President — David Leibig, 1375 Warren Rd., Delhi, NY 13753; phone: 607-829-6813; e-mail:
Vice President — William Ballou, 4 Noth Street, Camden, NY 13316; phone: 315-245-0960
Secretary/Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196
NYSTA Newsletter Editor — Angie Berchielli, 3861 SR 85, Westerlo, NY 12193; phone: 518-797-3747
NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071
FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, Rt. 3. Box 259, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453
Executive Director — David Miller 11311 Gay Rd., Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 3-year individual with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• 3-year family with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $56
• Senior life member (65 or older) — $100
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033
Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m., Dec. 15, 2009.
14 members were present. Shirley Howe won the 50/50 and Richard Beckwith won the hat donated by John Hahn.
President’s list: Bill reported on the benefit coyote hunt just completed. Butch Jenks won the first place prize. Nice job Butch. Everyone that entered received some kind of door prize. Les Wedge will post list of winners in the newsletter.
Discussion held on fur prices. It was noted that Chuck Rodgers from Sherburne is a local buyer and a good guy to work with.
We will raffle a gun again this year. Bill has picked up the tree stand and the gun is on the way. Bud Woodfield will once again donate the knife. Thanks Bud.
Discussion once again on replacing the two ton tables we have with plastic ones. The Maple Festival is March 28 and 29. We only have one meeting before then and schedule must be made up. John Slocum heads the committee. All help is appreciated and necessary. Richard Beckwith has two 12×2 canopies and will donate them to the Association for the Festival. Lets hope they work and thanks to Richard. John S thinks we might have hay left from last year. The weather was actually quite dry last year.
Trapper training course at Nedrow Sportsmen’s Club on April 14. Fur sale coming up at Pompey March 14, at 8 a.m.
Shirley Howe has cards for you to sign. Lee Stockton is recuperating from a fall and Shirley noted the passing of the wife of long time member Paul Loomis.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
No corrections were noted for the minutes.
Round table:
Bud Woodfield noted that the WSJ had a two-page spread ad on the price of furs this year. Not good. Once again sparked discussion on prices at auctions. Presentation still seems to be half the battle. Hugh McDonald noted the difference in the price of rats from one seller to another. Well-handled small rats bring more than mishandled large rats.
Les Wedge: Les has sent out scholarship letters to schools. Bud Woodsfield volunteered to serve with Les and Rich Palmer on the committee.
Butch Jenks has sent furs to be tanned. He noted that Mike Plafond had donated a ’coon and a muskrat to the club. Discussion held on how to handle postage when we send furs to tannery. We will charge $5 for each beaver or coyote shipped and $2 for anything else.
Richard Beckwith suggested that we include our new Senator Gillibrand in our newsletter mailings. She is on our side. There being no objection, Les will put her on our mailing list.
John Slocum discussed upcoming Festival. The more help the better.
Dale Beckwith will bring the food next month.
Bud Woodfield noted that in 1940 he caught enough rats in the first week of the season to purchase a new automobile. (Do you think he still has it?)
Motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m., carried.
Respectfully submitted.
— Art Manz
We would like to thank the following for their efforts at our Feb. 7 auction: Auctioneer, Charlie Hohman; Jerry & Brian from S & S Taxidermy for hosting our event; Dan Amigone, Mike Koestler, Rich Penoyer, Joe Craft and his grand daughter Rena, Deb Schillaci, John Stanley, Jim and Travis McNichol, Harold Leggett, Hoot Gerling, Andie Danner , Gary D., Kelly Wiedemann, Rick & Patti Wattengel. It was nice to have some kids help out. Rena was great sheet runner and Travis was a big help as a fur handler, great job! Our total fur sales amount was $2,066 and our commission was $103. We had 168 lots with 319 pelts. There were 14 active buyers and 17 sellers. We had a few club donations. Chris Perry, one skunk, John and Zack Witkowski, one raccoon and Charlie Hohman, one coyote. The club spent $192 on furs, mostly for tanning and we will have a few pelts to send to Fur Harvesters. Thanks to Hoot for donating ½ of his 50/50 winnings back to the club.
Boy Scout troop #524 from Springville did a fine job on providing some great homemade food.
Ken Baginski and Ann Oyer from D.E.C. were on hand to seal pelts and answer any questions. They did a quick muskrat survey, noting the age and sex. They also had a new sign up sheet to compile a “Trapper Mailing List” It requests if the D.E.C. can give out your name and phone number to landowners with nuisance wildlife issues. On the back side of the sheet you can fill in which counties you trap in , which species you trap and finally if you are a licensed NWCO (nuisance wildlife control officer). The sheet will be passed around our meetings , but if you miss it you can contact the D.E.C. directly and speak to Ann or Ken (585-457-3354).
