President — Anna Hermanson, P.O. Box 922, Hot Springs, SD 57747; phone: 605-440-0227; e-mail:
Vice-President — Ray Maize, 28658 Tree Farm Place, Pierre, SD 57501; phone: 605-295-0416; e-mail:
Exc. Sec./Treasurer, Public Relations FTA Director — John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE Watertown, SD 57201; phone: 605-886-8501; cell: 605-880-4165; e-mail:
Secretary — Terry Olson, 921 North Harth, Madison, SD 57042; phone: 605-256-6311; e-mail:
Youth Education Coordinator — Aaron Doyscher, Box 247, Volga, SD 57071; phone: 605-627-6558; cell: 605-690-4095; e-mail:
NTA Director — Jerry Westphal, 17342 297th Ave., Agar, SD 57520; phone: 605-258-2142;
Tanned Fur Coordinator — Steve “Pete” Peterson, 22251 448th Ave., Ramonda, SD 57054; phone: 605-482-8131; cell: 605-291-8945; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $13
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SDTA, Treasurer
John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
I would like to start by thanking everyone who helped make our last convention a success. I would like to thank all of the vendors, folks providing educational demos, directors, and cooks for all their hard work and efforts that went into putting together one of our largest conventions yet. Despite the cold weather and rain, we had quite the turnout from attendees, vendors, and tail-gaiters. If it wasn’t for the efforts of all these individuals our Fall Rendezvous wouldn’t be nearly as successful as this year’s.
I would also like to thank all of you who braved the weather to attend. It seems as though we chose a good time to have the convention, as a week after we had our Rendezvous, the site has endured flooding from the rising Big Sioux River. Thank goodness we all made it out okay, and I would like to wish everyone the best who has to endure the challenges the high floodwaters has brought them.
At our business meeting this year we took nominees for our NTA director position. No new nominations were made, but last spring Dennis Tilden was nominated. Dennis was successfully nominated and voted into this position. We would like to welcome him as our new NTA director.
As you are aware, we had five director positions that were up for election this year. For those five positions 6 individuals were nominated. The general membership voted in John Almquist, Ray Maize, Bud Hart, Myron Simons, and Russ Cambern to serve and lead in a two year term.
Myron Simons and Russ Cambren are our newest directors and I would like to welcome them to our leadership team. Also, we had a man who worked hard for the association, but had a very busy plate, Howard Heidelberger, resign from his director position. When this occurs, the nominee with the largest amount of votes, who was not elected, is offered this director’s position. Gary Fawbush was the nominee with the largest number of votes. I would like to welcome him to our team as well. Our officer structure has changed slightly with the loss and addition of new directors. They are as follows: President-Anna Hermanson, Vice President-Ray Maize, Executive Secretary/Treasurer/Public Relations/FTA Director-John Almquist, Secretary-Richard Hoops, Tanned Fur Coordinator-Russ Cambern. Further, I would like to thank Dave Hermanson and Terry Olson for their years of service on the board of directors. Their years of service were greatly appreciated by all.
Dave Hermanson was the recipient of this year’s Koffler Award for his years of service he has given to the Trappers Association. He has been on the board of the directors for a number of years and stepped up with donations to keep the association going when the association wasn’t nearly what it is today. We would like to thank him for his years of dedication to a cause we all have in common. Also, this year we have a new award to present: Benefactor of the Year. This award is for a member who has really stepped out above and beyond and possibly out of their comfort zone to do something outstanding for the association in any given year. This award is selected by the board of directors as is the Koffler Award. This years recipient was Virgil Horst. He donated a number of furs to the association this year and his support is greatly appreciated.
We had a new event this year as well. On Friday night we had a poker tournament that raised $80 for our billboard project to help promote trapping to those traveling the roadways in this state. We received checks for our education projects as well. We received a check from NAFA for $998.26 and a check from FHA for $252.39. These funds will be split with the West River Fur Harvesters and utilized for our many trapper education projects throughout the year. Our raffle ticket sales throughout the year brought in $6,000 this year. This is much better than last year and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in raffle ticket sales this year.
We do have some important issues to watch this year, and I intend on giving them my full and undivided attention. I plan on continuing to defend our current trap check regulations so that they are not reduced to 24 hours like the antis would like us to have. I do not see this to be a great challenge this year, especially since I already have arguments prepared from our fight from last year. Also, the issue of trap tags being required on public land has been brought up in recent years.
