President — Ken Mills, 13004 W H-40 Hwy, Rudyard, MI 49780; phone: 906-478-6631
Vice President — Lloyd White, 2739 W M-28, Dafter, MI 49724; phone: 906-632-6071
Secretary — Jim Neitling, PO Box 171, Kinross, MI 49752; phone: 906-495-5233
Treasurer — Mark A. Spencer, N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760; phone: 906-292-4779; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $21
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $16
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NGLFH Secretary
Jim Neitling
PO Box 171
Kinross, MI 49752
Well, we are finally getting some snow but it has started to rain. The old timers say that when the swamps are full it will snow. It can start anytime now. The swamps are full to the point of overflowing.
I have heard through the grapevine that the rats are sure taking a beating this year. I hope there will be some left over for the next seasons. I know I left a lot of them out there due to not being able to get out much this season.
We had a meeting on October 20th in Rudyard. The annual trapper’s dinner was discussed and will be on the 19th of February. The cost will be around $9 for a trapper and 1 guest. The cost of each additional guest will be around $12. There will be a happy hour from 6pm to 7pm with dinner at 7pm. Make sure you have your reservations in by the 10th of February. Send your check to Mark Spencer. There will be more information coming out in the upcoming newsletters.
Mark Spencer went to a DNRE meeting at Higgins Lake to discuss snares or cable restraints. The report that I received is that the DNRE is going to go with the Wisconsin rules except that the minimum loop size will be 3 ½ inches. There will be more to come on this issue. These rules will probably be in effect for the next season.
NAFA will be having fur pickups on the 4th and 5th of December. You can call Richard Clark for the times and locations at 920-987-3618 or on his cell 715-927-3576. Fur Harvesters Auction dates and location can be available by calling Mark Spencer at 906-292-4779. Greonewold Fur will be having their pickups on 15th and 16th of December. Call 815-938-2381 for dates and locations.
The next meeting will be on January 19th in Gaylord at the northland Sportsman Club at 7:30pm.
I can’t believe that the end of the year is coming up in a month. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
— Jim Neitling