Chairman of the Board — Todd Smith, 1015 E. 49 North, Idaho Falls, ID 83401; 208-351-0299;
Secretary — Kimberly Smith, 1015 E. 49 North, Idaho Falls, ID 83401; 208-206-1170;
Fur Sale Director — John Contor, 587 W. 200 South, Blackfoot, ID 83221; 208-785-5761;
Public Relations Director — Kenn Johnson, Idaho Falls, ID; 208-521-8433
Elections Director/Treasurer — Bob Gokey, 2975 E. 650 N., Roberts, ID 83444; 208-228-6561
Legislative Fish & Game Director — Jim Wilson, 588 N. 3500 E Menan, ID; 208-390-7902;
NTA Director — Todd Smith
Membership Options
• Regular membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $17
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Kimberly Smith
1015 E. 49 North
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
By this time you should already have or will have shortly, your USRT election ballot. Please consider the candidates for the three Directors positions up for election and cast your vote. You can either mail your ballot to me or bring it to the Blackfoot Fur Sale.
Our annual Fur Sale will be held at the Snake River Gym west of Blackfoot on January 31. The Gym is located about 6 miles west of Blackfoot on Highway 39. Once you have an estimate of the amount of fur you will bring to the sale, please call John Contor (208) 785-5761 or Todd Smith (208) 351-0299 or (298) 522-6703 with your consignments. Early consigning is important because the Fur Buyers start checking on our numbers about 2 weeks prior to the sale. The more fur, the more buyers and the more buyers usually equal better prices.
You can bring fur in from 7pm -10pm Friday night on the 30th and again from 7am to 10am Saturday. The sale will start at 10.01am Saturday.
Breakfast and lunch will be available. A General membership meeting will be held.
We will again hold a Spring Sale in Rupert, ID. on March 13th & 14th at the Fair grounds. More details to follow next month. Hope to see you at the Sale and don’t forget to vote. — Bob Gokey