President — Bruce Vandervort, 5338 US Hwy 101, Humptulips, WA 98552; phone: 360-288-2466; e-mail: brucevandervort@hotmail.com
Vice President West — John Consolini, 17030 Marmount ST SE, Monroe WA 98272; e-mail: itrap4you@yahoo.com
Vice President East — George Brady, P.O. Box 535, Pateros, WA 98846; phone: 509-923-2326;
e-mail: cascadeb@televar.com
Executive Secretary — Ralph Dobson, 711 196th Street NW, Arlington, WA 98223; phone: 360-652-2132; e-mail: rlph.dobson@gmail.com
Treasurer — BJ Thornily; 63 Redmond Rd., Republic, WA 99166; phone: 509-775-2936;
e-mail: bobbiemike@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Bob Maier, 38 Francis Dr., Walla Walla, WA 99362; phone: 509-529-9568;
e-mail: bob_maier@hotmail.com
Membership options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 18) with subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Associate (non-trapper) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Senior Citizen (over 70) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
• Lifetime membership — $250
• Lifetimer subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
Dues entitles members to all newsletters, meeting notices, discount entry to workshops and the annual rendezvous. All monies are used to protect your right to trap.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
(A non-profit organization.)
PO Box 3687
Arlington, WA 98223
A good friend and anchor for the trappers association passed away on the 29th of November. George Sovie was diagnosed with bladder cancer in August. He went in for surgery a week before his passing and never regained consciousness after the surgery. I wish I had a full obituary to post but at least for now I have none. I knew George for the last 25 years but know little of his life before that time. Losing George leaves a big hole in our organization. NAFA agent and fur buyer are two places it will be hard to do without him. I’m not sure at this time how we’ll get by. George was President of the Association for so long we didn’t really think anyone else could do the job.
When he asked me to take the job I didn’t want to do it. I was afraid I couldn’t fill his very large shoes. He had to do everything including threaten me before I would agree. I only hope I don’t let him down. George was inducted into our Hall of Fame a year ago last August at our Rendezvous. Perhaps George is at another Rendezvous now with the likes of Ron Kerr, Mudd Walker and Chuck Bailey.
Until another time, George. We’ll miss you.
I have a couple meetings to go to in the coming month but nothing to really report on in November.
I had eye surgery to remove a piece of metal from my eye a couple days so it’s pretty hard to type or write. Everything is blurry. I think from the meds. I’ll sign off for now and catch up next month.
— Bruce Vandervort