Here is the breakdown of the auction (first is average and second is high):
Beaver — $17.67, $29
Coyote — $10.76, $26
Red Fox — $7.80, $21
Gray Fox — $25, $35
Raccoon — $5.01, $16
Muskrat — $3.24, $4.25
High skunk was $3.50. Beavers held close to last year’s averages, gray fox average was up, but red fox fell short. Muskrats were the same for averages last year and down 50 cents for the high. With all of the buzz around last year’s raccoon prices, we saw a big jump in the number of hides offered, unfortunately our $5 average fell very short of last years $11 and $9 short of the high in 2008. It was a tough trapping season weather wise.
Congratulations to all of you who made the grand effort to continue your trapline despite the projected lower prices for you furs. We can all hope for a better season next year!
Welcome new members Tom Puglisi and Scott Rissinger family. We also had some renewals, Jerry Schuler, Mike Kostler, Racheal Smith and Jim Kruger Family. Duane Walczyk updated to a family membership and Stanley Zydel updated to “Lifetime.” If you know anyone interested in joining our club, please see Patti for an application and our mission statement. Please check your membership date and renew if necessary. Our memberships are as follows, $10 for individual, $15 family, $50 lifetime and $3 Jr. Thank you all for your continued support. On another note, the club renewed our National Trappers Association membership last month.
At our February meeting, Patti did a demo on “Rodent Trapping.” There was much information on the most common ones that you might encounter around the home landscape, which included shrews, meadow voles, moles, deer mice and rats. Tips were given on some ways to distinguish the kind of rodent you might be trying to get rid of. Various I.D. references with pictures and some frozen specimens were passed around. One of her favorite traps and used the most often is the #1 havahart. It will catch even the tiniest mouse, you know, the one who licks the peanut butter clean and never gets caught in your snap trap. Patti noted, if the trapping does not work, then get a golden retriever like her dog Sam. He has no trouble catching meadow voles! Rick is scheduled to do the April meeting demo. If anyone wants to do one in May, sign up. As far as topics for your demo, anything goes!
Our spring Adopt-a-Highway trash pick up will be towards the end of April on a Saturday morning at 9 a.m. We will have a date by next report. We will also enjoy a free pizza lunch at the Glen in Springville afterwards. Please call Patti for the date and if you can help (716-337-2556).
Our meetings are held the second Tuesday monthly at 7:30 p.m. at Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. Anyone interested in trapping is encouraged to come. Please send club correspondence to E.T.C.A., 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons NY 14090. The next meetings will be April 14 and May 12. There will be no June meeting (summer picnic to be announced). Please remember to return videos. — P. Wattengel
Minutes of Meeting — Feb. 8, 2009
14 members present
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Old Business: A deposit was made from the Northeast Sports Show. It was a huge success and thank you to everyone that volunteered. We sold the majority of our fur and so many tickets for the raffle sold that we had to print 600 more by Saturday. The raffle was won by Ralph Silano of Delhi, NY.
Charlie Lamb delivered over 30 letters to the NYSTA BOD at their last meeting concerning the past president Dave Leibeg issue. He said we would receive a reply.
New Business: Butch Jenks won the Nick Pallo Predator Hunt Contest with a 39.5-pound coyote. He took home a grand total of $189 in prize money and $451 was donated to the Pallo family. It was very bad weather and hard hunting conditions. We want to thank all that participated in the hunt and volunteered to make it happen. There was a total of 41 hunters that entered the hunt. Scott Jackson won the FoxPro Caller and all entrants received prizes.
The rent is due on the clubhouse for 2009. We paid the $100 to Onondaga County Parks Dept.
Loren Sigman is doing better and has been transferred to an out-of-state rehab to be near his family. You may send cards to him c/o Loren Sigman II at 917 Roscoe Ave., Beloit, IL 61080 and as always, we wish him our best and a speedy recovery.
Al LaFrance was reimbursed for various newsletter and club expenses.
Thank you to Bill Howe for donating another dozen #110s for our meeting raffle prizes.
Ron Frodelius won the trap raffle and Rich Palmer won the video.
We would like to welcome new member Jerry Svarc to the club.
County reports: None.
Dates to remember: Spring Fur Sale — March 14, 2009 at Pompey Rod and Gun Club. Contact Al LaFrance at 682-2050.
Our Spring Banquet is confirmed for April 19, 2009, a Sunday afternoon from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It will again be held at Al’s Village Diner in East Syracuse. 433-9195. We will be looking for nominations for our Trapper of the Year Award and also for members to be inducted into the IFH Trapper Hall of Fame. Please contact Al Burns with your dinner reservations and nominations at either 415-7509 or 687-1080. Thank you.
Elbridge Sportsman’s Club will be hosting this year’s Women in Nature event. It is open to ladies 12 years old and up. The date is April 25, 2009, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Free breakfast and free lunch. For applications, contact Ed Pugliese at 682-6508. Deadline is March 31.