We took a vote at our membership meeting this year, and 96% of our membership is against this regulation. The SDTA will work to defend the interests of our members and be sure that we put up a good fight against the implementation of such regulations. A third issue, that seems to be a big issue with most of our members, is the non-resident versus reciprocal trapping issue. The association has full intentions of working with a legislator to bring up legislation changing our non-resident trapping season to a reciprocal trapping season. What this would mean, is that if South Dakotans can trap in your state, then you can trap in South Dakota. I will keep you updated with changes in any of these issues. You can follow the most up to date information, and check out the most recent photos from this year’s convention on our website
I would like to end by letting you all know about our upcoming conventions. Our spring convention is scheduled for Saturday April 16th near Britton, SD. Our next Fall Rendezvous is scheduled for September 16 & 17 in Wall, SD. I hope this gives you plenty of time to mark your calendars, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. If you ever need anything or have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Thank You.
— Anna Hermanson
Dear fellow trappers,
Hey how about that Fall Convention! I think it indeed was a great one! When you put together many good demos, lots of dealers and tailgaters, plus good advertising; trappers will be there and the numbers show that is what happened.
As a member I personally want to thank the dealers, tailgaters, the people who attended and patronized the dealers, took part in the many raffles. A special thanks to the people who did demos. All these events are what make a good convention. It truly shows many people working together can make things happen.
The nostalgia of holding a Rendezvous at a place along the Sioux River which has so much history of the early fur trade dating back to the 1600’s adds a flavor to a event that is hard to surpass!
In my readings, the early fur traders traveled the Sioux River from the Missouri River north to the Big Stone Lake and Lake Traverse. It is believed early fur traders came down the Red River through North Dakota to Lake Traverse, then Big Stone and over to the Sioux River and on down to possibly the Missouri River. These early explorers were Frenchmen and their mode of transportation was probably by canoe; as early as 1683 or 1684. It is also believed traders came up the Minnesota River from the northern Mississippi, then down the Sioux. Also there was a route from Mankato, MN to Spirit Lake, IA and then to Sioux Falls, SD.
It is believed that the first white man and explorer to reach SD was a man by the name of Daniel Duluth; who is said to have planted the Kings Arms at an Indian Village called Kathio and also a Sisseton Village in 1679. Another party lead by Charles Pierre Le Saeur, a Frenchman, merchant, and explorer in search of furs came from Minnesota west to the Sioux River Valley repeatedly explored this area as early as 1683. His map of 1702 confirms this view. In 1700 Le Saeur built Fort Luhulleir near Mankato, Minnesota.
Another man by the name of William De L’isie claims his map of this area was based on reports of the explorers like Le Sueur. So its pretty much assured Le Sueur traded with the Omaha Indians, who had a big encampment at that time near Sioux Falls, SD. I am sure Flandreau and all the lakes near the Sioux River of the Northern Sioux River Valley were included.
There were many rendezvous and trading posts along the Sioux River; from Elk Point to Sioux Falls; Flandreau to Gilley’s Grove northeast of White, SD to Big Stone Lake. There also were men like Courier Duboise, John Charles Fremont (known as the pathfinder of the West), Leraye and probably many others; some names have been totally forgotten.
It is said that the Hudson Bay Company abandoned a Fur Trading Post at Flandreau in 1763. It is presumed they came down the Red River and reached Flandreau and Sioux Falls area by way of lakes and rivers. From 1822-1827 La Framboise had a trading post on the Sioux River at the Big Bend northeast of the present day city of Flandreau. He possible worked for the Columbia Company; although the American Fur Company occupied this post at various times there after.
Philander Prescott who in 1832 built a cabin in present Flandreau City Park and bought furs from the Indians is recorded as being the first white man to reside in Flandreau. He spent a decade in this area trading with the Indians. So it is obvious that the Sioux River was a fur trade highway from the Missouri River to the Big Lakes in northern South Dakota.
Considering all this history, the hospitality of the city of Flandreau, and the beautiful park with its spacious hall for our convention; how could the SDTA go wrong having there 2010 Fall Rendezvous in Flandreau, SD? Thanks to the board and everyone’s hard work.
They also have a beautiful museum directed by Dale A. Johnson. If you get in the area, stop and visit with him. He probably has more knowledge than I have read. By the way there is also a log cabin in the park, when it was built I do not know; check with Dale. A big thanks to the city of Flandreau and Dale Johnson.
By the way, congratulations to the new directors. I’m sure you will represent the SDTA with pride.
Remember always try to preserve history as it is part of our heritage.
Thanks again.
— Gary Dale Poppenga
This is to thank everyone who helped to make the food a big success at the SDTA Fall Convention. Also I personally want to thank all who brought homemade items for sale and for the potluck on Friday night. Home made items add a personal touch to a convention.
We had quite a variety of food items. I want to thank those who helped in the kitchen; they are Galen & Georgia Sichmeller, Todd Anderson, Charlie Eich, Sadie Potter, Ray Maize and Arron Doyscher. Also thanks to the board members and others who help me unload. There was a lot of things to get carried in.
— Marty Poppenga