Tennessee Free Trappers Association October 2011 Report

President — Mike Renfro, 401 Norton Hollow Road, Erwin, TN 37650; ph: 423-330-7676

Vice President — Mark Griffith, 2204 Smartt Station Rd, Morrison, TN 37357; ph: 931-668-7794

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Jackie McMurtry, 143 Pond Rd, Cottontown, TN 37048; ph: 615-672-4163

State Organizer — Chris Jacobsen, 938 Tyree Springs Road, White House, TN 37188; ph: 615-672-8546

NTA/Public Relations/Trapper Education Director — Bruce Carr, 959 Weaver Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090; ph: 615-286-2955

Secretary — Cindy Jacobsen, 938 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188; ph: 615-672-8546

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $18
• Family membership with subscription to T&PC — $20
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to T&PC — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $200

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

TFTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Jackie McMuMurtry
143 Pond Rd
Cottontown, TN 37048



TFTA FALL MEET: Will be held at The Pearls of Christ Church Picnic Shelter in McMinnville, TN on Hwy. 56 on October 1st, 2011 at 9:00 am CDT. This meeting will be held at a shelter rain or shine. There is a very large outdoor and indoor shelter there. There will be signs pointing the way. Everyone invited. Trapping supply dealers and tail gaters welcome at no charge. This meeting will be a pot luck type luncheon, so bring a covered dish if possible. Coffee and cold drinks will be provided by the TFTA at no cost.

Please bring a donation item for our fund raising auction if possible. We will be having some trapping and snaring and demo’s and possibly some fur handling demos also . If you do not know how to put up your fur correctly here is your chance to learn before the next trapping season is upon you. This way you will be able to receive a better price for your fur at the up coming fur auctions. For more information contact Jerry Scott 931-692–2035 or Chris Jacobsen 615-672-8546.

DIRECTIONS: From Nashville, take I-24 East, go approx 63 miles, Take exit 111 for TN-55 toward Manchester/McMinnville, Turn right go approx 12 miles, Turn right onto TN-287 S/S Fair St, continue for approx 5 miles, Turn left onto TN-108 N/TN-127 N/Viola Rd continue for approx 10 miles, Turn right onto TN-56 S/Beersheba Hwy continue for approx 8 miles to Pearls of Christ Church located at 10720 Beersheba Hwy. Look for TFTA Signs.

This fall is the election year for the TFTA. All current members should have received an official election ballot and envelope. Members can choose to return their ballot to the Election committee Chairman, Lolly McMurtry by mail or bring their ballot in person to the annual fall meet at the Pearls of Christ Church. Thanks to the TFTA election committee Clarence Dies, Roger Seward and Lolly McMurtry for their help.

At this meeting, the TFTA election will be held. The ballots will be opened and counted in the presence of the general membership. The new officers will be announced at the meeting and will begin to serve their term. TFTA directors are appointed by the president. If any member would like to help out as a TFTA director, please contact the TFTA president for more information.

At the time of this report, the TFTA Fur Auction dates and locations have not yet been set for the 2011-2012 season. They will be discussed at the fall meeting with the members present along with other association business for the upcoming New Year.
I look forward to seeing you at the fall meeting.


— Mike Renfro

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