President — Brian Mohn, 134 Fairview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526; phone: 610-562-1790; e-mail:
Vice President East — Joel Whitehead, RR#2Box 90, Thompson, PA 18465; e-mail:
Vice President West — Ned Weston, 120 Swope Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061; phone: 724-894-2239; e-mail:
Secretary — Tereasa Houtz, 300 Flint Lane, Landisburg, PA 17040; e-mail:
Treasurer — Chad Kijowski, P.O. Box 614 , Dayton, PA 16222; phone: 814-257-9846;
Editor — Russ Ford, 309 Pine Dale Road, Carlisle, PA 17013, phone: 717-249-7271, fax: 717-249-8509; e-mail:
NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150; phone: 724-962-4260; e-mail:
FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; phone: 570-278-2553;
Public Relations Director — Mike Gontor, 87 West 7th St., Jim Thorpe, PA 18229; phone: 570-325-4974; e-mail:
Membership Options:
Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Individual membership without subscription — $10
Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5
Lifetime membership with subscription — $300
Lifetime membership without subscription — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
PTA Treasurer
Chad Kijowski
P.O. Box 614
Dayton, PA 16222
Here we are starting another new year! I sometimes feel like I don’t have enough time to get everything done, but the more I do the quicker time flies by. While reminiscing on the past year before I set my goals for the current year, I feel privileged to be the president of the one of the largest trappers association in the country.
With the support of the board of directors and you the members we can continue to grow, educate and be the front line conservationist. I myself had a good year; I was able to run a spring beaver line by canoe in a remote swamp with a good friend. My daughter and I made a trip to The Fur Harvesters convention in Canada and watched some good fur handling demos.
As the busy spring progress we set out on our annual exploration of Pennsylvania. This trip equates to the PTA rendezvous in Washington County, a part of the state we didn’t see before. This past trapping season has brought many of memorable events for me; I shared a trapline in the Adirondacks with my daughter and caught my first pine marten. The year ended, but not our trapping season, we are having a good time and even shared our trapline experience with a friend from Canada this past week.
Starting the New Year finds me still busy on the trapline, but looking ahead I hope to see you at the Eastern Sports show this month. Don’t forget the PTA rendezvous in June at Schuylkill County fairgrounds.
We continue to look at body grip trap use in Pa and how we can best use this device. We will have more information on this topic on the website.
Our website is constantly changing, if you have not stopped by recently I would suggest a visit. Not only can you stay updated with all the current events, but now we are set up to receive credit card payments for your membership or merchandise.
Best Wishes.
— Brian Mohn
The Pennsylvania Trappers Association will hold an election during the State Rendezvous from June 16th through June 19st to fill the offices of President, Vice President – East, Vice President – West, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Public Relations Direction, NTA Director and FTA Director.
Anyone interested in having their name on the ballot for this election should forward their resume to Charlie Sykes via e-mail at or via US Mail at: 1265 Airport Road, Stoneboro, PA 16153-1807. Resumes must be received no later than March 1st, 2011, in order for your name to be published on the ballot.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Charlie via email or phone. Ph: (724) 866-4286.
Hi to All,
Finally a report, after missing a few. Was out in NM. since Sept 1st to Dec. 23rd. The piece of junk “My Laptop” was not typing right so no reports for that period.
My excursion & trapping there was one heck of an experience. Although not a great catch but sure was a great learning time for me. And the country & vastest of the land was really something to enjoy.
All in all money & time well spent. Hopefully, will be going again next Sept. to better hone in on my “Cat Trapping Knowledge”!
As we begin a new year, I hope & urge all of you to make an effort to step up your support to your Districts & your PTA. The last few years have seen a somewhat decline in fur prices and with that decline membership involvement has also declined. By your efforts to support this Association we will remain a strong & viable group among this “Brotherhood”.
Many things have been going favorably for Trappers thru-out this country, but do not take it for granted that the “WAR” is over. It will never be over, as long as there’s money to be had from gullible folks, whom the “Anti’s can take advantage of. We must continue to be on our toes & fight every battle that is launched against any of “OUR BROTHERS” as well as ourselves. We will “Thrive” or we will “Dive”. It is up to, all of us to “Strive” to “Survive”!
