President — Steve E Colvin, 2000 SB Rd, Barboursville, VA 22923; phone: 434-996-6067; e-mail
Vice President — John Bedwell, 210 Fairway Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382; phone: 276-620-5145; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Dickie Craig, 2714 Knollwood Dr., Staunton, VA 24401; phone: 540-886-3937; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — James G. Covais, 10401 Moore Ct., Spotsylvania, VA 22553; phone: 540-760-9694; e-mail:
Treasurer — Thomas Teague, 2920 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801; phone: 540-564-1930; e-mail:
General Organizer — Glen Mabe, 211 5th St., Luray, VA 22835; phone: 540-860-2634;
Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd., Gordonsville, VA 22942; phone: 540-832-2708; e-mail:
NTA Director — John Coakley, 1188 Turkey Knob Rd., Quicksburg, VA 22847; phone: 540-335-6088
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 2-year membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $38
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Secretary
Dickie Craig
2714 Knollwood Dr.
Staunton, VA 24401
I would like to thank Billy Price for holding Dist 4 Basic Trapper training class I was unable to attend. But I was told it went very well. Thanks to all you guys that helped out.
Wynston Holbrook has stepped up to be our Dist. 6 Director. Brandon Martin has done an excellent job with the help of Norman Pierce in that district by holding several Training classes in Dist. 6. Thanks Brandon for your hard work. Brandon has assured me he will continue to help the VTA. I think Wynston will do a good job and I thank you for helping out. Wynston Holbrook’s phone number is 804-763-2829; dist. 6 guys give him a call.
The VTA annual Fur sale will be held March 10, 2012 at Augusta Expoland Fishersville, Va. time and other info. will be published very soon. If you have any suggestions or questions you can contact Ed Crebbs at 540-832-2708 or Glen Mabe at 540-860-2634.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the convention and its location at this point looks as if we will have it next year at the same location. We will confirm date and location by the time you receive this report. We will publish this info soon after.
We will need volunteers to help because we want to give Art and his crew a break. The OYSF has agreed to lower the rent from $1,500 to 1,350, if we return to Orange next year. The OYSF was very happy with the VTA and they did very well with the food vending. Thank you guys for buying their food and leaving a good impression on this group.
We have many things going on in September and October please go to to check our schedule. We always need volunteers to help, please jump in and give a hand when possible.
We currently need Directors in Districts 9 and 10. If any of you guys want to step up please call 434-996-6067.
Hope everyone is ready for trapping season and good luck. Call anytime 434-996-6067.
— Steve Colvin
Hello VTA Members. Hope everyone has survived this very hot summer! We had a very enjoyable VTA Convention at Orange County in July. Art Foltz did an amazing job! Thanks Art and everyone that helped with the event. The Trapperman’s Dinner on Friday night was the best we ever attended. Everyone brought something, and not only did we have the roast pig that Steve did, but we had smoked deer meat, crabs, and clams and roasted corn and grilled vegetables. It was very good!!!!!
For those that didn’t come, you missed a terrific meal and a well organized Convention. This will probably be my last report for the year as your membership secretary. As most of you know, I will not be running again.
My wife, Diana, has decided to run in the election for the VTA Membership Secretary position. And I must say, this is not just an elected position but a very big job. It takes a lot of time and hard work to keep the membership going, and she has done the job for me the last two years. She had another call this morning from a concerned member that got an urgent!!! last chance!!! notice from the T&PC.
There have been a number of members that have called us because of these notices. The only T&PC renewal notice that should be sent to us is the full page one that has the Virginia Trappers Association on it with my name, Dickie Craig, to send it back to. All others, please disregard.
Hope everyone has a great trapping season. When you get your ballot for the up-coming election, please vote, and vote for Diana, for membership secretary. She will continue to do a great job for you and the VTA. So long for now, Your VTA Membership Secretary.
— Dickie Craig
Finances are stable as we enter the final months of the current VTA officers’ term. I will not be seeking re-election due to several personal reasons. The current Board has done well and most are seeking re-election.
Currently, the Board is working with the Orange County Youth Foundation to reserve our annual convention in Orange again next July. I believe the convention this year was a big success and offered activities and good food for everyone. The annual fur sale will be the second Saturday in March 2012 at the Expoland in Fishersville. This was the only Saturday available for March.
Several Board members are still working to finalize 501-C3 status for the VTA to provide an avenue for tax free donations, which will provide opportunity for the long term goal of purchasing a piece of land. An external audit will be schedule for late December 2011, prior to the new Treasurer taking office on January 1, 2012.
— Winston Marshall
I hope everyone had a good summer. With the cooler weather it’s starting to feel like trapping season. I guess I’m like every other trapper, I have a lot of gear to get ready. There is a lot of talk about fur this year some good some bad, but one thing for sure, if fur goes up and you done have any to sale you missed the boat.
