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Fairgrounds. What an opportunity for everyone in our district. About 10 to 15 people will be needed from each district to volunteer working a couple hours at this event.
I hope everyone can attend our June 27 rendezvous in Galesville and again, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to call me or e-mail me at
— Greg Repinski
Hello District 6,
Please read the minutes from our last meeting.
Minutes, District 6 Meeting, 03/06/09, Pittsville Community Center
Members in attendance: Cheryl Adrian, Scott Adrian, Tom Baggs, Daniel Carroll, John Irwin, Michael Leiser, Ben McAuley, Nick McAuley, Scott McAuley, Sue McAuley, Kathleen Nicholson, Mike Nicholson, Allen Nickel, Lee Sillars, Jim Winkler
Meeting called to order by District 6 Director, Michael Leiser, at 6 p.m.
Pledge to the Flag
Minutes of the September meeting were distributed.
Motion to accept the minutes by Jim Winkler. Seconded by Al Nickel.
Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
District 6 — 2008 Financial Statement 2008 was distributed.
Savings Account Balance = $5
Checking Account Balance = $1,498.46
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report by John Irwin. Seconded by Daniel Caroll.
Motion passed.
District 6 Report
• Michael Leiser, District 6 Director, gave a brief update of the WTA. The WTA Personnel and Finance Committee will provide details and make recommendations at the Annual Spring Meeting on March 20-21.
• Michael entertained discussion about ways to save WTA and District 6 money. One idea brought up by several members was to send only one copy of Wisconsin Trapper to a household. Different reasons for sending multiple copies were given. If any District 6 member has ideas for ways to cut spending, please contact Michael.
New Business
• Mike Nicholson informed members that the Ruff Grouse Society will hold a Kids’ Day this spring. They have invited district member(s) to attend a planning meeting in March.
• Upcoming events include Kiwanis Kids’ Day at Nepko Lake (Al has more information) and Kiwanis Kids’ Day in Wisconsin Rapids on June 6. (Scott has more information).
• Wood County Clean-up Day is June 6. Any member who is able to help should contact Scott for more information.
• We have free booth space at the Safari Club activity on March 27-28 in Stevens Point.
• WTA is in the process of creating a “Safari in a Box” which will be an educational kit available to classroom teachers. There is a need for more furs for this collection. Scott will find out what kinds are still needed. A building at CWES (Central Wisconsin Environmental Station) on Sunset Lake near Nelsonville will be designated as a teaching center about the fur trade.
• Michael plans to hold two trapper ed. classes this year. Dan Caroll is not having his class.
• Discussion was held about changing the location of the District 6 summer rendezvous to different places, possibly every two years.
WTA Report
• Scott McAuley, WTA President, gave an update on upcoming events.
o March 20-21 Spring Meeting.
o Aug. 2-9, 2010 WTA will host the NTA Summer Rendezvous in Marshfield.
• Scott informed us that there is a misprint in Question 32 of the Conservations Congress Spring Hearings booklet. The question refers to bobcats. The correct date is December 1, not Oct. 15.
2009 Summer Rendezvous
The following items were discussed and decided on.
Date & Location
June 20, 2009, North Wood County Park
Vendors and Traditional Demonstrations
Michael will contact vendors, suppliers and those who will demonstrate traditional skills and crafts. Vendors may start setting up at 8 a.m.
Food: Thank you to Rene Rommel who has offered to do this again.
Meeting & Election: The District meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Al Nickel, District 6 Sergeant at Arms, will facilitate.
Jim Winkler will coordinate this with Al. Contact Jim if you want flyers sent to you. All members are encouraged to “get the word out” by telling others and putting up posters.
Silent Auction: A “bucket raffle” will replace the silent auction this year. Cans will be placed next to each prize so purchasers can deposit tickets in the cans of their choice. District members are being asked to donate prizes. We would like a variety of prizes (different age groups, hunting, trapping, non-trapping, etc.)
Trapping Demos.
Terry Baggs is in charge of the demos.
9 – 10 a.m. — Cable Restraints / Skinning, Dan Carroll
10 – 11 a.m. — Coon, Terry Baggs
1 – 2 p.m. — Canine, Don Campbell
Raffle: The Henry 44 mag Rifle received from WTA (see minutes of Sept. ’08 District 6 minutes for info.) will be raffled. Tickets will be sold on the day of the rendezvous.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Lee that every attendee at the rendezvous receives one free raffle ticket, and any WTA member receives two tickets. Anyone who joins WTA at the site will receive an additional ticket. Two is the maximum number of free tickets for any attendee.
Additional tickets may be purchased for $5 each. Any proceeds up to $750 will be paid back to WTA towards payment on the rifle.
Discussion followed.
