President — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334, Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail: tischrc@ndak.net
Vice President — Marty Beard, 9101 119th St. SE, Bismarck, ND 58504; phone: 701-224-0878
Secretary — Jeremy Duckwitz, P.O. Box 465, Hazelton, ND 58544; phone: 701-674-3535;
e-mail: yodelyote@hotmail.com
Treasurer — Linda Penry, 3235 Crested Drive N., Mandan, ND 58554; phone: 701-667-9380;
e-mail: lpenry@wildblue.net
Fur Harvester Education Program Coordinator — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334,Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail: tischrc@ndak.net
Membership Options:
• Junior (14 and under) membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Adult membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Lifetime (62 and over) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $150
Complete membership application on first page of the association news section and send dues to:
NDFHTA, Treasurer
Linda Penry
3235 Crested Dr. N., Mandan, ND 58554
Greetings everyone! The biggest hit for February was our Winter Meet. Our hats are off to Brent Ternes, Jason Wirtz, John Paulson, Linda Penry, and Phil Mastrangelo for making such a great day for everyone. Lots of folks came to share the day. The presentations and demonstrations were extremely well done and informative. And I think everyone had the opportunity to eat well and visit in good company.
The fur harvester education program needs your attention. Now is the time to put together a schedule of classes for the remainder of the year. If you have a location in mind, would like to help out or would like to attend a class, please let your director know or contact me. If you have a hunter safety class in your area, we need to know about it. There is a one-hour slot in the curriculum of those classes that allow for trapping/furbearer familiarization. We have everything needed to do that presentation and we need to know if you have one in your area. Hunter safety classes are the number one resource for folks to attend a fur harvester education program.
Here are the results of the membership survey conducted in January. The comments are not included, as that would make this report about three pages long. If you’d like a copy of the entire document, send me an e-mail or call and ask for a hard copy.
This reports to you the results of a membership survey conducted in January 2010. The questions were the result of many conversations and concerns expressed by members, and our sincere desire to work proactively with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. The results will be useful to both of us (association and state agency) as we work together for the betterment of wildlife management and the trapping and fur hunting community in North Dakota.
One hundred and thirty seven (137) surveys were mailed to the current membership (as of Jan. 10, 2010). A postage paid return envelope was provided for the return of the completed surveys. As of Feb. 10, 2010, eighty one (81) surveys were returned, expressing responses of one hundred and fourteen (114) members (family members could respond on the same survey). The survey return rate was 59 percent. The survey cost the association approximately $165.77 for materials (printing, envelopes and postage) and the entire process used 68 volunteer hours.
The results listed herein are a complete record of the information returned on or with the survey. To save time and money, this report provides only a shortened version of each question provided on the survey. The numbers or percentages listed with each question might not total 114 or 100 percent (as appropriate), as some “yes” or “no” responses were not indicated, but written comments were included. Information from the respondents who indicated interest in a fur harvester education class this year will be forwarded to the appropriate District Director.
I want to thank our Treasurer, Linda Penry for her assistance and support with the logistical requirements of this survey; and to each of our members who took their time to respond and have an interest in working together for our future. In my years of experience with those who make up the “trapping and fur hunting community,” one thing is always clear — you are passionate and personal about your involvement with both. I thank you for being passionate and personal!
1. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to establish a harvest season for fisher? Yes 100(87%) No 9(7%) No Response 3(2%);
A lottery for harvest permits 25(21%); or
An established number of animals harvested closes season 62(54%).
2. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to establish a harvest season for marten? Yes 98(86%) No 10(8%) No Response 3(2%);
A lottery for harvest permits 24(21%); or
An established number of animals harvested closes season 62(54%).
3. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to establish a harvest season for river otter? Yes 99(86%) No 7(6%) No Response 3(2%);
A lottery for harvest permits 26(22%); or
An established number of animals harvested closes season 63(54%).
4. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to add striped skunk to the list of furbearers in North Dakota? Yes 37(32%) No 67(58%) No Response 8(7%).
5. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to address this waste of furbearers? Yes 78(68%) No 25(21%) No Response 9(7%);
Do you favor rules or regulations prohibiting such waste? Yes 61(53%) No 10(8%).
6. Do you favor the association working with the NDFGD to remove this requirement for cable devices set and submerged in water? Yes 69(60%) No 22(19%) No Response 21(18%)
7. Do you purchase a Combination License (with furbearer endorsement) 87(76%); or a General Certificate with a Furbearer Stamp 15(13%) No Response 10(8%)
8. What tools and techniques do you use to harvest furbearers? Traps 90(78%)
Cable Devices 75(65%) Hunting 74(65%) Predator Calling 73(64%) Hunting with dog(s) 11(9%)
9. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to improve the point of sale system for furbearer licenses? Yes 78(68%) No 10(8%) No Response 16(14%); using an automated license system (ALS or ALIS) whereby you’re assigned a number that is unique to you, used year after year, never changes, and simplifies the whole licensing requirement (this system is used in neighboring states)? Yes 82(71%) No 8(7%) Undecided 1(<1%)
10. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to allow the harvest of bobcat outside of the current zone? Yes 95(83%) No 3(2%) No Response 14(12%); By expanding the current zone 19(16%); or
By having a separate zone (similar to lion) 63(55%)
11. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD and the legislature to change the ND Century Code to allow non-residents to legally trap bobcat? Yes 38(33%) No 56(49%)No Response 17(14%)
12. Do you favor the association working with the NDGFD to allow the harvest of tree squirrel with traps? Yes 100(87%) No 7(6%) No Response 4(3%)
13. Are you interested in participating in a fur harvester education class this year?
Yes 35(30%) No 60(52%) No Response 13(11%)
14. What would you like to see for demonstrations or activities at future association events?
No Response 57(50%)
15. Do you have any fundraising ideas for the association or comments on what’s been done to date? No Response 80(70%)
16. Please evaluate your association and its activities:
Excellent 44(38%) Very Good 45(39%) Good 13(11%) Fair 2(1%) Poor 1(<1%) No Response 4(3%)
That’s enough for now. Keep your membership current and until next time, take care. Catch ‘ya.
— Rick Tischaefer