I want to thank Art Folts and his crew for the job they done at the convention, it was second to none. The fur sale will be the 2ND Saturday in March at the Exopland.
I am not runner for office this year so this will be my last report. I want to thank the VTA members for give me the opportunity to serve them, I had a good time. I would also like to see every member to VOTE. It’s your VTA. If there is anyone that needs anything my door is always open. Thanks again.
— Glen
Hope everyone has enjoyed the summer. Weather is finally starting to cool off some. We been chasing the bears some and welcome the cooler weather. Was able to attend the State convention in Orange this year and had a good time. Thanks to Art and his folks for making it a good one.
We had our family picnic recently. The crowd was a little lighter than usual but the ones who attended seemed to have a good time. Our mini convention at the fairgrounds in Bland is the 14 and 15 of October.
The bunkhouse will be open as well as camping. Tailgaiting is welcomed. Should be cooler weather than we are having now, so come and make this a good one. We haven’t set a date for our fur sale or fur demo day but will be announcing them at a later date.
I’ve been trying to get the traps ready for our season. Have been turning an old building into a fur shed and have got the outside finished. Put a wood stove in it today and hope to have it hooked up in a few days. Will be trying to skin with a winch this year but haven’t quite got it in yet.
Nothing much more to report. Make sure you check the trapping laws as some things have changed. Till next time, take care and god bless.
Any questions just give me a call at 2767222574.
— Larry
Hello to all fellow trappers in District #3 and all others throughout the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. My apologies for missing the last month Directors’ Report but the visit of Irene keep me really busy with the National Guard. Now that the 2011-2012 trapping season is just getting started and winter month is right around the corner I hope everyone has done their pre-scouting done and has all their traps dyed waxed and supplies ready for the challenge of a successful season this year.
I fell that this year will be hard on the working man with the price of gas and the wear and tear that we put on our trucks, the time put in preparing their traps, working the sets and handling our furs. Yes fellow trappers we put a lot time into this Great Heritage we love dear in our heart, it just goes to show its not all about the money, Sure it’s nice to make a buck or two but keep in mind it’s the challenge if out smarting that crafty fox, beating the nose of that coyote, and out smarting that old trap shy coon.
Just having time to yourself and being one with nature is the great having the freedom to enjoy what we love to do. Also lets not forget the time we spend with the children or even with a fellow trapper, I know we all enjoy that time, you can’t make that time up. Lets keep the children involved, even if it’s just with them riding in the truck with you.
On another note the VTA was at the 2011 Long Island Family Fun Day back on the 25th of June in Stray Stone Virginia (Campbell County) was Great, the host was very helpful and had great outlook on the event even tho they had a low number of people show up for this event. The economy is hurting us everywhere. I wish to attend next year and see some fellow trappers in support of this event. In closing I would like to wish everyone the best of luck this year. And Take a child along, they are our further. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
— Gregg Mason
The VTA held its convention on July 15-17 in Orange, VA.. This had it all- perfect weather, good food, trapping supply dealers, tailgaters, blue grass music, and skydivers.
The trapping demos were well done and very informative.
All members should attend the convention if possible, bring a friend, watch the demos, buy something at the auction and come to the membership meeting.
I would like to thank Tim Shifflett for inviting me to his house on July 30. Tim, Bryan Nelson, Tom Teague, Warren Pence, and Craig Lam were boiling trap for the coming trapping season.
We talked trapping, hunting, and solved some world problems. Tim was cooking a stew for supper, but I had to leave before it was ready.
The VTA and District 4 held a basic trapper training course on Aug. 27.
I would like to thank Steve Good for the use of his shop and property.
Ten people attended the course, the following VTA members deserve a lot of credit for making this course possible.
Ed Crebbs- Classroom instruction
Jon Donaldson- Coyote and Fox demo
Warren Pence- Bobcat
Craig Lam- Muskrat, Mink, and DP trap
Scott Painter-Beaver and trapping supplies
Thank you to all the students and instructors.
My term as District Director ends Aug. 31, 2012. Meetings will be scheduled after trapping season so members can discuss VTA concerns, talk trapping, and make nominations for Director.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
— Billy Price, (540) 886-8014
Hello, District 6 and all other trappers across the state. Sorry I have not made a submission in the last couple newsletters and Trapper and Predator Callers. I have no excuse other than laziness and quite a few “irons in the fire”. This however will be my last submission for a while as I hand the District 6 Directors torch over to Wynston “Reb” Holbrook.
Reb has expressed interest in taking over the district director’s seat and I have been looking for a replacement for quite some time. I hope to have the opportunity soon to meet Reb in person and create yet another trapper friendship that I have been fortunate enough to have many in my young trapping career.
I have tried to serve the District 6 membership satisfactorily during my 4+ years as director. Finishing Graduate school, starting a career, a personal business, getting married, buying a small farm and trying to find the time to do some hunting and trapping have made for a busy few years.
