President — Rodney Stancil, 8706 Flower Hill Road, Middlesex, NC 27557; phone: 919-284-3924; e-mail: stancilwildlifeservices@yahoo.com
Vice President — Prune Windspear, 156 Hannah Lori Drive, Cameron, NC 28326; e-mail: beaverdude44@yahoo.com
Secretary — Sharon Underwood, Rt. 1 Box 416, Peachland, NC 28133; phone: 704-272-7876
Membership Secretary — Karen Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
Assistant Membership Secretary — Krista Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
Treasurer/NTA Director — Wayne Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
General Organizer — John Gerber, 192 Forest Walk Way, Mooresville, NC 28115; phone: 336-885-1012; e-mail: g3marketing@northstate.net
Education Coordinator — Todd Menke, 2663 Tar River Rd., Creedmoor, NC 27522; phone: 919-528-9063; e-mail: minkster@netzero.net
Newsletter Editor — Vacant
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Youth membership (under age 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior citizens 70 years or older with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NCTA, Membership Secretary
Karen Rose
1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970
Hello fellow trappers, I hope this report finds you well. If your season has gone like mine up until now, then it’s been slow. Work obligations, extreme cold, and snow have put a damper on my trapping activities, but I have hope that January will be kinder to me then December was.
This brings about a good point. We as trappers have to have incredible patients and the will to persevere when things get tough. We lay out our trap lines, set traps and tend them, making improvements as we go. We go out everyday with the hope and the knowledge that our efforts will be rewarded.
This tenacity, grit and patience also serves us well in our efforts to protect our trapping rights and effect change in our game laws. Things don’t happen overnight, but if you keep working at it, things will happen. I guess what I’m trying to say here is get involved in your trappers association. Let your directors and officers know what is important to you and ask what you can do to help.
Here are some news items that interest you to read about.
Item 1
Make plans to attend the Advanced Trapping Workshop to be held at the Millstone 4-H Camp near Ellerbe which is in Richmond County in the south central part of the state on March 11 – 13, 2011. This will be three days of actual on-the-line trapping where attendees will be setting and checking traps with a number of professional trappers. There is still room available so sign up! Cost will be $300 which will include all the materials, training, meals and lodging. You will enjoy the location and meals are always fantastic! The location is 1296 Mallard Drive near Ellerbe, NC 28338. Reservations require a $100 deposit. Full payment will be due no later than February 15, 2011. Refunds will be given if your plans change.
More information including a draft agenda is posted on the NCTA’s website: www.nctrapper.org You will see the link to the Advanced Trapping Workshop.
Remember to take someone with you trapping. Rather than complain about something, help the NCTA focus on and find solutions to benefit all North Carolina trappers. Ask yourself, what have you done for your association or North Carolina trappers and how have you “Promoted Responsible Trapping”.
Todd Menke
Education Coordinator
Item 2
Want to learn more trapping techniques? NCTA has partnered with the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) Hunter Safety Program offering free one day trapper education classes each spring. Lunch is even free provided by NCTA!!! Tentative dates and locations for 2011 are as follows:
Saturday, April 16, 2011 either at the Wake County Wildlife Club or on campus at NCSU in Raleigh
Saturday, May 21, 2011 at the Anderson Creek Hunting Preserve near Lillington in Harnett County
Saturday, June 11, 2011 site yet to be determined but somewhere in the coastal region
Saturday, June 25, 2011 at the Catawba Valley Wildlife Club near Vale in Catawba County
You won’t be able to sign up for the free classes until 30 days prior to the program. To sign up you will need to go to the WRC website at: http://ncpaws.org/huntingsafety/courses/search.asp You will need to select the appropriate county to request the list of available classes. Follow the instructions to sign up. If you have trouble or don’t have Internet access let me know and I will help you get registered.
Todd Menke
Education Coordinator
Item 3
We are planning for the 1st annual fur pickup and sale. A place for trappers to bring there furs for the last drop off of the season and pick up some supplies. This event will take the place of the mountain rondy that was in October but hopefully. Will bring a larger crowd. The event is planned for march 19th 2011. At the Madison county cooperative extension office. There are campsite available with camper hookups. And we would like to have a pot luck supper for later in the evening for the members and guest to have a chance meet and talk trapping. If you would like to help out with planning the event please call me at 828 206 9252. Any ideals would be greatly appreciated. I will update the info and fur buyers list as soon as I have the info.
