President — Gene Callaway, 16100 West Greasy Bend Road, Mannsville,OK 73447; 580-371-3364;
Vice President — Noel Carruthers, P.O. Box 415, Sperry, OK 74073; 918-288-7437;
Secretary — Cathy Sheffert, 1301 Old Bumpy Road, Stillwater, OK 74074; 405-612-4464;
Treasurer — Shannon Sheffert, 1301 Old Bumpy Road, Stillwater, OK 74074; 405-742-7884;
FTA Director — Darrell Woodward, P.O. Box 580416, Tulsa, OK 74158; 918-902-0529;
NTA Director — Darrell Woodward, P.O. Box 580416, Tulsa, OK 74158; 918-902-0529;
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime (Over 70) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $150
• Lifetime with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Youth membership — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
OFBA, Treasurer
Shannon Sheffert
1301 Old Bumpy Road
Stillwater, OK 74074
Hello from southern Oklahoma
Well for those who missed the fall meeting, I am sorry because you missed one of the largest meeting in a long time. All had a good time and got their needed supplies and saw some good demos and a great auction of Wayne Smith’s estate. I wasn’t to thank all who came and took part in all of the activities. Thanks Matt for doing the auctioneering.
A big Thanks to the ladies who stepped up and helped in all departments as needed. I want to apologize for not recognizing you at the meeting. I guess old age is setting in. Thanks so much.
I personally want to Thank Rhonda–Sherry–Sharron–Norma–and Tina for all of your help.—From Cloyce
We had some great dealers—Clifton Ray with CDR Lures—Terry Waggoner with his cage traps he makes–Lloyd Teeter with his crafts and furs–Mark June Lures and Supplies–Dub Shankles with Lures and Supplies–Jeb Hollingshead with Okie Trap and Supplies and Linda Blackburn garment furrer.
Sterlen Kirschman with NAFA did a skinning and stretching demo all day again. Thanks Sterlen Kirschman.
Jeff Defore was there with all the NAFA literature and schedules. He will have three pick-up dates.
I want to Thank all new directors and wives for stepping up to help in all positions.
Thanks to all out going officers and directors, we made a lot of changes for which we got some things done, but have a lot to do yet for the new directors and officers to finish to make a stronger organization.
Thanks to all very much.
We had several great demos—-Mark June—Mike Baily—R C Edgar–and I am sure I have missed some as I didn’t get to see them.
New officers
President — Gene Callaway
Vice President — Noel Carruthers
Treasurer — Shannon Sheffert
Secretary — Cathy Sheffert
District 1 — Clifton Ray – Charlie McAmis
District 2 — Terry Waggoner – Matt Yocham
District 3 — Joe Caldwell – Scott Newby
District 4 — Lloyd Teeter – Cloyce Callaway
District 5 — R C Edgar – Shawn Bell
District 6 — Tracy Anderson – Monte Dodson
I want to Thank all who voted for me again. I hope to do a better job in the next two years. If at any time I can be of any help or you have something you would like to change, please let me know and I will present it before the board and see where it goes. I work for you as it is your organization.
The new directors had a meeting Saturday after the clean-up was finished and decided to combine the spring meeting and the workshop together at the Red Rock State Park on June 6-7-8,2014. R C Edgar and Shawn Bell will be the coordinaters of the event. It will be held like we did at Gentry Creek by coming in on Friday afternoon and having a directors meeting and a quick meal. We will discuss the next years agenda and set the dates. Saturday we will be having demos and a great meal and have a great time being with other trappers. Sunday we will eat breakfast and load up and leave. No venders will be available on State Parks. You need to get your supplies at the fur sales or fall meetings.
The fur sale dates are Feb 1,2014 at Chandler and March 1,2014 at Okemah, Venders should be available.
The youth camp will be on Dec 20-21-22,2013 at Lake Carl Blackwell and only the first 35 youth to apply will be allowed. Contact Shannon Sheffert at 405-742-7884 or Cathy Sheffet at 405-612-4464 for information and to sign up.
Have a great and safe trapping season and take a youth with you as you both will enjoy the time together.
God Bless All. — Gene Callaway