President — Janet Hodge, P. O. Box 787, Union, WV 24938; phone: 304-772-5586; e-mail:
Vice President/Field Editor — Bill Healy, P. O. Box 187, Smithville, WV 26178; phone: 304-477-3301; e-mail:
Secretary/Treasurer — Gloria Stutler, HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141; phone: 304-354-9038; e-mail:
State Organizer — Scott Whytsell, 448 Hattie Run Rd., Grantsville, WV 26147; phone: 304-354-6965; e-mail:
NTA Director — John Thomas, HC 70 Box 43K, Sugar Grove, WV 26815; phone: 304-249-5690; e-mail:
FTA Director — Brian Casto, 6198 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, WV 25275; phone: 304-273-3055; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Adult membership with newsletter only — $15
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $16.50
• Lifetime membership — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and mail dues to:
WVTA Secretary
Gloria Stutler
HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141
The WVTA held their 42nd Annual Convention September 17th -19th, 2010 at the Gilmer County Recreation Center in Glenville. Election results from Josh Bates are as follows:
President is Janet Hodge, State Organizer is Rex Goddard, NTA Director is Elizabeth LaRue and Board of Directors are Seth Barnhart, Ricky Byrd, Paul Clark, Dave Cook, Chip Patton, Ron White, and Seth Wyatt.
Trap Setting Contest Winners from Mike Gray are as follows:
Junior Girls: 1) Reagan Linkous 2) Stasia Mossor
Senior Girls: 1)Felicia Thomas 2)Reagan Linkous
Junior Boys: 1) Lucas Pingley 2)Tyler Linkous
Senior Boys: 1)Andrew Gray 2)Wesley Hersberger
Youngest Trap Setter: Aaron Ball
Beginner Trappers Education Classes were instructed by Corbett Patton and Janet Hodge. Both of whomhave been with the WVTA Education Program since it began in 1998.
Beginner Trapper Ed Graduates are as follows: Seth Kerby, Ethan Williams, Isaac Caroenter, Ruth Anne Pinglet, C.J.Johnson, Lacey Weese,Gideon Mosser, Stasia Mosser, Aaron Ball, Clayton Doolittle, Brian Doolittle.
Intermediate Trappers Education Classes were instructed by John Thomas and assisted by Elizabeth Stephens.
Water Trapping instructed by Mike Gray, land trapping instructed by by Elizabeth Stephens and Rex Goddard.
Assisting with the class was Scott Schimmel and Briana Hodge. Intermediate Trapper Ed Graduates are as follows: Larissa Pingley, Tyler Linkous, Reagan Linkous, Harrison Linkous, Cole Gross, William Gross, Tiffany LaRue, Logan Frum, Steven Runyan, Jarrod Stutler, Shannon Runyan, Hallie Morgan, Genevieve Morgan, John Coston Jr., Logan Hosaflook, Ryan Miller, Lucas Pingley, Cody Linger, Rachel Bates, Amber Watson, Logen Plumley, andGary Plumley.
Awards: Young Trapper of the Year- Blake Barker
Convention King and Queen- Dean and Mary Bryd
Senior Trapper of the Year- Henry Crane
Trapper of the Year- Bill Weikle
Appreciation Award- Sam Garrett
Hall of Fame- Roy “Link” Wood
Skillet Toss and Rolling Pin winners were not available.
Lots of vendors were present over the weekend to sell trapping supplies. Church service was held Sunday morning with Mrs. Teresa Pingley bringing the message.
A big THANK YOU to all of those who volunteered their time to make this years convention a success, as well as all of you who donated items for the auction. Your donations was very much appreciated. We also want to thank 7-Up (Jimmy Schimmel, sales rep) and Pepsi (Larry Schimmel, sales and delivery), for their generous donations of soft drinks for the convention.
Board of Directors Meeting was Friday evening, September 17th, 2010. General Membership meeting was Saturday afternoon, September 18th, 2010. Information from the meetings will be in the next issue. A cookout was held Saturday evening. Lots of good food and fun was enjoyed by all who attended. Bill cooked up some mean stuffed peppers!!
A special THANK YOU goes to Parker Eugene Tallhammer of Glenville who donated his season’s catch to the WVTA Education fund in memory of Olston Nick Wright and Ed Buck. The total donation was nearly $75.00. Tom Batten donated $100.00 in addition to a collection of trapping books for auction on eBay for the Trapper Education Fund also.
Mark your calendars for our next WVTA Fur Sale in January.
— Glenda Schimmel