That’s about all I have for now, hope you all have a great trapping season.
— Tony White
Are you having a successful trapping season? As I write this report there is still snow on the ground. Last year we had to deal with a lot of rain and this year we get snow and freezing temperatures. Do you want to learn how to trap better in these conditions? Have you considered attending a trapper education class or workshop?
NCTA has partnered with the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) Hunter Safety Program offering free one day trapper education classes each spring. Lunch is even free provided by NCTA!!! Tentative dates and locations for 2011 are as follows:
Saturday, April 16, 2011 either at the Wake County Wildlife Club or on campus at NCSU in Raleigh
Saturday, May 21, 2011 at the Anderson Creek Hunting Preserve near Lillington in Harnett County
Saturday, June 11, 2011 site yet to be determined but somewhere in the coastal region
Saturday, June 25, 2011 at the Catawba Valley Wildlife Club near Vale in Catawba County
You won’t be able to sign up for the free classes until 30 days prior to the program. To sign up you will need to go to the WRC website at: http://ncpaws.org/huntingsafety/courses/search.asp You will need to select the appropriate county to request the list of available classes.
Follow the instructions to sign up. If you have trouble or don’t have internet access let me know and I will help you get registered.
How about more than one day with more details and an actual live trapline to check? Do you want to learn professional techniques to catch 50+ coyotes in two weeks or 20+ fox in one day? Do you want to know how to catch 100+ raccoons in a day or 1,000+ in a season? Beaver continue to cause damage. Do you want to learn how to be a better damage control trapper? Can you catch that educated beaver?
Do you want to learn how to? Otter prices are going back up. Have you caught over 100 in a season? Let the pros show you how. Everything from bait/lure placement to new trap types and techniques to avoiding non-targets to fur skinning, fleshing, and the final product to water and dry land methods to trap modification to wildlife biology to furbearer management to public relations to wildlife diseases to record keeping, planning and time management plus much more!!!
Come join us at the advanced trapping workshop and you are guaranteed to learn something new!!!
Prior to the free classes make plans to attend the Advanced Trapping Workshop to be held at the Millstone 4-H Camp near Ellerbe which is in Richmond County in the south central part of the state on March 11 – 13, 2011. This will be three days of actual on-the-line trapping where attendees will be setting and checking traps with a number of professional trappers. There is still room available so sign up! Cost will be $300 which will include all the materials, training, meals and lodging. You will enjoy the location and meals are always fantastic! The location is 1296 Mallard Drive near Ellerbe, NC 28338. Reservations require a $100 deposit. Full payment will be due no later than February 15, 2011. Refunds will be given if your plans change.
Please take time to thank the core group of professional trappers who volunteer their time and money. This group of trappers includes: David Allen, Josh Biesecker, Reid Cooper, Dan Jones, Scott McNeely, Todd Menke, Jimmy Pierce, Dustyn Reece, Wiley Royal, Rodney Stancil, Claudie Taylor, and Prune Windspear. Partnering with the WRC, Colleen Olfenbuttel – Furbearer Biologist and David Denton – District 1 Hunter Education Specialist continue to provide their expertise and knowledge. We welcome more of you to join us. If you are a certified hunter safety instructor or want to become one, let me know because we are always looking for more volunteers. This group is the reason that these programs continue to be successful.
This group deserves the credit because without them none of this would be possible. This is a wonderful group to work with and their dedication and commitment to promoting responsible trapping should not go unnoticed. They continue to go out of their way to help whenever and wherever the help is needed. Their willingness to donate so much time and money every year shows how they continually support NCTA and North Carolina trappers by helping promote responsible trapping.
More information including a draft agenda is posted on the NCTA’s website. If you have internet access take a look at: www.nctrapper.org You will see the link to the Advanced Trapping Workshop. Check out the NCTA Talk Forum if you want to chat with other trappers. If you don’t have a computer or internet access, give me a call and I will mail you a copy. Remember to take someone with you trapping. Rather than complain about something, help the NCTA focus on and find solutions to benefit all North Carolina trappers. Ask yourself, what have you done for your association or North Carolina trappers and how have you “Promoted Responsible Trapping”…see you in the woods!
— Todd Menke