Onto the 75th. knifes: While out in NM. I heard that the issue of the knives for the 75th. Anniversary, that District 8 is selling, was ironed out between those involved in the issue. And all though I personally do not agree with all the terms of the agreement, I will accept that agreement for the sake of keeping our PTA a “UNITED PTA”!
This coming year is an election year for the state officers. If you feel that you may be able to give up some of your time & help this association to keep it moving ahead, please give it a try.
For myself, after ten years as “Your Editor”, I have decided not to seek another term as such. I leave knowing that some of you disagreed with me, on some of the things I wrote or said. So be it! I also leave knowing that at least I have made some of at least think & to get involved. That, to me, is a big part of any & all of our officers duty to fulfill.
I leave, with my gratitude to all of you for at least reading my reports. THANK YOU!
At this time, let it be known, that I have asked Mike Spittle, D11 Member, to run for the Editor’s position. Mike has accepted to do so.
Mike will be a fine editor, as he is a very dedicated member. As far as I can remember, Mike never missed a report about his district. This shows how much dedication he has.
Thanks Mike!
Of course if anyone else would wish to run for PTA EDITOR, throw your hat in the ring. All who participate are welcome to do so!
In closing for this month: “Keep on Trappin”!!!!!
— Russ Ford
Happy New Year. I hope your season has been great. Thanks to all that helped gather raccoon digestive systems for the Game Commission to test for Baylisascaris Infection.
There is a biologist from Grove City College who will be conducting a study on coyotes. He is requesting frozen coyote livers, for his testing process. For more information on where the coyote livers go, please contact Jim Stoops at (724) 992-1143.
Venango County will be hosting District One’s Spring Meeting. It will be held at the Venango County Coon and Fox Club on April 9th, 2011 at 9:00 AM. The address is PO Box 546, 2 Mile Run Road, Franklin, PA 16323.
Don’t forget to get your Spring Gun Raffle Sponsorships.
Remember to take a kid along with you when you go beaver trapping.
God Bless.
— Charlie Sykes
The District 2 Fur Sale will be on Feb. 19th at the Burnt Ridge Bow & Gun Club.
It is at 493 Ridge Road, Cowansville, Pa. 16218. The doors will open at 8 am.
We will need help in the kitchen and for setting up and clean up after the Fur Sale.
The District will have its Banquet on March 19th, 2011. It is our biggest Fund Raiser of the year. We will need help to set it up and clean up afterwards.
Elections for Offices in the District will take place at our Spring Meeting. I will not be the director so we will need some people to step up to run the District. If anyone wants to step up, contact me or for more info on District Events.
— Greg Bell 724-895-3731
Hello All,
Hope your season has been going well. By the time you read this, our fur sale will be right around the corner. This year’s sale is January 30, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. If you have some or all of your fur still around, bring it down. As always, we’ll have some food available, and I’m sure many stories about the season will be told. Hope to see you there.
It’s not too early to start thinking about the D-3 banquet. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 23, at the Youngwood Fire Hall. If you haven’t made it to one yet, come see what you’ve been missing. If you’ve been to one or more, mark the day on your calendar and we hope you can make it.
Till next time.
— Dave Eckels
My time spent trapping did not improve and in fact has dropped off completely. Life has sure gotten in the way this trapping season for me and I hope you have your priorities in a better alignment and are out there enjoying our “great outdoors”. The good news is we had a good year at deer camp with my brother taking a nice eight point and his son getting his first buck. My Dad, my friend Neil and I were also successful in the big woods of Cameron County, an exceptional year for us.
Please try to attend our next meeting and show your support for the association and if you can’t make the meeting, give Harry Wade, our district director, a call to show your support and let him know your thoughts on the future of the district. We will be electing an assistant director and county leaders at the meeting. Harry is passionate about the association and would like your help and input to make it better and stronger. Please feel free to call Harry with any input you have @ 814 842-9546.
The next meeting will be held at Gander Mountain in Windber, PA on January 9, 2011 at 2:00 PM. This meeting will focus on the upcoming fur auction on February 13th and the outdoor show at the Jaffa Mosque that will be on February 25, 26, & 27th.
The fur auction will be held on February 13th in the 4-H building at the Bedford Fair Grounds. The doors open at 7:00 am and the sale begins at 9:00. Please plan to come out to the sale and support our district.