I did not always submit my reports on time or at all and did not pick up the phone and call every member in District 6 on a regular basis but I was always here if you ever needed anything. I will always be here to serve the members of the VTA whether I am a district director or not, so please let me know if there is any way that I may be able to help you. I still hope to be able to help with youth trapper education classes which have been spearheaded by Norman Pierce.
Norman and myself along with several others have helped teach several basic trapper education classes in the District 6 area over the last two years. I hope to be able to continue to educate our youth about trapping so that our heritage can be preserved and carried on into the next generation.
I think that trapper education and youth interaction is our single biggest “hurdle” as a membership. Please train your replacement because ‘us trappers are few and far between’. I think that trapper education is just the starting point for getting kids into trapping. We need to take these kids along on our traplines to let them gain experience and confidence in their trapping abilities.
I think that we will have much better luck at retaining young trappers if we follow through after the formal basic trapper’s education class. If you are interested in helping teach a basic trappers education class or would like to take a child trapping please get in touch with me, Reb, or Norman Pierce.
Kudos to Art Foltz and folks that put on the State convention this year in Orange, Va. It was by far the best state convention I have attended in my years with the VTA. I was not able to stick around long but if you did not make it you really missed a treat and a well-executed and organized event. My hat is off to you folks that made this year’s convention a success- well done!
As I have commonly written in my past reports I am again looking forward to another successful trapping season. I am hoping for good weather to do some decent land trapping this year. Last year I spent a little more time in the water and really enjoyed that experience. I think I will mix it up again this year and try to run water and land which keeps you busy and your truck a mess of different traps and supplies. Hopefully if I am lucky I will have a decent variety of hides to show for my efforts.
Maybe I will have the chance to trap with one on my trapping mentors Jess Martin again this year. I always look forward to our trapping adventures. I wish you well on your traplines this winter and keep in mind if you should need anything please let me know. Take a kid trapping. Best.
— Brandon Martin
I have lived in central Va. Most of my life, however, my family is from WVa, Kentucky and SW Va.
I was in the Marine Corps and was in Desert Shield/Desert Storm with the 1st Marine Division.
I graduated Ferrum College in 2003 after returning from Desert Storm with a degree in Environmental Science.
I have worked in the environmental remediation and consulting business for the past 19 years from Maryland to Florida to Texas to Montana. I also have spent time in South Korea and Uzbekistan both consulting and instructing for Uncle Sam.
I have a wife, a 16 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. Most of my free time is spent in the woods or on the water. During the fall/winter months I spend the first part of the season in the water playing with the beaver and otters. When deer season closes here, I come out of the water and start chasing fox, coons and cats.
My 16 year old also hunts, traps and fishes with me and on his own. My daughter also loves to fish and spend time in the fur shed.
When I’m not hunting or trapping I spend most of my time in Deltaville on the Chesapeake Bay playing with the fish and crabs.
All of my friends and family call “ Reb”. The nick name was given to me by the nurses in hospital in Kentucky when I was born and has stuck with me.
I have provided my contact information below. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
I look forward to the upcoming season and hope to see you in Bland in October.
— Reb
Wynston D. Holbrook II
15000 Namozine Road
Amelia, VA 23002
(804) 698-9780 cell
District 8 conducted four meetings this year and has one more scheduled before the start of the season. While our attendance remained steady, our demonstration schedule fell short of our goals. Our last of the year meeting is scheduled for September 24th at the Spotsylvania Izaak Walton League in conjunction with their Dog Mart.
Prior to the Dog Mart events, we’ll be performing trapping demonstrations, displaying the tools of our trade/hobby, and showing off the rewards. With all of the happenings and food it has the promise of a great day so if you find yourself near the Fredericksburg area, stop by for the day.
By the time this newsletter hits the printer, we’ll have elected a new District Director. I’ve enjoyed serving in the position and leaned a lot over the last three years however my travel schedule has made it too burdensome to continue. I look forward to being an active member of the district.
— Art Foltz,, 540-630-1756
Our August district meeting was cancelled due to Hurricane Irene so we weren’t able to hold a district director election. As it turned out, the weather would’ve perfect for the meeting however, due to a flight cancellation I had to overnight in Atlanta the day before the meeting. Our last of the year meeting is scheduled for September 24th at the Spotsylvania Izaak Walton League site. We’re conducting trapping and fur demos for the crowd attending the Dog Mart.
By print time of this publication, besides having a new District 8 Director, we should know the names of our 2012-2014 Executive Board. I hope the new Board continues moving our Association in the positive direction we’ve experienced the last two years. The VTA is recognized by the Game Department and brother outdoor organizations as a professional group; our outgoing Executive Board deserves the credit and our thanks.
— Art Foltz,, 540-630-1756