Amendment to the motion made by Michael, seconded by John that 50 percent of gun raffle proceeds, but not more that $750 would be paid to WTA.
Discussion followed.
Vote on both the amendment and the motion passed.
Al Nickel will coordinate the gun raffle.
FTW President, Maggie McAuley will coordinate the children’s raffle.
Different color tickets will be given to adults and children. (It was suggested that children include ages 0 – 11 and adults include ages 12 and older, since 12 year olds can hunt. Ken Kasper will be contacted regarding any regulations.
Kathleen will make signage for the donated items, naming the donors.
The drawing for the gun will take place at 2 p.m.
Hourly raffles will be held throughout the day. A limited number of $1 tickets will be sold for each of these raffles. District 6 members are being asked to donate items.
Clean-Up: All members are asked to help with clean-up.
Reminders for Rendezvous
• Al will bring canopies, signs and coffee maker.
• Mike will bring cash box, change, ticket rolls, aprons
• Kathleen will bring sheets for bucket raffle, tag board and markers for hourly raffles
• Kathleen will send thank you notes to those who donate prizes (John will provide her 3X5 cards with names and addresses of donors)
• Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Scott. Seconded by Jim. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted, — Kathleen and Mike Nicholson
District 6 Secretary/Treasurer
Planning for our rendezvous is complete and many district members are working hard to provide an enjoyable and memorable event.
Our District 6 2009 rendezvous will be held at North Wood County Park on Saturday, June 20. Vendors can start setting up any time after 8 am on Friday, June 19.
We will be raffling off our Henry .44, each WTA member (over 18) in attendance will get two free tickets, non members (over 18) will get one free ticket, become a member and get your second free ticket, additional tickets can be purchased for $5 each. Terry and Tom Baggs are putting together a first rate fur handling package that will also be raffled off. The winner will truly be one lucky trapper. Trapping demos, bucket raffle, blacksmithing demo, district meeting, flint knapping, trapping supply vendors, food, traditional bow making and more. See you there.
District 6 trapper education materials (traps, furs, etc.) are being stored at Al Nickel’s home. Instructors need to contact Al when they need these training items. Al can be reached at 715-570-8718 or
County Directors-ADAMS Terry Beeman 608-564-7761, CLARK James Mertens 715-669-3046, JACKSON Rene Rommel 608-488-4753, JUNEAU Dan Carroll 608-847-5538, MARATHON Maynard Breunig 715-845-9999, MONROE Shannon McCracken 608-823-7277, Dale Ritter 608-269-7256, Dan Willis 608-343-6295, PORTAGE Ron Arneson 715-423-2206, Mike Nicholson 715-341-5708, WOOD Jim Winkler 715-886-3362.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve the District 6 membership. Do not hesitate to contact me with your questions, concerns or suggestions. I can be e-mailed at or phoned at 715-570-6692.
— Michael D. Leiser
Hi, I’m Russ Warmka, the new Dist. 7 director. I’m a dairy producer from Fox Lake. With my wife, Laura, and kids, Erik (17), Carrie (15), Brad (14), and Danielle (12); we milk about 190 cows and farm 350 acres of land.
I would like to thank John Farrington and Kathy Mc Reath for their years of service to the WTA. John has now taken on the task of secretary.
SUMMER RENDEZVOUS is Saturday, July 18 at the Berlin Conservation Club. We will be starting demos at 9:30 a.m., meeting at 1:30 p.m. Highlight of the raffles will be a .22-250 with scope and bipod (coyote killer). Only 200 tickets available at $10 each. Other gun, cash and table raffles throughout the day.
Lunch will be served 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Steak sandwich, baked potato and a dessert are on the menu. We will also have hot dogs for the young trappers.
Vendors and Tailgaters can setup at no charge (donation to raffle table greatly appreciated). Plan to be outside, but if weather is bad we can fit some displays inside.
If you can get away on Saturday, July 18, the Berlin Conservation Club is air-conditioned. We’ve got good food, great demos, important fundraising raffles, vendors with the supplies you need, and fellow trappers with stories to tell.
I can be contacted at 920-382-0218 or at for questions, raffle tickets or any other concerns.
— Russ Warmka
Greetings, District 8 members. By the time you read this our May 17, 2009, rendezvous will be over. I trust that all of you received your flier promoting our event. We have three vendors that are planning to be there and at least three Trapper Education Classes will use our rendezvous as part of their trapper ed class.
Brenda Keys, our new District 8 treasurer is getting our budgeting and accounts up to speed quickly and we are current on all our income and expenses at the time of this writing.
