President — James Lord, 19 Mallard Lane Lexington, TN 38351; phone: 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; e-mail:
Vice President — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail:
Secretary — Lora Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-227-5704; e-mail:
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Nancy Rogers, 235 Burke Lane, Dayton, TN 37321; phone: 423-570-8467; e-mail:
State Organizer — Paul Antczak, 843 West Millers Cove, Walland, TN 37886; phone: 865-724-4569; e-mail:
FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; phone: 931-935-5602
Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354
NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail:
Hello everyone, Our fall convention is just around the corner on Sept 30th -Oct 2nd at Fall Creek Falls State Park and I hope to see everyone there. We will be having a Board Meeting Friday Evening on Sept 30th at around 8pm. Directors and Elected officials are urged to attend. Fur sale dates, upcoming events and the yearly budget will be on the agenda as well as the Election.
TFHA had a booth at the Land and Water Management Expo in Nashville sponsored by QDMA, WTF and TWRA. We had a good turnout with quite a few land management guys stopping by to ask questions about controlling predators and nuisance animals on the properties. Wendell and I chatted with others also, that showed a lot of interest in coming to our State Convention. Also we have partnered up with TWRA on Trapper Training issues and I will go over this in the Membership meeting.
Speaking of Trapper Training, TWRA, myself along with a few others are putting on a Trapper training camp in West Tn at Natchez Trace State Park at the Pin Oak Pavilion #1 on October 7th-9th. There will be tent camping available at the nearby Boy Scout Group Camp. To register please call the Dist 1 Region office at 731 423-5725.
We do need to know how many will be attending. This is a family event so everyone is welcome, all kids and of course parents are invited to attend. There will be an actual trapline covering most TN fur bearers. Earliest arrival time is 6pm Friday evening, and the start time Saturday morning is 8am. We will start running the trapline shortly thereafter. Lunch will be provided Saturday afternoon. For those not wanting to camp, there is also the Pin Oak Lodge with rooms available, reservations may be needed. Also in the city of Lexington (10 miles away) there are local motels with plenty of rooms available. For more information you may contact James Lord, or the TWRA region 1 office.
On the membership drive, we have had several people joined up by members, but of course we would like to see more. If you have someone that would like to join be sure to get a membership form and have them fill it out and send it in with your name on the back so you get credit for the sign up. Remember we will be giving away a gift card to Gander Mtn or Bass Pro Shops for the member that has the most people join. This will also be given away at Fall Creek Falls State Park.
Also, if there is anyone that is having trouble getting their TPC magazine be sure to let me know either by calling me or we can talk about it at the convention. Missy at TPC has been working very well with me on issues, but if I am not aware of them obviously I can’t do anything to help you so don’t hesitate to let me know. I can be reached at 731 614-2531 or you can email me at
I have also installed a talk forum on the web site at for people to ask trapping questions, chit chat or post trapping pictures, but I strongly want to caution everyone on being mindful of the type of pictures you post.
Hope to see y’all at Fall Creek Falls or one of our other scheduled events.
— James Lord