President — Rodney Stancil, 8706 Flower Hill Road, Middlesex, NC 27557; phone: 919-284-3924; e-mail: stancilwildlifeservices@yahoo.com
Vice President — Prune Windspear, 156 Hannah Lori Drive, Cameron, NC 28326; e-mail: beaverdude44@yahoo.com
Secretary — Sharon Underwood, Rt. 1 Box 416, Peachland, NC 28133; phone: 704-272-7876
Membership Secretary — Karen Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
Assistant Membership Secretary — Krista Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
Treasurer/NTA Director — Wayne Rose, 1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970; phone: 252-793-5191
General Organizer — John Gerber, 192 Forest Walk Way, Mooresville, NC 28115; phone: 336-885-1012; e-mail: g3marketing@northstate.net
Education Coordinator — Todd Menke, 2663 Tar River Rd., Creedmoor, NC 27522; phone: 919-528-9063; e-mail: minkster@netzero.net
Newsletter Editor — Vacant
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Youth membership (under age 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior citizens 70 years or older with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NCTA, Membership Secretary
Karen Rose
1220 Cross Rd., Roper, NC 27970
Hello NC Trappers, September is upon us and that means that our annual convention is at hand. This years convention will be held at the Johnston Co. Livestock Arena in Smithfield ,NC on September 23rd and 24th. If you have not attended our convention before, now is the time to do so as we have a great show planned. We have a full line of top notch trappers giving demos all day Friday and Saturday. There’s a wealth of information to be had here ladies and gents and its all free.
We also have a long list of trapping supply vendors who will be on hand to handle all your equipment needs. These folks travel great distances to set up at our convention and I would urge you to show your support and appreciation by purchasing as much of your needed supplies as you can from them. On heavier items such as traps, you can save the shipping when you pick them up at the convention.
Please bring your family along as we have contests for all age groups, a bake sale and our Friday night Trapperman cookout that never disappoints.
Those of you who are members should have received our semi-annual newsletter containing all the latest news and 10 raffle tickets for our gun giveaway. This year we have a Rossi youth combo featuring a 20 ga. and .243 cal. barrel and the grand prize, a Browning X-Bolt .270 bolt action with real wood stock. Tickets will also be available at the convention and each ticket gives you a chance at both guns.
As with last year, our black powder and archery shooting contests will be handled by David Denton and Hilton Best of the NCWRC. These two men do an awesome job of keeping everyone safe and the shoot running smoothly. They also will be setting up the NCWRC Safari trailer featuring mounted critters native to our state.
So as you can see, we have a full weekend planned, so come on out and join us. You won’t be disappointed.
A footnote here on HB 755, which was signed by the governor and turned over to the NCWRC for a year long study. As soon as I know what out role in this study is, I’ll be in touch. Our assoc. can accomplish great things if we all pull together.
I’ll close for now and once again, I hope to see you at the convention.
— Tony W. White