North Dakota Fur Hunters & Trappers Association November 2010 Report

President — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334, Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail:

Vice President — Marty Beard, 9101 119th St. SE, Bismarck, ND 58504; phone: 701-224-0878

Secretary — Jeremy Duckwitz, P.O. Box 465, Hazelton, ND 58544; phone: 701-674-3535;

Treasurer — Linda Penry, 3235 Crested Drive N., Mandan, ND 58554; phone: 701-667-9380;

Fur Harvester Education Program Coordinator — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334,Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Junior (14 and under) membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Adult membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Lifetime (62 and over) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $150

Complete membership application on first page of the association news section and send dues to:

NDFHTA, Treasurer
Linda Penry
3235 Crested Dr. N., Mandan, ND 58554


Greetings everyone! Let’s just slow things down for awhile and have October and November for about six months. How does that sound?

The rendezvous on September 11 was in keeping with our track record – another great event! A special “thank you” to Chris Flann for all of his hard work, and to everyone who pitched in to help out! The weather, the food, the demo’s, the vendor’s, and being with folks who share the same passion made for a nice way to spend a Saturday. I’m glad to be in such company!

Sixty three (63) individuals graduated from the North Dakota Fur Harvester Education Program in August and September. Classes were held in Bismarck, Jamestown, Watford City, and Minot. My appreciation goes out to the volunteer instructors who took their time to schedule, coordinate, train, and share their knowledge with those attending. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to attend a class, please consider it for 2011 – you will not be disappointed.

Here are a few reminders for you:

Donations Needed for Fur School-Fur Harvester Education – If you’d like to donate one or more carcass animals from trapping season this year, we’ve got a use for them. Tickets will be provided for your donation (like the 50/50 program) and a drawing held in 2011. The animals will be used in our fur harvester education classes and a state agency fur school we’re hosting next spring. Animals should be in good condition and preferably double bagged, compressed, and frozen. Arrangements can be made with your Director or I can get them on the fur route.

USSA Sentry Sign-Up – (from USSA) “The Sentry Program was developed to build an army of volunteers from coast to coast to protect our outdoor heritage for future generations. When you sign up, you’ll be the eyes and ears in your community and we’ll keep you informed of threats and how you can help. USSA does not sell or divulge any names or e-mail addresses” Sign up for the Sentry program at

2011 50/50 Deer Hide and Wild Fur Program – If you have hides or pelts to donate, contact your Director or me for arrangements to drop off or pick-up. This is a great opportunity to help the association and win some cash. You receive tickets for your donation, and once the hides or pelts are sold, the amount is split between the association and one lucky winner drawn from the pool of tickets. There is a separate drawing for hides and pelts.

2011 NDFHTA Election – The Vice President (Marty Beard, incumbent) and Secretary (Jeremy Duckwitz, incumbent) nominations are open for the general membership election; and District 1 (Pat Brenden, incumbent) and District 3 (Chris Flann, incumbent) nominations are open for those respective districts. Nominations should be sent to: NDFHTA, POB 334, Butte, ND 58723. Check with your nominee to make sure they are interested in seeking election or re-election. Nominations for the Vice President and Secretary can come from the general membership – nominations for the director positions must come from a member in the respective district. Nominations are due by December 15, 2010. Ballots will be included in the winter issue of the Dakota Skinner.

November 2010 Election – Remember to vote on November 2, 2010!

Enjoy your time in the field and marshes this fall, and take the time to thank a veteran for the freedom we enjoy. Remember to keep your membership current so you stay informed. Until next time, take care and be safe. Catch ‘ya.

— Rick Tischaefer

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