President — Janet Hodge, P. O. Box 787, Union, WV 24938; phone: 304-772-5586; e-mail:
Vice President/Field Editor — Bill Healy, P. O. Box 187, Smithville, WV 26178; phone: 304-477-3301; e-mail:
Secretary/Treasurer — Gloria Stutler, HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141; phone: 304-354-9038;
State Organizer — Scott Whytsell, 448 Hattie Run Rd., Grantsville, WV 26147; phone: 304-354-6965; e-mail:
NTA Director — John Thomas, HC 70 Box 43K, Sugar Grove, WV 26815; phone: 304-249-5690; e-mail:
FTA Director — Brian Casto, 6198 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, WV 25275; phone: 304-273-3055;
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Adult membership with newsletter only — $15
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $16.50
• Lifetime membership — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and mail dues to:
WVTA Secretary
Gloria Stutler
HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141
Highlights of the March 2009 Fur Auction:
It appears most of our members sold their catch rather than try to hold their fur until next season. As expected prices were down. The results of the auction are summarized below.
Summary of Fur Auction, March 8, 2009, Glenville, WV. Prices are per hide for furs, and per pound for roots. Details of past fur and root sales can be found on our Web site (
Species Quantity Average High
Skunk 144 $2.35 $2.50
Opossum 1,028 1.79 3.50
Muskrat 631 3.68 4.60
Mink 86 8.87 11.00
Beaver 278 12.58 23.00
Otter 2 28.00 31.00
Coyote 356 9.26 20.50
Grey Fox 498 19.34 22.50
Red Fox 472 12.16 14.75
Fisher 7 34.36 35.00
Bobcat 204 46.81 59.00
Raccoon 3,141 6.78 16.50
Black Cohosh Root 63.12 2.50 2.50
Bloodroot Root 3.24 6.50 6.50
Goldenseal Root 3.58 22.50 22.50
Va. Snakeroot Root 0.11 40.00 40.00
Ginseng Herb 0.15 2.00 2.00
E. Wild Ginseng Root 16.77 322.50 322.50
Thanks to all of you who support WVTA fur and root sales, and special thanks to the fur committee members who work all weekend to make these events successful. We look forward to seeing you in January 2010.
Calendar of Events:
Sept. 18-20, 2009: 41st Annul Convention, Gilmer County Recreation Center, Glenville. Plan on spending the weekend. We have a great line-up of demonstrations, vendors, trapper education classes and activities for the whole family.
— Bill Healy