Ron Frodelius is going to put on a furbearer exhibit on Dec. 9, 2009, at the Manlius Library. He is also putting on a display at the same library on May 30, 2009, with 100 years of wildlife artists from trapping-related magazines.
The next meeting will be Sunday, March 8 at 1 p.m.
From Wayne Jones:
Hello NY Trappers Forum member,
I’d like to take a few minutes to thank you for your past support of the NY Trappers Forum and let you know of a few upcoming events and items of interest. The 5th annual Summer Fur Rondy is fast approaching and with my new position as the vice president of the New York State Trappers Association starting in April, I’ll be planning two conventions this year and will need some help to make both a success. The Summer Rondy online advertising fund auction started today and will run at least two weeks, hopefully three with a few donations. Stop in and take a look. Some nice items are available and if you’d like to donate anything to this auction, please either e-mail, call or send me a PM through the site. The Summer Fur Rondy has always had a trapper training class and the past four years over 120 new trappers have earned their certificates and can now call themselves trappers. Each year it gets harder and harder to find an instructor to take the lead on the class. We always have additional certified instructors on the grounds to help out, but I need someone, preferably from Region 7, to take the lead on the class this year.
The class will be from noon to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 10 and from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 11. If you can help me out, please let me know. I’m also looking for folks from the site to step up and present demos at the Rondy. I have a few lined up, but not enough to fill two days from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. yet. I’m looking for a variety of demos. They don’t even have to be trapping related — turkey calling, black powder hunting, root gathering, you name it. If it’s outdoor-related, I’d like to see it! This year, instead of a gun raffle, we’ll be having a trappers grubstake raffle. I figured we’re all trappers here and need equipment. What better than an opportunity to outfit ourselves? More information on that as it becomes available and items get lined up. If you’d like to donate to that, please let me know as well. I’ve asked for a lot and with these touch economic times, I certainly understand if you can’t donate or purchase items, but I hope to still see you at the Rondy this year.
One final item. The New York State Trappers Association (NYSTA) needs your support. If you’re not currently a member, please consider joining or if you were in the past and let your membership lapse, please reconsider and renew. Each year, the fight to keep our rights as trappers gets harder and with the Democrats in full control of the state legislature, senate and the governor’s seat, the NYSTA executive director’s (Dave Miller) job in Albany certainly won’t get any easier. There are over 10,000 licensed trappers in NY and less than 2,000 of those are members of the NYSTA. If each member would get just one new member to join, we could double our ranks and make us a force to be reckoned with in Albany and provide Dave the money he needs to get the job done.
Thank you.
— Wayne Jones
Feb. 3, 2009
The meeting was called to order.
The newsletter was accepted as written.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Old Business: The highway pick up will be on April 25 at 8:30 a.m. on state route 104b at the turnaround. with a picnic to follow at the Leatherstocking club.
Jim P. is still looking into the club joining the farm bureau.
Jim also sent a letter to Gary Pratt from the club about our thoughts on our current beaver season in the region.
New Business: There was a report on the most recent NYSTA meeting.
It was also announced that the election results were final as no one ran opposed. So John Rockwood is president, Wayne Jones IS VP, Dale Gamba is treasurer and Ed Hogan is the recording secretary. Congratulations to all.
The Sportsmans March on Albany will be March 10. Anyone wishing to ride the bus should contact the Sportsman’s Federation.
The Leatherstocking club will be holding a hunter safety class In March and April to take advantage of the new Light goose season. The contact person can be e-mailed at
The trap raffle took in $86
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
— Charles L Lamb Jr.
This year marks the first year that trappers in NY will be able to vote for their own director to serve on NYSTA’s Board. Five regions will have that opportunity this year. In the past, board members were appointed by the president. With the new bylaws that took effect last year, that is no longer the case. This year, Region 4 East will be among the five regions that have that opportunity. The counties included in 4E are Albany, Schenectady, Columbia, Rensselaer and Greene. If you are in one of these counties and you are interested in running for the position of director or you know of someone who is, I have set up an elections committee within Rensselaer and Columbia Counties. The four-member committee includes David Gentner Sr. – Chairman (518-658-2070), Jerry Leggeri, P.J. Hyde and Dick Leggett.
All inquires should be directed to Dave Gentner since he is the Chairman. Certain qualifications must be met in order to be eligible to run for the position of director and if you’re unsure as to what they are, Dave can tell you. If you would like to put your name in the running or you would like to nominate someone, contact Dave. If there is no answer, please leave a message and he will get back to you. Remember, before nominating someone, make sure you have that person’s approval. Deadline for accepting nominations will be June 1, 2009. If you are unhappy with the way things are done on the state level, then this is your chance to try and make a difference.
— Jim Greeley