Vice-President — Ray Maize, 28658 Tree Farm Place, Pierre, SD 57501; phone: 605-295-0416; e-mail:
Exc. Sec./Treasurer, Public Relations FTA Director — John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE Watertown, SD 57201; phone: 605-886-8501; cell: 605-880-4165; e-mail:
Secretary — Terry Olson, 921 North Harth, Madison, SD 57042; phone: 605-256-6311; e-mail:
Youth Education Coordinator — Aaron Doyscher, Box 247, Volga, SD 57071; phone: 605-627-6558; cell: 605-690-4095; e-mail:
NTA Director — Jerry Westphal, 17342 297th Ave., Agar, SD 57520; phone: 605-258-2142;
Tanned Fur Coordinator — Steve “Pete” Peterson, 22251 448th Ave., Ramonda, SD 57054; phone: 605-482-8131; cell: 605-291-8945; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $13
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SDTA, Treasurer
John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
There wasn’t very much happening with our association during the month of November, other than many hours spent on the trap line. I’m sure everyone is as busy as your directors are working their trap lines. It sounds as though trapping success has been found all across the state. I would like to wish you all the best of luck on your days to come.
I want to make sure you all know about our upcoming conventions. Our spring convention is scheduled for Saturday April 16th near Britton, SD. Our next Fall Rendezvous is scheduled for September 16 & 17 in Wall, SD. I hope this gives you plenty of time to mark your calendars, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. If you ever need anything or have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I wish you a safe and happy holiday season; may your traps be full and your health abundant!
— Anna Hermanson