President — Doren Miller, 26500 Pike 244, Clarksville, MO 63336; phone: 573-242-3319
Vice President — Robbie Page, 108 McCulley Street, New Franklin, MO 65274; phone: 660-888-2369; e-mail:
Secretary — Charlie Brown, 7130 Drury Lane, Maplewood, MO 63143; phone: 314-644-1364; e-mail:
Treasurer — Paul Webb, 124 Mooreview Dr., Gravois Mills, MO 65037; phone: 573-374-2768
Conservation Director — Rick Friedrich, 11504 Hawk Hill Lane, Booneville, MO 65233; phone: 660-621-2131
NTA Director — Ron Pantry, Rt. 1 Box 84, Lancaster, MO 63548; phone: 660-457-2192
FTA Director — Henry A. Wendt, P.O. Box 123, Couch, MO 65690; phone: 417-938-4519
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $365
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA Secretary
Charlie Brown, 7130 Drury Lane, Maplewood, MO
63143; phone: 314-644-1364; e-mail:
Hello Everyone,
Well here it is the last of February. All the auctions are over and I think things went fairly good. I don’t know about you all, but I’m tired of winter and looking forward to spring and doing some crappie fishing and troutlining.
District 6 held its first meeting to get things started for the Fall Rondy. We will have several more. We plan to have a goody Rondy so mark your calendars to attend. It is always the third weekend in September. If you have any questions, feel free to call Dale Verts at 573-789-5690.
District 9 had a Fundraiser Banquet. They had a real nice turnout and everyone had a great time and plenty of good food. Elaine and I went and guess what? I won the Henry Golden Boy Rifle and it is a beautiful gun.
Well, that’s all for now. Take a friend or kid fishing this summer.
God Bless.
— Paul Webb
To those of you that missed it, we had a great rendezvous organizational meeting on Feb. 20. Almost 40 folks showed up at the MO trapshooters home grounds near Linn Creek (the site of this year’s rondy). I’m pretty sure we all agree we are on the same page as to what we need to get done before September. Thanks to those that attended and special thanks to Elaine Webb for her help and for that matter all of the ladies who always seem to pitch in. They just seem to know when a guy could use some assistance!
At the meeting, we looked over the grounds, made some decisions and tossed more than a few ideas around. We also laid the groundwork for the committees and I’l continue my plea here for help from throughout the state. This is your rondy. District 6 is strictly the host. Call me if you have any suggestions. Our next meeting will be April 10 and it will also be held at the Gun Club. We’ll start at 11 a.m. again, and we’ll keep this meeting short. I promise.
Other than all the work that the rondy entails, we’re finally starting to see a few signs of spring. That nasty snow is gone, the robins are back and I’ve never seen so many geese heading north. And while I intend to catch a few more beavers, I don’t think I’ve ever been so ready to quit trapping and start fishin’! I’ve been thinking about how good a mess of fresh crappies would taste for some time now.
Ya’ll take care — Call me if you need anything. 573-789-5690
— Dale W. Verts