An election of officers was held at the fall meeting and following is the results: Director – Harry Wade, Assistant director – Mark Vatavuk, Treasurer – Pat Wess, and Secretary – Deborah Sedlemeyer.
Please feel free to contact Pat Wess @ (814) 262-9455 or me with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. I can be reached at (814) 686-0497 or e-mail me at Thanks for reading.
— Brian Stern
John Hummel passed away on 11-9-2010. He was a life member and a past Director of D-7 from 1988 to 1992 and he received the PTA trapper of the year award in 1997. He was always willing to help anyone who wanted to learn about trapping, and he enjoyed helping with the youth field days in the district. He will be missed. For any district info, call Pete, 570-437-2679
By the time of this printing the Coyote Hunt will be very close. Hope you all got your applications to me in time to participate.
Land trapping season is all but over. As of this writing, I still haven’t caught my bobcat. There is plenty of sign around, just haven’t had the cat come by my sets yet. Seems like when I want to catch them, they do not cooperate, and when I didn’t have a permit, the buggers were waiting in line to get caught.
Our fur sale will be on Saturday, February 12, 2011, at the Triton Hose Co., and will start at 9:00 AM. Make sure you bring your furtaker’s license. Also remember that there is no commission to sell at our fur sale (courtesy of the coyote hunters), but you must be a member of the Pa. Trappers Assn. to sell your fur.
The following is a tentative schedule for meetings in 2011: February – Lackawanna County, March – Bradford Co., April – Pike County, May – Susquehanna County, September – mini-convention in Wyoming County, October – Wayne County. You will be receiving post cards in the mail as to specific dates, times and locations.
On a personal note, I have announced my candidacy for Editor for the Pennsylvania Trappers Assn. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. No matter who you vote for, you should make sure to send your ballot in when the time comes. Otherwise don’t complain about what’s being done on the State level. You have the tools to change what’s going on in the State. Use them!
— Submitted by Ed Price, Treasurer, District 9
As I write this there is not much new to report to your. Our fur sale is 10 days away so I can’t report to you on that yet. I do want to say Thank You in advance to everyone who helped with the fur sale in any way. I’ll give you the results from the sale next month.
Our next business meeting will be Thursday evening, February 17th at the Conewago Township Building, Dauphin County. It is located 1/2 way between Elizabethtown and Hershey just off Rte. 743. I will have signs on 743 directing you in. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. We will be going over the results of the fur sale and talk about other things planned for the year.
The demo schedule for the 2011 PTA Rendezvous is as follows:
2011 PTA Rendezvous Demo Schedule
June 16-19, 2011
Schuylkill County Fairgrounds
2270 Fair Road
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
Thursday, June 16, 2011
8:00 Todd Strohecker – Coyote/Beaver
9:00 Dick Atkins – Mink
10:00 Nick Bonney – Woodland Fox
11:00 John Wilkinson – Beaver/Avoiding Otter
12:00 Bill Kasten – Canine Trapping
1:00 Darin Freeborough – Winter Coyote Trapping
2:00 Bob Best – Dog Proof Coon Traps
3:00 Barry Warner – Beaver Snaring
4:00 John Epler
5:00 PA Game Commission
Friday, June 17, 2011
8:00 Rich Kasper – Canine
9:00 Newt Sterling – Beaver Snaring
10:00 Bob Jameson – Raccoon
11:00 Jim Geffert – Canine Trapping
12:00 Don Powell – Mink
1:00 Mark June – Coyote
2:00 Rick Shadel
3:00 Darin Freeborough – Winter Coyote Trapping
4:00 Alan Claycomb – Canine Location/Map Reading
5:00 John Wilkinson – Beaver/Avoiding Otter
Saturday, June 18, 2011
8:00 Don Powell – Mink
9:00 Clint Locklear – Coyote
10:00 Russ Carman – Trap Prep/Canines
11:00 Bob Jameson – Bobcat
12:00 Mark June – Coyote
1:00 PTA General Meeting
2:00 Dick Atkins – Mink
3:00 Phil Brown – Fox
4:00 Mark Zaggar – Coyote
5:00 Q&A
Till next month.
— Mike Spittle, 717-367-2637
would like to know if you will be at the schyulkill fair grounds this year and if so when thanks kevin