We have set a date for our third annual SHEBOYGAN GANDER MOUNTAIN trapping seminar and information day. Mike Shaffer, the Sheboygan Gander Mountain manager, is very supportive of trapping and this is a good event for the WTA to be involved in and promote. The date is Saturday Aug. 22, 2009, at the Gander Store in Sheboygan. We have one potential Trapper Ed Class already and we encourage and invite any and all who want to attend this event and make this part of their trapper education program to mark their calendars. Contact Bryce Larson for details if you want more information.
I attended the spring public hearings. With all the press and discussion going to the EAB controversy, the trapping related questions did not receive much discussion. I did notice that many northern counties voted against the cable restraints and the split bobcat seasons. I will try to get more information from John Olsen (DNR fur bearer specialists and others at our June 6, 2009, WTA BOD Meeting.
The candidates for our two general membership offices will have articles in the next two WTA Trapper Magazines that will outline their positions, qualifications and visions for the WTA. Please take the time to become informed about our candidates and therefore you can cast an informed vote.
The second week of September is not too far off and yes districts 8 and 10 are in charge of the demonstration setup, agenda and introductions, keeping things running on time and take down.
Please check your calendars so that you can be available as early as Thursday to help setup. Also, if you can stay over Saturday night the officers would really appreciate some extra hands to clean up the grounds. Part of our cost savings for renting the grounds is due to our willingness to clean the grounds and take down tables, stack chairs etc.
Spring is here and I have much to catch up on. I don’t know about you, but the “future just keeps getting ahead of schedule for me and I seem to be playing “catch up” on many things as I get more advanced into this “senior phase of my life.”
If you have questions or need to contact me, I can be reached at 920-693-8734, cell 920-286-1890 or e-mail me at
— Bryce Larson
District 9 would like to thank Scott and his family for the fine job done. Also, we would like to welcome Virgil as our new president. Our very own Ashley Wagner has received the Dan Busch Memorial Scholarship. Well done, Ashley. At our last meeting, we re-elected Dan Carroll as director, Roger Bohringer as treasurer, Dennis Knuth as secretary and Wayne Wagner as sergeant of arms. We elected to sponsor the NAFTA booth this September at Marshfield. We also received donated money to buy two tanned wolf hides from Wisconsin Wolf Pack for our district.
Thanks to Jim Meyer and Lloyd Gerardy for this. Thanks to the people who helped with the May highway clean-up. Our next clean-up and fall meeting will be Aug. 15, meeting at Hecks on Highway 14. If you have any ideas that would help our district, please let us know by calling either Dan Carroll at 608-847-5538 or Denny Knuth at 608-524-2255. P.S.: Just got back from a super fabulous brunch that was held at the Farm Kitchen in Baraboo with great door prizes, great weasel trapping presentation and great food.
— Dennis Knuth
District 10 WTA had our March 7 meeting at NAFA in Stoughton. Attendance was excellent and we had a great meeting. Many members donated items for a daily raffle and we made a nice profit for the day. Kirk Upperman and Dennis Brady fixed a great lunch of fried fish and everyone went home with a full stomach. Thanks. After lunch, Greg Schroeder showed members fur grading on several species of furbearers. This is always popular and we thank Greg again.
Members voted to sponsor a scholarship for a natural resources upper classman at UW-Stevens Point for $500 annually. A committee was formed consisting of Dennis Brady, Mark Peters, Gary Mather and Doug Fendry. The committee will generate applicants and choose a recipient for fall 2010.
Members also voted to sponsor trapping equipment for young trappers completing trapper’s education, up to $200 for supplies for the trapper’s education course at Larry Meyer’s discretion, $200 for Rock Valley Pheasants Forever Youth Outdoor Day and $200 for the FTA,
District Director Scot Stewart reserved the Edgerton Conservation Club grounds on Aug. 22, 2009, for the summer rendezvous. The event will be free for WTA members and youth 16 years of age and younger. Non-members will be charged a fee of $3. Lunch will be provided by the Edgerton Conservation Club at a modest cost. Trapping demonstrations will run throughout the day and trapping supply vendors will be present. The rendezvous will run from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. A business meeting will be held prior to lunch. We will hold the District 10 50:50 ’coon raffle drawing that day and an advertised raffle will be held. We will mail tickets to members in advance of the rendezvous.
Larry Meyer will hold a trappers education course at the Edgerton Conservation Club on Aug. 15 and Aug. 22, 2009. Call Larry for details on the course.
Since Virgil Schroeder was elected president of the WTA at the spring meeting, District 10 is looking for a new co-director to help Scot Stewart. If you have an interest in helping, give Scot a call.
District 10 manned the WTA booth at the Deer and Turkey Expo in Madison on April 3-5, 2009, with help from a few other WTA members.
I hope this update finds all of you well.
— Scot Stewart